
Whispers an Bone's
Whispers an Bone's
Author: MBQuezada

Chapter 1

The only sound that could be heard was of my frantically beating heartbeat as I run through the dead streets of downtown Portland Oregon. The crisp night air stung my face and lungs as I ran for safety far away from where I just was.

I had just left work and was walking my usual route to the max station known as OldTown China Town when someone came up behind me and hit me in the back of the head knocking me to the ground with a thud.

I yelled out into the night hoping that someone might hear me over the shrill cries of the max line in the distance but not one person came to my rescue, not one person out of the few that lingered around the back alleys know doubt stuck in their own worlds cared to investigate or come to my aid.

All I could do is wait, all that was left for me to do is wait for the right moment to try and get away.

The man kicked me in the sides and punched me in the face, I tried to shield myself the best I could but at times fails feeling the power from the man’s hits in the face.

I waited for the man to grow tiered so I could make a run for it. I watched the mans movements the best I could through blurry eyes. I listed to his breathing get heavier with each blow until finally the man took a step back and I used it to my advantage.

I used that as my opportunity and kicked the man in the knee, quickly get to my feet ignoring my bodies pleas to stop I quickly started to run.

I ran this way and that taking all the turns I could with out getting lost in the maze of streets, trying to get as far away fearing that the man was behind me and would catch me at any moment.

I keep pushing myself to keep going, I pushed my fear aside and kept pushing my sore body and lungs to keep going never look back.

I reached the front steps of the police station feeling a small sense of relief wash over me hoping that they would help me.

With the last ounce of strength I push my legs up the steps and will my arms to push on the heavy steal and glass doors open practically falling once I’ve managed to push them open.

“Help please” I manage to get out just above a whisper from being out of breath my voice so low it didn’t reach their ears or their attention.

Again I asked for help this time louder then before now that I’ve had a a chance to catch my breath, this time my request for help caught the attention of a small balding officer with a round belly.

“I was” I take a deep breath to help

control my frazzled nerves “I was just attacked please help me”

The fat officer turns his attention to me and asks “Did you see who your attacker was”

“No officer I didn’t get a look at his face please help me” I feel I like I’m begging for help they should willing le give me due to them being able to clearly see I need help.

The officer leans against the information desk and says “Well then miss if you didn’t see the mans face all you can do is file a report and we’ll look into it”

“But I was just attacked and beaten and your telling me that because I didn’t see my attacker you can’t help me” I try to keep myself calm only letting my voice let on that I was mad.

“like I said miss file a report and an officer will look into it” the balding officer leans over the desk and picks up some papers and holds them out to me.

“Unfucking believable it’s your jobs as law enforcement to help those who need it” I all but yell at the fat man before me who points to another officer then to the entrance doors.

“Please escort the lady out if she’s not going to file her complaint” I roll my eyes, yanking my arm away from the officer that’s now standing to my left.

“Fucking useless” I mutter to myself as I alone exit the police station.

Good for nothing cops what the hell do we pay them for. I think to myself as I reach for my bag to pull out my cellphone only now realizing that I don’t have it and it’s probably long gone by now.

I make a mental note to call and have my card canceled and dispute and charges that may be made.

Now I have to not only use the payphone but find one that actually works and doesn’t smell like urine so I can call my brother Tommy to come pick me up.

After walking around I found a actual working phone then press zero and wait for the operator to pick up .

“Operator how may I connect the call” I give the lady Tommy’s number and wait for him to pick up.

To say he was pissed once he answered was an understatement. He didn’t let me get a word in but eventually he calmed down enough to let me talk.

I told him what happened and explained to him what the police told me and about how rude the officers where.

He want off again, his temper getting the best of him at least he was no longer mad at me but with the officers who refused to do their jobs and help me.

“Go back to the police station I’ll be there in a bit to get you. Don’t move” my reply was a yes dad and we hung up.

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