All Chapters of One Night With The Billionaire : Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
43 Chapters
Gabriella's POVI dragged my tired body up the stairs, heading to my boyfriend's apartment.I was so tired and I just needed to cuddle with him and sleep. Work at the cafe was hectic today. I opened the door and I paused when I noticed the extra pair of shoes in the living room, feminine shoes I might add, but the living room remained empty which confused me. Did Mark have someone over? If he did where are they? I notice the Chanel bag on the sofa and my heart starts pounding.A billion thoughts cross my mind but I shake them off, instantly refuting them. No, no. Mark won't do that to me.Slowly, trying to make as little noise as I possibly could, I went towards the bedroom, hoping for anything except to see my boyfriend cheating on me. I hear voices inside the room and I pause, my hands shaking just a few inches from the door handle.The sounds I heard inside our bedroom brought tears to my eyes. And I turned around, wanting to run away and not confront him.But the greater part
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I stood at the entrance of the club, everything in me screaming to get out of there and go back home. Veronica was the party type, not me, she usually dragged me to her parties whenever she went for one but they usually didn't interest me.Now here I am, at my first party without her.I had gotten a room in the hotel just in case anything happened and home was too far for me to go. “Are you gonna go in or not?" The bouncer asked, obviously tired of me standing there and not doing anything. I turned to look at him to see him staring at me with an eye eyebrowed and interest clearly in his eyes. He looked Italian and was very attractive. Taking one deep breath, I give him an apologetic smile before walking in.I just need to unwind and I'd be fine.Heading straight to the bar, I sit on a stool and look around, unsure of what to do.“You look lonely." I hear a voice say from beside me and I turn, meeting a pair of boring brown eyes. His hair was also a boring shade of brown and his lo
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When I woke up, the bed was empty and I was the only one in the room. I had freshened up, taken my bag, and headed out.I saw the bouncer from yesterday and I walked up to him about to ask for his number when he whipped around spotting me.His face morphed into guilt and he started apologizing.I was confused about what he was apologizing for until he cleared my initial confusion, throwing me into a greater one.“I'm sorry about last night. I said I was going to come back but I couldn't." He apologized sincerely and I looked at him shocked and confused.What's he talking about? If he was not the one that came into my room last night, who did? “I would make it up to you, I promise." He rubbed my arm, then walked away leaving me standing there confused and speechless.Who came into my room last night? Who did I have sex with?Oh my… This is the kind of thing Veronica did, not me. Having sex with strangers just for the fun of it. Clutching my bag tightly, I made my way to exit hoping
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Everything was awkward for me when his eyes met mine and then went to my intern tag hanging from my shoulders. I was really happy when he didn't say anything about the way I behaved in the elevator and I didn't lose my internship. After briefing us about everything, we were told the ropes of what we do. Which is obviously to design clothes and bring designs to life.The rest of the day had gone back quickly and soon, I was out of the building rushing home. I felt eyes on me when I left the building and I turned around, meeting the stares of the president from an office on the top floor.Smiling, I wave my hands at him then turn around grimacing.I just hope I keep this job. The rest of the month flew by hectically and I've been avoiding my boss as much as I could.“What do you mean you can't come in today?" I asked my children's nanny in surprise. She wasn't here on time like she usually was and had called me to let me know that she wouldn't be coming in today.After she apologize
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My eyes went to the bench where Sofia and Amber were sitting but I found the bench empty.Where are my girls? They were there the last time I looked.Panicking, I looked around the room, hoping to see them playing somewhere but there was no sign of them. With my heart pounding lightly and the fear of them getting kidnapped, I ran out searching for them.Where could they have gone?I got busy for a while and I could check up on them and now they are gone.I was still searching for them when I got a call from an unknown number, with fear of it being a kidnapper, I answered the call with shaky hands.“Miss Armani, your children are at the Wong mansion. Come here to get them.” And with that, the line goes dead.The Wong mansion? Isn't that where the president, Mr Wong stays?Why does he have my children?With my purse in hand, I run out of the building, flagging down a taxi and showing him the address to take me to.When I got there I had paid and I ran out, running into his house.“Momm
