All Chapters of One Night With The Billionaire : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
43 Chapters
What exactly does he mean by that, and how do I look by the way? Well, I just hope he isn’t making a mockery of me but I am starving, and nothing he says now can cause me to change my mind from taking from this delicious meal right in front of me.Whatever that means, I think it would be nice if he spoke to me like I’m human and not some AI he has working for him in his company.“How do you me?” I asked, curious to find out what he meant by that, I think I need some clarity on what is happening.Yes, I was dead hungry and couldn’t wait to devour that delicious meal I saw staring back at me, taking from the food on the table and walking away just like he never said such demeaning words to me wouldn’t cost me a thing.Whatever the case may be I’m sure I deserve some respect, and it would be nice if he accorded me that and not speak to me like some piece of trash. But no I insisted I wanted to know his reasons for what he said, so I proceeded by asking him once more cause he acted like
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-Mark’s POV-Well Gabriella I didn’t come here so we could start beating ng around the bush, I came here for a reason which is to try another chance with you.Don’t get me wrong Okay? I know you're married to my uncle, yes, but I think we are kinda meant for each other considering his age difference. And I will never have peace knowing that you are in the arms of an older man.Look Gabriella I waited for you I thought you would come back for me, I gave up a lot of job offers just so I could remain in town and not change location, cause something was telling me you would come back for me.But I guess I was wrong anyway, 'cause you chose to go for someone who weighs older than you are, and from what I figured out you're not happy in this union, cause the whole thing looks strange to me.There’s no chemistry anywhere between you guys, You tend to force communication but that’s by the way and I don’t want to say exactly, what my mind is telling me. So I’m going to ask you Gabriella and p
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What insolence, and I think I had better keep a distance from this young man cause I can’t imagine This back and forth He would have been the ideal man for me but he chose my best friend instead, It keeps bothering me though, what exactly did she do that Got Mark attracted to her?I was ready to make our relationship work, and I gave it my all, I tried to be the best I could but he chose to cheat on me with my own best friend, I think whatever attracted him to Veronica should be good enough to make him consider getting married to her.Wow, it looks like I’m going to get home late today, I suddenly said to myself when I checked my time, I quickly got the rest of my work done cause I was wondering what would happen to my kids If I didn’t get to pick them up in time.Cause from the look of things Richard looked like he was having a busy scheduled day, and I doubted if he was going to make it to their school today, I quickly got the things I needed to go home with and hurriedly left the
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-Mark’s POV-Oh wow, Gabriella ran away with my pregnancy, so she knew she was pregnant for me and didn’t bother to let me know about it?Did she think taking a thing like this away from me would make her feel any better? And now she’s having my children grow under my uncle, making him believe he’s the biological father of them.Well, the last thing I would tolerate is watching another man raise my kids while I’m still alive, May God forbid that.The girls look really beautiful and I wish I was there when they were a bit tender, at least to build the Bond, but I’m here now and I will try my best to be the best dad I can be.I couldn’t wait for her to come closer cause I had tons of questions to ask her, And I couldn’t wait to get the answers to them. They move closer and the one on the left-hand side looks even more beautiful, oh my goodness how I wish I could receive a warm hug from her She looks so innocent.Can I just hear her call me daddy Already? I said dying of imagination bu
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It’s almost impossible to think Mark still has this many feelings for me, seeing him drop tears moments after we left where he is.Could this be real? A lot of questions thrilled through my mind, cause it’s hard to believe thou,I loved him more but ever since I caught him cheating everything died.So I doubt whatever feelings he has towards me right now is anything close to real,Cause If I could move on like nothing ever existed between the both of us, then I see no reason why he’s finding it difficult to do so too.Unless he’s got some plan going down his mind, But whatever that is I will make sure he doesn’t pull through with it, and I will try my best to see him stop real fast. Hmmm... I took a long breath knowing that was still almost impossible, cause how could I possibly not see him when I’m practically married into his family?A lot of thing looks so impossible right now and hope I can come up with an idea on how to fix this mess, Cause I’ve quite fallen for Richard but it’s
