
Chapter 6

Hector’s pov

"What?!" Vanessa gasped, springing out of bed. "How can we be broke? Weren't the soldiers just paid?"

"Yeah, but that was Elena's money," I explained. "She used her own stash to cover their wages."

"No way!" Vanessa flopped back onto the bed. "Maybe Elena's fibbing to save face, you know?"

I sighed, shaking my head. "I thought that too, but I checked. We're seriously low on funds."

"What about my coronation? And our wedding?" Vanessa's disappointment was written all over her face. "You promised me a big bash, Hector, like a proper Luna deserves!

"I know, I know," I apologized. "But for now, we'll have to keep it simple. Once things pick up, I swear we'll celebrate properly."

Vanessa still looked bummed out.

Suddenly, I worried that maybe I misjudged her.

"Do these ceremonies really matter to you?" I asked tentatively.

She hesitated, then smiled softly. "Not as much as being with you. Love's what counts, right?"

Relieved, I pulled her close. "You're amazing, you know that?"

After a moment, she sighed. "But I'm worried about our Pack. If we can't throw a big party, our warriors will be disappointed, and other Packs might mock us."

My heart sank.

"I'll figure something out," I reassured her, though I wasn't exactly brimming with ideas.

"I know you will, but time's ticking," Vanessa said, eyeing me with concern. "I've got an idea."

I raised an eyebrow, a glimmer of hope lighting up inside me.

Vanessa was always the brains behind our victories. Her plan had to work.

"There's a gold mine staring us in the face," She said. 

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Elena," Vanessa replied.

I was floored that Vanessa's answer was hitting up Elena for cash.

Disappointment crashed over me like a tidal wave.

"No," I said firmly.

"Why not?" Vanessa shot back. "You said Elena's been footing the bill for the troops. Let her keep coughing up. Then we can party, tie the knot, and I can step into Luna's shoes without you stressing."

I couldn't believe Vanessa was suggesting this.

I let go of her hand and stood up. "I'm divorcing Elena. She shouldn't have to do this."

"How can you say that?" Vanessa looked skeptical. "Her folks are six feet under. She needs our Dark Moon Pack to keep her safe. Without us, the Blue Mountain Pack would crumble. She's counting on you, so she should pay up."

I was stunned.

Vanessa's logic sounded just like Miranda's, but I'd vouched to Miranda that Vanessa's got a good heart and wouldn't exploit anyone.

It felt like a slap in the face.

I clenched my fists, trying to hide my hurt.

"I'm Elena's mate. I'm supposed to have her back, not bleed her dry. Vanessa, I thought you understood that."

"Course I do," Vanessa said, blinking fast like she was flustered. "But this is dire, Hector. I'm thinking about the Pack here. If we're broke and another war kicks off, can we win?"

She had a point, and it bothered me more than I let on.

"Let me think about it," I said, needing some air.

Vanessa hugged me from behind. "Where are you going?"

"Elena's folks are in trouble. I gotta find her. I'm still her husband, it's on me," I replied.

"Just duty?" Vanessa's eyes were sad. "Are you having second thoughts because of her? Do you regret being with me?"

"No, never," I assured her quickly. "I love you, Vanessa. Always have."

That seemed to ease her mind.

"Then prove it," she whispered, kissing me tenderly.

Her lips were softer than Elena's, and I couldn't help but respond eagerly. I pulled her close, our hands exploring as we moved toward the bed.

Once there, things heated up fast. I couldn't get enough of her moans—music to my ears. Gripping her waist, I spun her around, taking hold of her hair as I entered her. It was wild, like riding through open fields, a rush like no other.

Elena, well, she was different. A noble Alpha's daughter, always composed. I've never actually been with her. But with Vanessa, it was different. I could be myself, no holding back.

Vanessa matched my intensity, her stamina impressive. I let go, thrusting harder, hearing her cries grow louder. We moved faster, the tension building until I finally couldn't hold back any longer.

Caught in the throes of pleasure, I let slip something—a name, maybe. Vanessa froze, disbelief etched on her face.

"Who did you just call?" she demanded, hurt evident in her voice.

Confusion washed over me. "What? No, I..."

Vanessa slapped me hard. "You said Elena's name!"

I was at a loss for words, scrambling for an explanation.

"My mating season's kicking in," I blurted out. "My wolf instincts... It's just a reflex. She's my mate."

"Seriously?" Vanessa's eyes searched mine, searching for truth.

I held her close, desperately trying to reassure her. "Yes, of course..."

In that moment, I swore to myself-it was Vanessa, fierce and amazing, that I cared about, not Elena, who was fragile.

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