
Chapter 4

Elena’s pov

He stormed out of the room, shouting orders for a meeting with all the business heads.

Miranda tried to intervene, but Hector was adamant, dismissing their pleas.

Twenty tense minutes later, the heads of several key industries assembled in the living room, looking anxious under Hector's cold stare.

He interrogated each one about their operations, his rage building as they admitted to poor performances.

Hector's disbelief turned to anger, and he lashed out, kicking over a nearby coffee table.

"Are you all useless?" he shouted in frustration. "Not one industry has thrived!"

"Alpha, we've tried our best," one of the heads stammered nervously. "But our funds have been redirected to military expenses. Without Luna's support and her negotiations, many industries would have collapsed months ago."

Hector froze, his face draining of color.

He muttered to himself, bewildered, "How could this happen?"

I watched silently, a sense of satisfaction rising within me.

When Hector finally turned to me, his expression was a mix of shock and realization.

"Do you still think I was deceiving you?" I asked calmly.

Hector was speechless for a moment, then managed to say, "So you've been funding the soldiers' compensation and subsidies?"

"Yes," I confirmed.

Hector staggered back, visibly shaken. "Why didn't you tell me sooner? Were you trying to embarrass me?"

I chuckled softly, a hint of coldness in my eyes. "I wanted to, but you never gave me the chance. You always dismissed my efforts."

Hector evidently remembered what he had said during the day.

He turned away, muttering softly, "Back then, I had no clue how much you sacrificed for Pack. If I'd known..."

"Forget that," I cut in impatiently, getting straight to the point. "Let's talk about the victory bash. Lady Bennett wants me to foot the bill, but I won't. However, as your mate, I can lend you the money. What do you think?"

Hector's pride as an Alpha was undeniable.

I knew he wouldn't agree.

Sure enough, he refused without a second thought.

"I don't need your money, and I won't borrow from you! I'll sort out the funds myself, I..."

"Hector!" Miranda interrupted, rushing over and whispering urgently, "Even if you scrape together the celebration funds, what about Vanessa's wedding? Her inauguration as Luna? Can you manage for those too?"

I almost scoffed.

Miranda's audacity knew no bounds.

She really expected me to finance my husband's and another woman's wedding!

It was absurd!

Deep down, I knew she wasn't really concerned about Vanessa.

It was all about her own cushy lifestyle.

But Hector seemed oblivious to her true motives.

Above all, Hector cared about his pride.

"Even if I'm strapped, I won't touch Elena's money! And as for Vanessa, she's not like other women; she won't care about these formalities," Hector said confidently.

Mrs. Miranda, torn between anxiety and fury, tried to persuade Hector further, but he raised his hand to silence her.

I raised an eyebrow, looking at Hector.

"Well then, it seems my part here is done. I'm heading to bed."

But just then, Hector's Beta, Jack Thompson, hurried in.

His expression was a mix of emotions as he glanced at me before turning to Hector, "Alpha! Just got word—Alpha, Luna, and their son from Blue Mountain Pack... they're all gone, fallen in battle."

I froze in my tracks. My whole body went rigid.

I grabbed Jack by the collar, voice strained with disbelief.

"What did you say? Who's fallen in battle?"

Jack looked at me sadly.

"Luna, your parents, and your brother... they're gone."

I felt like the air had been knocked out of me.

It was unreal.

My father had always been unbeatable in battle! How could this happen?

I refused to believe it!

Suddenly, a strong hand gripped me.

"Elena! Elena!"

It took a moment for me to realize it was Hector calling out to me.

"Try to calm down!" he urged urgently.

"Calm down?" I rasped, "Jack just said my parents, my brother—they're dead! How can I be calm? I have to find them, now. I don't... I don't believe they're gone!"

Tears blurred my vision; I felt like I was losing my mind.

For a fleeting moment, I saw concern in Hector's eyes for me.

"Alright, I'll go with you to find them," he said.

I hesitated, touched by his offer.

But just then, a maid rushed down the stairs.

"Alpha! Alpha! Miss Vanessa's old injury has flared up. She needs you!"

Almost immediately, Hector released my hand.

He moved to follow the maid but stopped himself, remembering me.

"Elena..." His face showed his inner struggle. "Vanessa is sick. I'll check on her quickly and then come with you—"

"No need," I said coldly, disgusted at my own vulnerability. "Go take care of your new Luna."

With that, I walked away into the night, not looking back.

Meanwhile, I heard Mrs. Miranda exclaim excitedly, "If Elena's family is all gone, then this weak orphan girl will have to rely on our Dark Moon Pack, won't she? This is perfect! Elena will have to hand over all her money to us in exchange for our protection over Blue Mountain Pack and herself!"

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