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Dragon: My Wish As A Dragon
Dragon: My Wish As A Dragon
Issei changed from his old self to the new him, its a semi-NTR at the start meaning Rias etc doesn't have s*x with their new boyfriend. After Issei went missing Rias etc started to realize what have they done and regretting their action but when they reunited once more Issei is not the same as he used to be, a pervert lucky go around changed to the badass Issei now. Lori will be traveling to different worlds to meet new girls, the 1st girl is Mukathri, then Sinech, Jalter, and Jeanne.
799 조회수Completed
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WISH is book #1 in a new series by #1 bestselling author Morgan Rice, a USA Today bestseller and critically acclaimed author of the fantasy series The Sorcerer’s Ring (over 3,000 five star reviews) and the vampire fantasy series The Vampire Journals (over 1,500 five star reviews). Mistfalls Wilderness Camp is an awful place, a series of islands in the rainy Northwest, populated by delinquents and outcasts from their families. It is supposed to be a remedial place—but Taylor soon learns something else is happening here. They are training the kids here for something. But what?These kids are all different, not normal somehow. And as Taylor herself goes through changes she doesn’t understand, she can’t help but wonder: is she different, too? But when a mysterious boy comes along, unlike anyone she’s ever met, Taylor is shocked at the power of her crush, and ready to risk it all for him.But will their forbidden love take them both down for good?Weaving a world of fantasy, love, destiny and sacrifice, WISH is a page-turning vampire saga, one that will whisk you away to another place and make you fall in love with a bold new heroine as you turn pages late into the night. With shocking twists and turns at every corner, you will not put it down. Fans of books such as Crush, Twilight and Vampire Academy are sure to fall in love!Future books in the series are also available.
102.4K 조회수Ongoing
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The Almighty Dragon General
The Almighty Dragon General
Falling victim to an ingenious scheme, the entire Caden family was burned alive. Risking her own life, Thea Callahan pulled James Caden out of the inferno.Ten years later, James made a triumphant return with two purposes in mind. One was to repay Thea for saving his life, and the other purpose was to take revenge on those who killed his family.Upon meeting Thea once again, he made her a single promise: as long as she was with him, she would have the entire world in the palm of her hands.
9.45.3M 조회수Ongoing
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The Exiled Dragon
The Exiled Dragon
"Please, don't eat me," it begged. The voice was that of angels...Another hand gripped the trunk until finally, another eye appeared. One was beautiful, but now both looked back at me with an intensity that would sear into my soul until the day I died. It was a girl, a tiny girl. Her smell continued to be blown in my direction, and by the gods, I swear they were trying to draw her to me."Creed, an exiled dragon, known for his ruthless fighting and disturbing appearance. The dragon elders deemed him unworthy of a mate, the moon goddess would not grant one that was conceived of r*pe.Odessa, a woman who lost her father to cancer, her estranged mother finds her hours later after her father's death, whisks her away to a fantasy world to repay her debt to the Duke of Vamparia. She is now a mere blood bag, but one night fate was on her side. She escaped the vampire kingdom only to find herself found by a beast who takes her under his wings.Together they will unfold a new love and adventure as they try and defeat the vampires that hold humans hostage, for Creed to get his revenge for the new treasure he wants to call his own. Romance blossoms and even a special twist to make your heart squeeze with warmth.
