All Chapters of Flash Marriage With Cruel Alpha: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
20 Chapters
Chapter 1
Hailey's POVThe roar of the airplane faded into the background, replaced by the bustling noise of Los Angeles.Walking out of the airport, I was welcomed by the blinding sun. As I shielded my eyes, the glitzy scenery came into my view.Edifices scrapping the sky; streets buzzing with traffic; pedestrians wearing chic and stylish outfits…Everything here was a world away from the Mountain Pack I was most familiar with. I was totally amazed and thrilled.Digging in my backpack, I took out my acceptance letter once again. Actually, I had flipped through it like a hundred times, just to confirm that heart-racing news—I'd been admitted to UCLA!The school wouldn't be starting till a month later, but you didn't always get a cheap flight. So I booked a ticket as soon as I saw a discounted one and arrived in Los Angeles ahead of time.I got the acceptance letter from UCLA about a week ago. Thrilled, I showed it to Alpha Johnny immediately.The news brought a joyful smile to his weary face."
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Chapter 2
Hailey's POVWhat the heck?I was about to give him a piece of my mind, but he just walked away without a backward glance."How rude!" Iris grumbled in my mind."Well, perhaps his wolf is a proper gentleman. You never know. Did you guys have a nice chat?" I asked."All he did was howl nonsense. He wouldn't even tell me his name," Iris snorted before fading out from my mind.Just then, someone tapped my shoulder. When I turned around, I saw Frank smile at me."Where did he go?" he asked after looking around."You mean Connor? He just left," I replied, pointing towards the door.Hearing what I said, Frank flew into a rage. "What? He left right after he completed the mating ceremony? How dare he?""No biggie. Just give me the address and I'll find my way there," I comforted him."Problem is, he doesn't live in the Blaze Pack," Frank sighed. "What a gruff and clueless kid. Now you see why he couldn't find a mate. You're not gonna reject him, are you?"I replied in a serious tone, "Of cour
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Chapter 3
Hailey's POV"Sorry, I..." Vita looked at me with a troubled expression, kinda embarrassed about sticking me in a room like this.I patted her hand, reassuring her, "My name's Hailey Carlson. Don't worry, I'll go make coffee after I move all my bags here.""You're a gem, Miss Carlson," she grinned in relief. "Kitchen's to the left of the living room."She dashed off as soon as she finished speaking. Seemed like she was swamped with chores.I hauled my bags into the room on the ground floor. Although it was a room designed for maids, it was spacious and clean enough for me.Having surveyed what was gonna be my temporary residence, I felt quite contented.After taking a deep breath, I was ready to tackle Connor's task. When I strode to the kitchen, however, I was slack-jawed.'Man, this is even bigger than my house back in the Mountain Pack!' I exclaimed inwardly.Calming myself down, I managed to find different types of coffee beans in the cupboard. I grabbed a handful and put them clo
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Chapter 4
Connor's POVI decided to throw a curveball at Hailey, hitting her up with the kind of chores only Omegas needed to do.As a girl scheming for the fancy life through deception, she'd definitely say no right on the spot.In that case, she'd go to Grandpa straight-up to break our mate bond! Since I wasn't the one mentioning it, Grandpa wouldn't nag me about it. What a perfect plan!However, things didn't go the way I wanted. Hailey agreed to my request so quick that my jaw dropped.Gazing at her clear and innocent eyes, I couldn't help but start doubting my judgment.Maybe she wasn't the cunning type I pegged her as?Just as I was on the fence about speaking up, I got a mind-link from Grandpa.He scolded me for leaving Hailey right after the mating ceremony, his growl earsplitting.'Damn it, Hailey must've snitched on me,' I complained to myself, hating her even more."Come meet me in the pack house now," Grandpa ordered, giving me no room to say no.I had to head for the Blaze Pack to
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Chapter 5
Hailey's POVI gazed at Connor with sincerity, hoping that he believed I meant what I said.However, he gave no reply, just savoring the dishes in silence.After he finished the food on his plate, he demanded, "Wash all the clothes before you go to bed." With that, he strode out of the dining room.I watched as his figure faded down the corridor, feeling confused.'What a weirdo,' I murmured.To get to know Connor better, I made friends with Vita this afternoon. Turned out he got this quirk about hating strangers crash over at his spot.So, those Omegas and cooks would come at scheduled times and leave right after they finished their jobs.Since it was late in the night, naturally, it was just Connor and me in this spacious villa.Now that he returned to his room, I was all alone.And the villa became even quieter.I felt a bit lonely, but also kinda digging the freedom.After I headed back to my room, I opened my suitcases and started to sort out my stuff.The wardrobe was so huge th
