All Chapters of One Night With The Billionaire : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
43 Chapters
After calling Gabriella a couple of times last night and she declined, Mark decided to call Veronica and tell her where to meet up, he stayed an hour, and two hours and was about to leave the place when Veronica ran in panting.“It took you long to get here again, why are you always late to things?”Mark was not having it all cause that was not the first time the same thing had happened.“I’m so sorry Mark, promise it’s not intentional “Veronica said spreading her finger on her chest.“That’s Okay, I think we should just get to it real quick but before then what drink do you do?”Veronica said her brand and the bartender’s attention was called.They were served with their various brand of drink and after about 3 bottles they decided to take it slow so they can be able to understand each other when they commenced with the business of the day.“I think we need to stop at this one so we don’t end up saying things unrelated “Mark suggested and Veronica thought it was a great idea and t
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It was Tuesday morning and Gabriella ensured she was early at work, the surprising thing was how disorganized everywhere was,There was little or no seriousness among the workers and she was wondering what the case may be, she didn’t want to confront anyone but stood by the side to observe.She couldn’t figure anything out still, well she felt she should settle in first and know what to do with her day at work, she was on her way to her office when she started hearing voices but didn’t get the pictures clear.The voices were becoming even louder this time she stopped to listen to what these people were saying and she was shocked by the things she heard.The voices say’ It’s a good thing the president is not at work today so they would have all the time for their selves, some people gave their support while some were seriously minding their business.One of the girls there tried to caution them and went back to her duty, while some were throwing their support and it became even louder
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My goodness! What happened to my child? I quickly rushed there to take my child from them, and while I was about to pull Amber out I looked towards the school entrance and saw Richard coming in in a hurry.What! how possible is that? How was he able to do that? My goodness! He moved closer took Amber from my hand headed to the school authorities, how did he find out about the incident, I knew nothing about it.It was while in the office of the management I got to find out that the school called Richard, to inform him about the incident and he practically left everything he traveled for to come back for his child.“So what happened to my daughter?” Richard asked the manager of the school with a very mean face.“We are sorry Mr. Wong, we can’t even explain how it happened but I guess this injury was sustained from playing with a fellow kid”Richard doesn’t seem like he understands what the man is trying to say, he has to ask him to make sure the man understands his questions before be
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Returning from the grocery store was about to unpack the items I got, and I felt my phone vibrate quickly ran to check and it was my mum.My goodness! It’s my mum, why did she call? Hope everyone is well at home. Did anything happen to my father? A lot of questions were trooping through my mind and I didn’t know what to do either cause I was scared to answer the call, I didn’t know if someone must’ve told her I lived here with a man. I quickly picked up the call to find out the reason she was calling.“Hello Mother, good evening” I was scared to answer this call but I needed to try hard to pull myself together, so she wouldn’t notice it was from where she was.“How are you Gabriella?” she sounded like someone who had something to say to me, I was scared at this point, what could I possibly tell her? Oh lord please help me.“I’m fine mummy, how are Dad and everyone at home?”I reluctantly asked cause I was trying to figure out where her questions would come from, so I could know how t
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Mr. Armani, Gabriella’s father seems quite restless, it appears he’s been the one pressing the wife Mrs. Armani to call Gabriella on the phone.He woke up that morning and thought about it, it was then he realized how long he had stayed without hearing from his child Gabriella, the worst case was her number wasn’t connecting.Each time he calls, it keeps giving the same response.He couldn’t hold it back anymore, so he went to his wife Mrs. Armani, and discussed with her the things bothering him, it was then Mrs. Armani who felt the need to call Gabriella on the phone.To know how she and the kid are fearing.“Did her number connect, and what did she say?” Mr. Armani who had been waiting patiently for her to call Gabriella and tell him what they talked about, came down to where Mrs. Armani his wife was watering her garden and asked.“Yes I Just got off the phone with her,” she said dropping the Can down on the floor.“How is she and the kids?” Mr Armani asked.“Well from her voice sh