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Hearing my words, Mr Wong gives me a cold smile, a smile I'm beginning to hate so much." Glad we have agreed. You'd be coming with me to meet my family soon. Do not make mention of this contract to them. Or anyone for that matter. To the whole world, we met on Jeju Island sometime three years ago, and we hit off and had sex. You left without giving me your contact info and we didn't see each other for three years. Till I ran into you a couple of months ago here in LA and we started seeing each other again then got married cause we can't live without the other. That's easy to understand, isn't it?” He asked like he was daring me to say I didn't.But how was I supposed to understand all that when he was speaking so fast?He's looking for reasons to not like me, that much is obvious.How do I explain to my parents that I came here single and now I'm suddenly married to a freaking billionaire?“If you would please speak slowly, then it would be appreciated,” I say, faking a smile. And i
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Maria stared at me in disbelief while I stared at Mr Wong.Why would he tell her that I'm his wife?“Mommy." Amber tugged on my clothes and I turned my attention to her, looking down at her.“Yes, baby?” I ask her, ignoring Mr Wong’s piercing gaze.“Daddy got Fifi a husband." She tells me and I can see the excitement in her eyes as she says this.Fifi is her plush toy.But I feel like she's not excited about the toy but more excited that she has someone to call daddy and do things with.Smiling at her, I rub her cheek affectionately, not sure of what to say.“What are you still doing here? Want to see if J can fire you?" Mr Wong barks and I turn my attention to Maria who has been standing there, watching us with shock.After she left, I turned to him with my arms crossed on my chest.“Why did you call me your wife?” I ask and he looks at me and then smirked.“Is that why your face is red right now? Because I called you that? Do you remember Clause Three of the contract?” He questions
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“Look how pretty she is. Oh, Richard, you should keep this one.” She says with her arms still around me and I turn to Richard for help, he looks at my arms that are still lying limply by my sides and gives me a cold glare.Instantly, I take my arms around her and hug her back. This seems to make her pleased because she hums.“What about my grandchildren? Where are they?" She asks after breaking our hug, going into the car to look inside.“Well?" She looks at me, and then her eyes move to Richard, waiting for our answers.She seemed so excited to meet them and for some reason, I felt happy. At least I know they would get accepted into this family and wouldn't get bullied by anyone.“They stayed with the nanny. I wanted Gabby to meet you without the children so she wouldn't feel overwhelmed by everything. You'd meet them soon" Richard says, holding my waist and I wondered if that was truly the reason he didn't bring them or if he was just telling his mom that just because.“Don't worry,
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Everyone at the table stared at us in confusion, looking between us two.If Mark had acted like he didn't know me then everything would have been better.Even Richard seemed surprised that we knew each other.“You two know each other?" Christy asked surprised, asking the question everyone wanted to ask."No.” I forced out at the same time he answered with a “Yes."I look at him, glaring at him furiously. If he thinks that everything would be okay between us, he is just dreaming.“Gabby, I've been looking all over for you. You changed your number and you moved out of your place, you left without saying anything and you didn't give me a chance to explain what had happened." Mark starts and my grip on the spoon tightens more.I feared that I would break the spoon with how tight my grip on it was."Mind the way you talk to my wife," Richard says, placing his hand over mine on the table to release my grip on the spoon.Mark's eyes go to our hands, and a frown forms on his face.“Wife?" He
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I open my eyes when I feel myself being lifted, holding onto Richard's jacket.“What are you doing?" I asked groggily.He was walking toward his mansion with me in his arms, I was expecting him to wake me up when we got to his place.“You are sleepy, sleep." He orders, still not keeping me down.“What about the kids? I need to check on them to know if they are alright. What if they need me?” I ask him, hoping that would be enough reason for him to let me down. But he doesn't."I can walk,” I say, staring up at him. It was dark already, but the lights were on around the house.“You have to go to work tomorrow. Sleep. You'd need the energy to make up for all you missed today.” He says and I groaned causing him to chuckle.I forgot about that. He pushed open a room door and carried me to the bed, gently placing me on it.“Thank you for today." He says then walks away, not giving me the chance to say anything else.What was he thanking me for? It's part of the contract for me to act as hi
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