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I stood there and battled with the thoughts in my head, As I watched Richard picked up his car keys and left the living room.Whatever got him into this mood did it in my favor, Oh how I wish things would continue this way, I just want to always see him this happy at least,It would give room for long-lasting conversation who knows things might turn out just the way I want them. I was lost in another deep imagination when I suddenly realized myself.Took the girls upstairs, washed them up then changed them into a home way, and brought them downstairs, So now let's think of things to keep us busy.We need to get busy till the arrival of Richard, cause he already lifted off the burden of making dinner from me that evening.But first I need to find out what they wanna do too, cause they are my little mistress, their opinion counts too,“ So girls which do you wanna do first, attend to your homework or wait for daddy to come back?”The look on their faces already says it all, especially
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The kids look all happy over the news of going to the granny’s, and I don’t know if I should be happy too cos the last visit didn’t turn out well.Whenever Richard has a plan to go to his family, either the family has a gathering or something, and if that’s the case, it means I will be seeing Mark again.I just hope it isn’t a gathering anyway, cause I’m not ready for any form of drama, at least not now.I need to recover from all the ones I’ve gone through.I slowly opened my eyes and it was 6:30 in the morning already,I quickly rushed out of the bed.My goodness! How could I sleep this deep and forget I have kids to get ready for school, I said while rushing to the twin's room to wake them up so they could get prepared for school.Got in gently and tapped them on their legs to wake up, Amber Rose was in a hurry like she had been waiting for me to come wake her up, while Sofia reluctantly opened her eyes and gently came down from the bed.“Okay girls we need to hurry, so you don’t
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-Gabriella’s POV-Should I be happy that Richard complimented me for the first time, or should I be worried about the penalty that comes with lateness?My goodness, I tried snapping out the mixed feelings it was almost impossible, cause I didn’t know what Richard had in the box for me.Well, I won’t let this thought ruin my day, I need to get to work immediately.Meanwhile, I have some designs Richard asked me to work on earlier, maybe I should use this moment to look at them.I hope that helps, Cause my brain is stressed and needs something that can deviate my mind a little right now.-Maria’s POV-Well, I don’t know the secret behind Gabriella’s Beauty today, but she looks stunning, I mean different from the picture everybody knew.Could it be she’s pregnant? Cause I’ve once heard early pregnancy makes women glow.She’s just lucky, I mean who would be around Mr. Wong and not look extremely gorgeous, Just looking at him can give one peace of mind.I kinda envy her though, wish I coul
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-Veronica POV-Can’t believe I ran into Gabriella after all these years, And she’s looking very beautiful, but what could be her secret?After many years of disappearing to only God knows where I was expecting to see some shattered human, but unfortunately she looked different from what I expected.Yeah I know I wasn’t a nice friend and all that, but you can’t blame me for what I did, 'cause she’s always getting the best attention, and every guy that comes around me wants to be with her.It wasn’t really easy being her friend but at the same time, the best among every other friend I had around me then, I wondered how I allowed jealousy to destroy what we had.Seeing her again reminded me of a whole lot of things, and I’m just wondering if she would consider having me as a friend ever again, if not besties at least just friendship. I’ve missed a lot.But I don’t know how I could achieve that when she bluntly refused to give me her contact, and even her pleasantries were displeasing a
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And I didn’t think it would be that easy and faster, But I guess the universe is working in my favor, now chapter one is sealed.Well, Gabriella should get ready, I’m sure she’s not ready for what’s coming.- Veronica’s POV- I can’t explain what’s going on, because how can I explain, I met Gabriella just earlier today and now Mark is talking to me on the phone.The two people I ruined their relationship? Hmm, unbelievable, but why I’m always a substitute is what I can’t seem to wrap my head around.I’m I not good enough? Will it be a crime if Mark proposes a relationship to me? Can’t I be for keeps?This whole thing is becoming even more depressing than I think, cause how can I be living in misery all my life?Lord please I need my own, I’m tired of all these things happening around me, Okay look at Gabriella that I thought I was doing to get back at, look at how beautiful and rich she’s looking now.Why I’m here still my old self, exactly how she left me, Now he called and wants
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