
Chapter 2

Elena’s pov

Hector left.

My heart ached with anger and disappointment as I watched him go.

Tina walked in, her eyes red and swollen.

Clearly, she had overheard everything.

"Luna, this is so unfair!" she cried, her voice trembling, "You've done so much for the pack. How can Alpha Hector do this to you? You should write to your father. He'll teach Hector a lesson. Maybe then Hector won't dare to strip you of your Luna title."

My father, the Alpha of Blue Mountain Pack, is a fierce and undefeated leader.

If I wrote to him, Hector might back down.

But I'm not sure if any of this is necessary anymore.


A woman's voice interrupted my thoughts.

Miranda and Tiffany had returned from their shopping trip.

Miranda is Hector's mother, and Tiffany is his sister.

During Hector's absence, I've been taking care of them.

Miranda walked over and held my hand, her eyes sad.

"My dear child, I know about Hector's plan to make Vanessa Luna. He is being unreasonable. But don't worry, I'll always see you as my daughter."

"Mom, can you persuade Hector for me?"I pleaded, holding onto a flicker of hope.

Miranda's eyes flickered, and she sighed.

"Hector is the Alpha. What use is my persuasion?"

My heart chilled bit by bit.

I shouldn't have expected any different.

I should have known Miranda wouldn't help me.

If I weren't Hector's destined mate, she wouldn't even allow me to be with him.

Hector's late father had openly pursued my mother when he was young, and Miranda's jealousy transferred to me.

Her current pretense of kindness is because the pack relies on my financial support.

But she wouldn't hesitate to make me uncomfortable.

I withdrew my hand , "So, what do you mean?"

Miranda's tone softened.

"Being Luna is just a title. You're so generous, if Vanessa wants the title, let her have it. But you'll still handle the actual affairs of the pack. Let Vanessa and Hector deal with the battles, and you can comfortably manage things at the Pack house."

As soon as Miranda finished speaking, Tina couldn't help but laugh coldly.

"Nice words, 'comfortable life,' but isn't it just wanting our Luna to step down and still keep paying for the pack?"

Miranda's face turned pale, and Tiffany jumped up in anger, "How dare a lowly maid like you speak up?"

Tiffany stepped forward and raised her hand to slap Tina.

I quickly grabbed her wrist, shielding Tina behind me.

I looked coldly at Tiffany, "Tina is my maid. If she makes a mistake, I'll discipline her, but she didn't say anything wrong, did she?"

Tiffany's face twisted in fury, "Elena, do you think anyone cares about your pathetic money?"

I glanced at the luxury shopping bags behind her and laughed.

Tiffany noticed my gaze and quickly looked away, stammering, "Th-these things are all bought with my own money."

I raised an eyebrow, "Your own money? Have you found a job recently? How come I haven't heard about it?"

Tiffany looked embarrassed and angry, "What does that have to do with you?"

I sighed softly.

"Alright, since it has nothing to do with me, I will no longer meddle in pack affairs. Since you're capable of earning money, you can handle everything. Anyway, I'll be stepping down as Luna. It wouldn't be appropriate for me to interfere in pack matters, would it?"

Tiffany was instantly speechless, her face panicked.

She knew that if I truly stepped back, the pack would descend into chaos, and she had no ability to manage the complex affairs.

Just the finances alone would give her sleepless nights.

I turned to Miranda with a slight smile.

"Mom, don't you agree?"

Miranda’s face went pale, dropping her sweet act.

She snapped at me, "Elena, do you really think threatening me and the entire Pack will make Hector change his mind and let you stay as Luna? No way! He’ll just think you’re petty and hate you even more!"

I couldn’t help but laugh.

Once upon a time, I gave everything to this Pack.

And what did I get in return? Betrayal.

Since he betrayed me, why should I care if he hates me?

Seeing I wasn’t biting, Miranda thought she had me scared and kept going, "If you manage the Pack well, Hector might still see you as his mate and visit you sometimes. You might even have his child."

Her words made my skin crawl.

I cut her off coldly.

"If I’m not Luna, the Pack’s affairs aren’t my problem. If you think Tiffany can’t handle it, let the new Luna of Dark Moon Pack take over. Hector said I’m not as good as Vanessa. I’m sure she’ll do a better job."

I’d had enough of this nonsense.

Ignoring Miranda’s furious face, I headed upstairs.

As I approached the bedroom door, I heard Vanessa's voice from inside:

"Ugh, seriously? Whose idea was it to bring in these girly clothes? A pink princess dress? I'd rather be in my combat gear any day! What do you think, Hector?"

"You know I dig your style," Hector chuckled back.

"Well then, let's ditch Elena's stuff. It's killing the vibes in here," Vanessa declared.

"Okay, babe. Your call," Hector conceded.

Suddenly, the air filled with the sound of passionate kissing between Hector and Vanessa on the other side of the door.

That was the moment I knew it was over between Hector and me.

Hector said he wouldn't reject me, but how could he be so sure that I wouldn't reject him?

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