10294.5K 조회수Completed
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Dragon Dhampir
Dragon Dhampir
After 18 years of enslavement, Seraphina is rescued by a Prince, her Prince, her fated lover. She learns that, not only is she Heiress to the Kingdom, she also has a dragon familiar. She is the first Dragon Dhampir. Seraphina truly thought her life of pain and sorrow was finally over only to learn that, her Prince has a sordid past and a bastard child on the way and the child’s mother is hellbent on destroying Seraphina and all she holds dear. After finally finding a family, her dream wedding in sight and another happy surprise on the way, her seemingly picturesque life will come crashing down around her in a fit of flames and fury but, will she rise from the flames like a phoenix or will she burn with all that she loves?Fantasy/Vampire/Shapeshifter/Romance/Dhampir/Dragon/18+
8.425.2K 조회수Ongoing
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A Wish
A Wish
Red CherriesIblisFantasi
Apa yang kamu minta jika diberi satu permintaan? Kekayaan? Kecantikan? Kesehatan? Atau kesempurnaan? Hanya satu dan tidak boleh lebih. Hanya satu dan akan merubah segalanya. Hanya satu yang akan dikabulkan meski semustahil apapun permintaanmu. Awalnya ketika Violet ditanya apa yang akan dia minta jika diberi satu kesempatan untuk meminta apa saja. Violet menjawab bahwa dia tidak akan meminta apapun karena menurutnya hidupnya sudah sempurna. Dia tidak membutuhkan apapun lagi. Tapi suatu tragedi membuatnya hanya meminta satu hal. Kata-kata yang sempat dia ucapkan kala itu dia tarik kembali. Bukan kecantikan yang dia minta. Bukan pula kekayaan yang dia minta. Dan permintaan itu dapat langsung dikabulkan hanya dengan sekali kedipan mata. Tapi semua itu tidak gratis! Semua itu tidak bisa diberi secara percuma! Violet harus mengorbankan miliknya yang paling berharga agar permintaannya dapat dikabulkan. Dan Violet menyetujui hal itu. ️WARNING!!!️ CERITA INI MENGANDUNG BANYAK ADEGAN YANG MUNGKIN BISA MENYEBABKAN TRAUMA DAN SEBAGAINYA!!! YANG MELIPUTI KEKERASAN, DARAH, SUICIDE, PTSD, DSB. HARAP BIJAK SEBAGAI PEMBACA!!!
106.3K 조회수Completed
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Dragon Eclipse
Dragon Eclipse
*sequel coming soon* In this modern fantasy tale, a nonhuman named Nathan is trying to diversify the drowning company. While having a hard time being his assistant, Genevieve was caught in the chaotic of nonhuman exposure to the wolf race. Bottom line: fantasy creatures and wolves don't mix well...or so engraved in the ancient books. Genevieve must find a way to survive in this changing world, all while she tries to follow her own path toward saving her unborn child. During that journey, she must learn to accept who and why she should trust or else be stuck in a deadly cycle of fear and hate. 
7.225.2K 조회수Completed
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My Wish
My Wish
Obsesi Audrey Dianne pada mantan tunangannya semakin menjadi-jadi ketika gadis itu mengalami hal misterius yang membawanya kembali ke masa lalu setelah ia mengakhiri hidupnya. Kehidupan lama yang penuh dengan hinaan karena paras buruknya, ketidakberuntungan, dan menjadi korban perselingkuhan, berganti menjadi hidup yang lebih manis karena 'sebuah sihir' yang mengubahnya. Kini, Audrey bertekad untuk mewujudkan pernikahannya yang sempat gagal dan menjalani hidup sesuai keinginannya. Apapun akan ia lakukan. Akankah semua dapat terwujud? Misteri apa yang membawa Audrey kembali ke masa lalu? Genre : Romance, Psychological Thriller
103.5K 조회수Completed
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Dark Dragon
Dark Dragon
Madchen ia a sweet girl with a past she wishes to forget, everything changes though when she comes in contact with the powerful Andrei family and draws the attention of Drago, the handsome brooding dark middle son.Madchen soon realizes her destiny has led her onto a path that will change her whole world
8.520.0K 조회수Ongoing
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Magnus: Dragon Prince
Magnus: Dragon Prince
Book one of the Magnus series. A Fantasy Novel that brings Rex Magnus's struggle to life. After he was left by his birth parents, given to his grandmother, Iris who tries her best to shield Rex and bring him up to be the best he can be, he is constantly getting beaten down during his 17 years, soon he will be 18 and before he knows it, will unlock secrets he didn’t think could exist, he was part of a royal family of people who had mastered the skill of fusing their souls with dragons! This brings certain perks and power and he soon finds out, brings just as many negatives with it. He will meet new friends on his journey to claiming his birthright, some helpful and some with their own agendas and he hopefully can form a normal family after 18 years of separation. It isn’t long before he is challenged by creatures of shadow, beasts of legend and races of people that possess great power who want his for their own. Using his new found abilities and friends he will carve a path that will be remembered for centuries, being next in line for emperor over the land of Dracoterrum possessing the power of dragon should make it an easy task, right?
9.495.0K 조회수Completed
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