All Chapters of One Night With The Billionaire : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
43 Chapters
It was Richard all this while? What is he now, a spirit? And when did he start walking without making sounds?He scared the hell out of me, I wish I could warn him not to try this with me next time, But unfortunately, he’s my alpha and I won’t dare.“I didn’t know it was you, how long have you been here?”I couldn’t even look at his face while asking him questions, can someone take me back to college, please?I feel like a teenager right whenever I’m around him, I just can’t explain having feelings for two men, at the same time.“Did I get you scared ?” he said looking right at my face but I couldn’t still face him, what should I answer him now, yes or no?Well, I had to pretend to be brave so I kindly told him. “No you didn’t, I thought it was something trying to crawl in, and the kids are downstairs, so I was concerned about them more “.Hmm, why does he smile like that? Gave me the feeling, I know you're scared kinda but didn’t want to say, of course, I’m scared, won’t you be scare
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Ok since he already got me what to wear, I should do them, and they look really beautiful by the way, So it won’t be bad doing new things.This is the first time Richard is getting a present for me since this marriage thing began.-Richard’s POV-Why does she always look surprised with everything I do for her? We are in a marriage even though it’s not real but it’s something, so she should get used to whatever happens in it.She’s just full of drama and reacts over everything, I wish I could help keep that in check, but don’t think I have all that time.Well getting her this dress was international, and I wouldn’t mind doing that more often going forward, she’s my wife, right? And everyone believes that, so she should look like it when she’s with me.But it looks like she always overemphasis on little kind of gestures, Just hope she doesn’t see them as anything deep.I wouldn’t want to hurt her feelings reason why I don’t want to give her high hopes is that I know it will get to that
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Everyone is busy with chores and the house glittering like it’s Christmas, wow coming here is always fun I can’t even deny that, just that Mark’s presence will always spoil everything. I was just taking a walk around the castle and admiring everything around it, and yes I’m pleased with what I’m seeing, decided to sit and rest a bit before dinner time, when Christy came out to join me.“Gabriella my favorite daughter inlaw” Wow that’s a good feeling knowing that someone is already seeing me as the favorite, that’s good.She’s here probably to ask me questions, lord please guide my words so I don’t end up saying things out of context, she looks friend-friendly by the way, there’s no need to get scared over anything.“Hello Christy,” I said feeling quite awkward cause I don’t feel comfortable addressing her with that, sounds disrespectful and I hope I can get used to calling her that someday without feeling some kind of way.“Good girl, I see you getting used to the name.”I seriously
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-Gabriella’s POV-Mark should not be this close to my girls, I can’t trust him with them, he should be miles away from them, cause he’s not to be trusted.I thought I had told these children a couple of times not to play with everybody they see, my goodness! Who knows what he must have told them?Ok Gabriella you need to take it easy right now, not you will do something you might regret later, Yea I think that’s right Let me think of the best way to handle this.“There you are, I have been looking for you girls”I quickly walked towards them leveled down to their height and hugged them.“We are Sorry mummy, we didn’t want to disturb you while with grandma, so we decided to play out here”Amber quickly said why still in my arms, and I could see how Mark stood like a statue watching me and the kids while we hugged.“Mum look, we met this uncle here again, “ Amber said pointing at Mark in excitement, It is a good thing she referred to him as uncle, I was scared I thought he must have fed
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-Mark’s POV-What in God’s name is keeping Veronica from getting here? Is it when everybody must have gone? She seriously needs to speed it up cause I don’t know what the delay is about.Maybe I should call her, 'cause there’s not much time, of what use will she be to me if she arrives here late and I don’t get to accomplish my plan, it’s useless you know?She’s always too busy to answer her calls, Pick your damn call bitch! I hope this girl doesn’t spoil my day really, If she wasn’t gonna come why not inform me earlier so I can get someone to do this for me?She should better not mess with my plans, cause I will make sure I kill her! And now is quite late to go for an alternative, hmmm.Lord, what am I going to do now? Wait looks like my phone is vibrating, it’s Veronica! Crazy girl she’s calling back, where was she though?“Hello Veronica, where are you please?” I said sounding so impatient over the phone, and I’m sure she can feel it from there.“If you won’t come again please tel
