

By:  Samia Summers  Ongoing
Language: English
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Struggling, single mother, Zoe is down on her luck, living dollar to dollar and fighting to keep it together for her kids when her past comes crashing back into her life, literally, when she crashes her rusty old car into the back of a sleek, black sports car. Greyson Elliot, CEO, the most powerful man in LA stood before her demanding her insurance details. There was something so familiar about him but it couldn't be, could it? It couldn't be the same scrawny, poverty-stricken Greyson Elliot she and her friends bullied in high school? When Greyson offers her a job so he can recoup the cost of his car her life dizzying turn for the better. But can Zoe handle the new Greyson? Just when she thinks she's gotten things under control her abusive ex threatens to do everything he can to ruin her and their three innocent children.

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Darneshia Hunt
Dear author this book is a great start I don’t see many like it and I would love to see how it ends. Zoe is having it hard but I hope she gets through it most single mothers as smart as her do…
2023-01-23 21:26:16
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Chi Hatwood
when is the update coming?
2022-06-26 23:36:09
14 Chapters
Chapter One
Zoe Sunlight warmed my face, washing the inside of my eyelids with a soft pink glow. Sleeplessness befuddled my mind. Pins and needles prickled my arms. Isaac groaned, rolling off my numb limb. I shifted him off me, twisting towards the clock.Fuck. The stupid clock blasted its time at my face in full force green LCD. I bolted upright, grabbing Isaac."Isaac, we're late. Wake-up."Isaac groaned, turning to his side, throwing his arms over his head, muffling my desperate pleas. Soft snores drifted from his mouth."Harry, Bella" I pounced from the bed, crashing into the nightstand. A half-empty glass of stale water smashed to the floor, hitting a crusty plate and exploding into millions of shards over the dusty carpet. "Harry, Bella, UP. NOW. We're late." I turned my attention back to Isaac, prising the worn, discoloured sheets from his tiny fingers."Isaac, if you're late again we go back on an improvement plan,
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Chapter Two
Zoe Mug of steaming coffee in hand, I wound my way back to Isaac’s laptop. With an empty purse and a repair bill for a Jaguar I-Pace winging its way to me, I can’t afford coffee, but I can’t afford to not job hunt, nor will my finances stretch to reinstating my home internet service. On the slim chance I avoid jail time, I owe Isaac a class trip, Bella a school dress and I need new shoes. I googled Greyson’s fancy car. The eyewatering starting price stands at eighty thousand dollars. My house isn’t worth eighty thousand dollars. I can only imagine the horrific repair bill. The custom made watch he sported wasn’t much cheaper.The cracked screen blinked to life, I sipped my coffee, waiting an age for the job site to load and typed unskilled, no experience into the search bar. I almost spat my coffee at the screen at the first offering.PA to a busy CEO, attractive starting salary, flexible working hours, extensive
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Chapter Three
Greyson “Oh, yes, Sir, I’m flexible. I take yoga classes. It really helps with my flexibility.” She ran an unnervingly long red talon up her smooth, orange leg, thrusting her cosmetically enhanced tits out and continued waffling about yoga. It’s not what I had in mind when I asked if she was flexible after explaining the position involved occasional travel. Ever since I agreed to that damn interview for a vacuous gossip rag, money grabbing harlots like the one toying with her scrawny legs in my office plagued my life. I should have guessed they'd infiltrate my professional life when Mabel announced her intention to retire. And I should've known better than to mention my deep craving for a relationship and willingness to settle down and start a family to a rag called Sexy Bachelors of LA. It didn't help that the photographer dressed me in tight pants and an unbuttoned shirt and arranged my poses in a way which made it supe
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Chapter Four
Zoe Holy shit is the man different to the boy. The Greyson Elliot I remember was scrawny and shy. He didn't speak, he muttered. We all thought he was dumb, he never spoke, never answered questions in class and despite his nickname, he was always clean. The clothes he wore were second hand and a bit tattered, but they were always clean. The man? Well, the man is an asshole. A fuckable asshole but an asshole none the less.I stepped out on the sidewalk and ran my hands down my front as if checking I was really stood outside Total Software Solutions head office after the most bizarre interview of my life.Be resourceful, Zoe, we need this job, I told myself. I scanned the street, desperately searching for an answer. A gaggle of teenage girls gathered outside a small, boujee beauty store. A smile crept over my face as I spotted my chance.I rushed across the road and stooped as I enveloped myself between the girls. Predictably,
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Chapter Five