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Chapter 6
Connor's POVAfter warning Hailey, I returned to my room. Truth was, quiet or not, a good night's sleep was impossible for me.Every night, I had to try blanking out my brain. It was the only way I could get some rest. Less noise would make it easier for me to do so, though.Good thing she didn't make a peep after that.The next morning, I woke up as the sunlight shone through the curtains.After washing up, I came downstairs, wondering what Hailey would cook for breakfast. To my surprise, the dining table was empty.I couldn't help but sneer, thinking, 'I knew she was putting on an act! After just one day, she gave up. Well, talk about persistence.'I turned around, ready to leave. But just as I passed by the laundry room, I caught a scene through the cracked door that astonished me—Hailey was lying out cold on the floor.I gasped, a weird surge of anxiety running through me.Then I rushed over and carried her out. Her body was so soft, which keyed up the unease in me.Werewolves rar
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Chapter 7
Hailey's POVThe last thing I remembered was that I finally fixed the washer. And just as I was about to run it, I blacked out.Well, to be precise, I fell asleep.I even dreamed of Connor. Playing some loud music to wake me up.By the time I woke up, it was about noon.To my surprise, I was back in my room instead of lying on the cold floor.'Did Vita find me and bring me back?' I wondered.As I turned my head, however, I found a guy sleeping on the sofa with his back against me.Curious, I crept up on him, and a familiar face came into view. It was Connor.I immediately stepped back, almost screaming out of shock.I thought, 'Why is he sleeping in my room?'So it wasn't a dream? He was the one who brought me back here?'After making sure that he showed no signs of waking up, I sighed in relief.Since I got nothing else to do, I started observing him, my mate. His pajamas' hem was crawled up, revealing a bit of his tight waist. A ray of sunlight filtered in through the curtains and s
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Chapter 8
Connor's POVBack in the room, I stood in front of the wardrobe, trying to pick out today's outfit. After pondering for a while, I chose a deep blue shirt, figuring it could bring out my chill vibes.After fixing up my collar in front of the mirror, I started clipping my cufflinks. Thinking of Hailey, I couldn't help sneering.'Wanna butter Grandpa up and manipulate me? She's cunning indeed! Well, maybe I should just let her invite Grandpa. See what she's got up her sleeve.'Snapping out of it, I went downstairs, only to find Hailey buzzing around the dining room.The morning sunlight streamed through the window, casting a golden halo on her.She looked a bit down, probably 'cause of how I brushed her off earlier."You wanna invite Grandpa? Go ahead," my voice cut through the silence.Hearing my words, she stopped what she was doing, turning around with a surprised look.Didn't see that coming, huh?"Y-you're cool with that?" she asked hesitantly.I sneered, "Of course. Make sure you
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Chapter 9
Hailey's POVI thought Connor had already forgiven me, as he didn't mention what happened this morning again the entire day.Now that he was kicking me out, I realized I was being too naïve.But I never meant to hurt him. It was just my gut.Iris let out a whimper in my mind, seeming disheartened."It was all my fault," she murmured."No," I immediately reassured her. "It's great to stay alert. It's what saved us from those boars, remember?"She just replied with a grumble.I tried to cheer her up, saying how living here wasn't free. There were too many rules, and we both needed some breathing room."Iris, I know it's tough, but we gotta stay strong," I concluded.She signed, "Hailey. I get it, but it sucks seeing Connor treat you like that.""He doesn't get us, and probably never will," I replied, feeling a bit down."But we can't just throw in the towel. We've promised Frank," she said, sounding all determined."Hell no, and honestly, I'll have to spend all my time doing chores if I
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Chapter 10
Hailey's POVThe name sounded incredibly familiar.One of Connor's buddies mentioned it the first day I rocked up at this villa. Saying things like she was a good match for him.Putting on a polite smile, I greeted, "Hello."Elena gave a curt nod, then sauntered over to the living room, plopping down on the sofa. With a tone that commanded attention, she piped up, "I'd like a cup of coffee, please."I froze for a bit. Eventually, I still went to the kitchen.Just as I was about to get brewing, however, Elena suddenly changed her mind."Hold up," she said, a disdainful smile curled at the corner of her mouth. "Almost forgot Matt told me you sucked at making coffee."I paused, feeling embarrassed."Never mind. I'll do it then," she went on, her tone filled with pride. "Now, watch and learn."Elena took out a bag of coffee beans from the counter and poured some into the coffee machine.Part of me wanted to bail, but leaving her here felt kinda rude.So I just stood aside, quietly watchin
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