
Chapter sixty-eight

Katherine’s POV

Thud. Thud. Thud.

What was that sound? It felt like I was in subspace...a part of me not quite here and not quite in the beyond either. The sound of blood dripping echoed loudly in my ear and I knew it was my blood.

I couldn't move, touch or speak. I could hear and experience everything though.

I saw Caleb's distraught face, Daniel's solemn one, and Roy's sad eyes...each piercing me even deeper than the last.

The pain was too much, every nerve ending seemed to be on fire, like there was liquid fire burning in my veins.

I shouted in pain, feeling my body twist and crack moved by unseen forces.

Blood bubbled up in those spaces between my joints and split out into my skin.

Stop! Stop! Pleaseeee….make it stop.

I grabbed at my head, the pain seemed to have moved there, and turned almost banging my head on the floor...

"Shh, It'll all be over soon," my wolf's voice floated into my mind, like a calm breeze over a burning desert it cooled me down for a second and I latched ont
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