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Mrs. Armani who seemed confused with what just happened didn’t know what to do at first, she was confused on seeing her husband lying on the floor lifeless. How can she explain to the world that she only served dinner for herself and her husband, and her husband died after eating the food she prepared? She stood for some while looking confused and speechless, some minutes later it occurred to her that her husband needed medical attention and not just to stand and watch him die.She quickly rushed to grab her phone and called for assistance, and Mr. Armani was taken to the hospital. Mrs. Armani stayed in the hospital all through, she has been restless going from one station to the other, Wondering what happened.-Mrs.Armani-I’ve never seen anything as mysterious as this in my 45 years of living on this earth.What happened is what I can’t seem to explain, and I’m scared if anything goes wrong the world might say I killed him because, cause In actual sense, it looks like it.It’s
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Gabriella knew going without Amber was impossible, and she couldn’t equally leave with Sofia unless with the both of them. She thought about what to do once more, cause it was also pointless going to her parents without their grandchildren which they had missed so much,It was a hard one to decide on.She thought about going to meet Richard again at least to know if she could be allowed to go with Sofia to make it easier on her, Cause failure to leave with any of them she will have a lot of explanations to give.She quickly rushed to Richard’s room very early in the morning, before he left for work, She stood there for some while knocking on the door, before Richard finally opened the door himself.“What is it?” Richard who was still dressing up for work came out holding his tie in his hand, wondering what Gabriella was doing at his door by that time instead of getting ready for her journey.“Please can I talk to you about something? Promise I won’t take your time”Gabriella said p
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Gabriella thought the world was coming to an end, at this point, she just had to think fast before things went completely wrong.Mrs Armani on the other hand, doesn’t seem to understand what Sofia meant by daddy so she turned to Gabriella immediately to find out what the little girl meant by daddy.“What does she mean by that Gabriella?” Mrs Armani asked Gabriella who turned her face away.“What does she mean by what Mummy?” She tried to cover up but her mum wasn’t buying it.“Sofia just said something about Daddy right now, can you explain to me what she meant?”“Oh that, you know Sofia and Amber a lot mum, they create stories most time from their head”Gabriella tried hard not to give her mum reasons to doubt her, she stood her ground boldly.“Yeah about Amber, why isn’t she here with you?” Gabriella blinked like she had some piece of sand thrown into her eyes, she was surprised like she didn’t expect this part of the question to come this early.“Yeah mum, Amber had an injury fro
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Mrs. Armani became very angry at hearing Sofia mention daddy in her speech the second time, She held the young girl by her two hands wondering what to ask her.But No, Sofia is the wrong person to answer these questions even though she will give me all the answers I need, I think Gabriella should explain to me what I just heard the second time.She quickly turned to Gabriella in anger and gave her this scary look, then began to ask her questions.“Ok Gabriella I need the truth, and I need it now!”She said hitting her two legs.“Mum this is not why I am here,” She said trying to make her mum have a change of mind.“This is why you are here Gabriella, and can you start talking please?”Mrs. Armani sounded so impatient and the only thing she was interested in at that moment was the answer to what she asked.Gabriella picked up her box took Sofia’s hand and was about to leave the room when her mother pulled her back, and insisted she must give her an answer to her question.“Young lady
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It appears Mr. Armani planned it out himself, he thought about it and realized Gabriella might not come as she said, and the only thing that’s likely to bring her home is something as tragic as this. “ Father you scared me” Gabriella quickly ran to him and gave him a warm hug.“But Dad hope you realised how expensive that prank was?”Sad Gabriella said trying to explain how she felt to her father.“ Yes Gabriella I know, and that was the only I could bring you down here real fast”Mr. Armani who seemed so happy to see his daughter Gabriella expressed his joy.“It's fine Daddy, I’m here now and I’ve missed you so much, do you know I thought I was going to lose you? It’s good to see you again Dad”She tapped the father on the shoulder and ran away, he stood up from his and ran after her, he played with Gabriella like she was still the baby he gave birth to.While they ran around the room Sofia wondered why her mum was running around like something was wrong with her.She called her gra
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