Zoe He was a bastard in the last interview. How would pre-Kobe Zoe handle it? She'd give the best damn interview of his life and then tell him to stick his job up his asshole.The latter part doesn't work for present-day Zoe. Present day Zoe has three kids to feed and clothe, a Jag to pay for, a smashed up car to tow and a new car to buy. I could manage the first part though. I would manage the first part.I took a deep breath, force my chin up and rolled my shoulders back before storming through the sliding glass doors and stomping past the receptionist without making eye contact all while praying security didn't grab me and escort me kicking and screaming from the building. I'd faced more than enough humiliation with the last 24 hours to last me a life time.I made to the elevator just as the mirrored slid open. The same bellboy from this morning greeted me with a smile."Mabel said to ex
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Chapter Six
Zoe   I hopped from foot to foot, rocking on my heels. My cheeks ached from the massive grin on my face as imagined telling the kids about my new job, picturing their tiny faces lighting up with pride and joy. Isaac would understand the most what it meant for us. The little ones would just be happy I didn't have to work evenings and weekends. Other mothers side-eyed me, whispering between themselves as they stole furtive glances at me. Fuck 'em, it's not like I'm friends with them anyway. All they see when they look at me is the criminal's girlfriend. The double doors swung open. Children filtered out in all directions running to their parents with grins on their faces. Isaac led the charge, storming towards me with his face scrunched, reddened by rage. "I hate school," he snarled forcing a letter into my hand. I stuffed it into my purse, refusing to look at it. Nothing was going to spoil my mood, not to
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Chapter Seven
Zoe Shit, shit, bollocks and turds.The digital projection alarm in Isaac's room screeched at, throwing the time upon the ceiling in horrifying, flashing neon green.8:05.Bella's dress still needed to be washed and the chance of getting her to agree to wear a different dress was about as high as the chance of winning the lotto without buying a ticket. Harry's shoes were still vanished."Are we late?" Isaac asked rubbing his eyes as he tossed off his duvet."We have nine minutes to leave the house if I want to get to work on time," I moaned diving out of the bed."Okay, you concentrate on you. I'll pack the lunches and make Harry and Bella toast. They can eat it on the way to school. Do you want me to call a cab to the school?""Please," I said as I raced from the room. I snatched Bella's stained dress from the bathroom floor and threw it in the sink pumping three squirts of hand soap on
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Chapter Eight
ZoeA sleek midnight black estate car with blacked-out windows pulled up in front of us. Mabel grabbed my arm as I went to open the door just a well-dressed driver stepped out of the front. He nodded to Mabel, tilting his cap as he smiled. Mabel stepped back as the man walked around the car, opening the passenger door for us and ushering us inside. "Holy shi...," I gasped as I slid across the heated leather seat. A sheet of darkened glass separating us from the driver slowly rolled down and I was sure the back seat of the car was bigger than my entire bathroom. "Where to?" The driver asked. I stared at Mabel, open-mouthed."Wilshire Boulevard, please, Saks," Mabel said as plainly as if she'd just asked the driver to take us to the local Walmart."Mabel," I whispered, "I don't have any money to put towards this and I need an entire work wardrobe.""Did Mr Elliot give us a budget?" Mabel grinned. "I...
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Chapter Nine
Zoe   Greyson sat behind his desk tapping away on his computer. He barely looked up when I entered the room stepping carefully around the stupid Turkish rug. "You wanted to see me, Sir?" "Yes," he said finally taking his eyes off the screen in front of him. His eyes widened, he leaned back in his chair, clearing his throat. "I see Mabel managed to sort your image." His tongue flicked out, dampening his soft lips. "Yes, Sir," I said taking the seat opposite him.  "Good. That'll be all." "Seriously? That's all you wanted? To make sure I'd bought a dress?" "To ensure Mable had managed to tidy you up enough that you fit the standards I expect for my PA. I wasn't sure she would." "I see," I hissed, pushing the chair out as I stood to leave, spinning on my designer kitten heel. I felt his eyes burning into me as I stormed towards the door. "Watch the rug," he teased. I let the doors
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Chapter Ten
Zoe "Mommy," Bella screeched. My bedroom door flew open. Her tiny form moved so fast it was hard to focus between the bouncing and the sleep deprivation. Thank God it was Saturday. I'd made it through my first week at work by the skin of my teeth. I was fifteen minutes late on Thursday. To say Greyson was unimpressed would be the understatement of the century. I was dragged to his office where he spent 30 minutes berating me and sneering at me before giving me a formal warning for timekeeping. It took every ounce of strength I had not to tell him he could stick his job where the sun didn't shine."I wanna pancakes," Bella chanted, jumping to and fro over me. the bed beneath her creaked and groaned. "Wanna pancakes. Can we have pancakes for breakfast? Isaac make pancakes?""Urgh," I groaned turning to face the alarm clock. Its green light read 9 am. the sun blazed through the flimsy curtains."Mommy," Bella insisted, "can Isa
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