
Chapter 5

Hector’s pov

“Mom, what are you even talking about?”

I couldn’t believe the cruel words coming out of my mom’s mouth.

Miranda didn’t seem to care. “The Blue Mountain Pack has lost its leader. Elena’s alone, weak, and sickly. There’s no way she can become Alpha and protect her people. What else can she do but turn to our Dark Moon Pack? Fight on her own with her practically useless wolf? Hector, you need to seize this opportunity. Get her to hand over all her assets to you.”

“No, I won’t do that. That’s taking advantage of her!” I shook my head firmly. “Elena’s family just died in battle. As her husband and mate, how can I exploit her at a time like this?”

“How is it taking advantage? It’s a fair trade. Maybe when Elena gets back, she’ll beg us to take her money in exchange for our protection.”

“Even if she does, I can’t take her money,” I insisted.

Miranda looked puzzled. “Why? You don't love Elena anymore, do you? Why do you care so much?”

I couldn’t find the words to explain.

My feelings were a mess.

Sure, I had feelings for Vanessa, but that didn’t mean I felt nothing for Elena.

She was my mate, and we’d had good times together.

But as Alpha, I needed a strong woman by my side, and Elena just wasn’t that.

Vanessa was fierce and powerful, the kind of woman I needed.

But I couldn’t just abandon Elena, especially after finding out she’d always silently supported my army and pack.

“No matter what, I won’t make a deal with Elena over Blue Mountain Pack’s safety,” I said more resolutely after a moment of silence.

I couldn’t stoop to such disgraceful actions.

Miranda’s face twisted with anger.

“What about Vanessa? Aren’t you thinking about her? If she finds out you can’t even hold a ceremony for her as the new Luna and your wedding, what will she think? Don’t forget, Hector, Vanessa is the woman you love.”

“Yes, I love Vanessa, which is why I know she’d make the same decision. Vanessa is kind and righteous; she wouldn’t agree to me taking Elena’s assets at a time like this.”

Ignoring Miranda, I went upstairs.

As soon as I entered my room, Vanessa threw herself into my arms.

“I thought you were ignoring me,” she murmured.

I held her shoulders, worried, “How are you feeling? The maid said your old injury flared up again. Should I call a doctor?”

Vanessa burst into laughter. “I lied. I’m not injured.”

Anger surged inside me. “Why did you lie to me?”

Vanessa blinked innocently, seemingly unaware of my anger.

“Because I was worried Elena might steal you away. She’s so shameless, trying to seduce you in the middle of the night.”

I rubbed my temples, trying to keep my cool.

“You misunderstood Elena. She just wanted to discuss the celebration banquet with me. Miranda and Tiffany were there too.”

Vanessa sneered. “Why discuss the banquet in the middle of the night? If she had no other intentions, I don’t believe it. I used to think Elena was kind, even if her wolf was weak. Now I see she’s just a shameless schemer.”

Hearing Vanessa insult Elena made me uncomfortable.

“She didn’t mean it like that,” I said firmly.

“Sure,” Vanessa scoffed. “Stop covering for her. Elena must be furious and jealous seeing you leave her for me.”

I remembered Elena’s frail figure as she left, feeling a pang in my heart.

“No,” I shook my head. “She’s already gone.”

Vanessa rolled her eyes. “I can’t believe Elena, at her age, is still acting like a child, running away when she’s upset. So immature.”

“Don’t comment on things you don’t understand. Elena just found out her parents and brothers died in battle. That’s why she left in such a hurry.”

“Really?” Vanessa’s tone was mocking. “Weren’t Blue Mountain Pack’s Alphas supposed to be invincible? And yet they were killed by Rogues so easily? What a bunch of weaklings, no wonder their daughter is a weakling too.”

“Vanessa!” I couldn’t hold back anymore and shouted, “Alpha Andrew was a hero. Two years ago, when Dark Moon Pack was ambushed, he led the rescue. I won’t allow you to speak of him like that!”

Vanessa looked startled and quickly hugged my arm, apologizing. “Alright, alright, I was wrong. I didn’t know the truth,” she said, leading me to the bed and handing me a booklet. “Let’s not ruin our relationship over irrelevant people and things. Instead, let’s pick out our wedding items.

She pointed to a jewelry set in the booklet. “How about this one?”

I glanced at the price tag—one hundred million dollars.

I frowned deeply.

“Vanessa, there’s something I need to tell you,” I said gravely. “Our pack is out of money. We can’t afford this jewelry set right now.”

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