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-Mark’s POV-Wow, how I love this feeling, just look how every attention is on me and the best part is knowing That Gabriella’s whole attention is on me. Well is a good thing she came late, looks like this family day is strictly going to be all about me, I gently led Veronica to where to sit, pulled out the chair, and waited for her to sit before I could leave.I made sure she was properly seated before going to my chair, I could see Gabriella’s whole attention was on us and that’s just the way I wanted it, sat down and greeted everyone by bowing my head.Isn’t this beautiful, of course it is and I’m enjoying every bit of it.-Veronica’s POV- Where exactly I’m I? I’m in the wrong space, what is going on here? Why do I have Gabriella and Mark at the same table with me?“Lord Please help me out of this mess, please lord, did Mark do this international so they both could get back at me or something, I can’t seem to wrap my head around what is going on here.I don’t know if I should gr
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-Gabriella’s POV-Girlfriend? guess he was just joking or Just said so to escape Christy on ending questions,I have heard Richard mention a couple of times, how his mum can be very interrogative, and I hope this is his way of trying to escape that cause.This isn’t making any sense to me. She’s your girlfriend, how? Or could it be these two have been in a proper relationship all this while and I have been a fool all along?Okay if he had her as his girlfriend why does he keep coming back to me? And even said he would do anything to have me back, while he had his girlfriend, my very own ex-best friend.Interesting huh? It’s fine let me not overreact at this yet, I guess there’s still more to unravel in this very situation right now.-Veronica’s POV-Did Mark just get me introduced as his girlfriend in the presence Of Gabriella? Did I just hear right?The plan was to come to act as his girlfriend in his family and little did I know Gabriella would be here, so if I’m his girlfriend what
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-Veronica’s POV-It was as if the world was going to come to an end, How was I able to handle that though? These are the worst days of my life, I’ve never felt this low for so long.Now I feel even more of a failure than I felt in the past, looking at Gabriella in front of me looking like a prince and finding out she’s a wife to them is the worst thing that can happen to anyone.Gabriella is married to Mr. Wong the richest sexy man in town? Oh God! How did you choose to bless some people and leave the rest to struggle, Gabriella wasn’t even any way close to my beauty but look how you just made her a queen in my presence.She even has kids and my goodness those girls are some epitome of beauty, I have never seen a thing like, that in my whole life, what should I do now?Lord I promise I’m going to be the most loyal daughter if you ever give me half of what you’ve giving to Gabriella, I promise not to go back to my old ways, I promise to be a good daughter to you lord,I seriously have
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-Mark’s POV-Wondering why she wanted to see me, the plan was to stick with me and draw Gabriella’s whole attention to me, the game had not started, yet she was beating herself up this way.I hope meeting up is not to tell me how she likes me and all that, hope she doesn’t even mention that at all, she will end up hating my other side. On a serious note, what can I possibly be doing with a girl like Veronica, someone who has the heart to betray her own best friend, may God forbid I even think of having anything to do with her?If she could do that to her best friend, definitely she wouldn’t hesitate to do it in marriage, guess it’s already part of her lifestyle.Yea, so I will meet up tomorrow, cause I have even more plans, that I would love her to work with me on.-Gabriella’s POV-And truly what I just witnessed wasn’t a mere act they were dating, he introduced her to his family, and of course, it’s not a thing of today which means I have been the foolish one here all along.Wait a
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I’m seriously finding it difficult to understand what I just saw, but whatever it is I just hope is not what I’m thinking, I will try not to dive to conclusions.Cause he might be talking with a business partner and I’m here assuming things, I think Is best I take things slow.It’s a Monday evening and I just returned from work, attended to the chores, and decided to watch the news but going back to my room was hard for me at that point.I walked up to the girls, and asked if I could use the television in the living room to watch the news, but these kids refused and asked me to go to my room and do that.“Mum you know you can always use the television in your room right?” Amber literally don’t like anyone distracting her when watching her cartoons, especially if it’s her favourite character showing.“Yes Mummy, Just use your room” Sofia will want to, but it’s almost like their have one mind and so she wouldn’t want to betray her twin.“I know girls but I’m too tired to go upstairs now
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