
Chapter 7

Elena’s pov

Before the crack of dawn, I raced back to Blue Mountain Pack.

Stepping onto our turf felt like stepping into a nightmare:

Instead of lively streets, I saw nothing but rubble and ruins.

The air reeked of blood and smoke that stung my nostrils.

Tents had sprung up everywhere, sheltering wounded pack members whose moans cut through the eerie silence of dawn.

Little ones clung to tattered toys, their eyes wide with fear and confusion.

Elders sat amidst the wreckage, their gaze fixed on the horizon as if hoping for a miracle.

My heart twisted painfully as I walked past them, every step heavier than the last, heading straight for the Pack house.

The guards at the entrance, their eyes tired and red, nodded respectfully as I went by.

I hesitated at the courtyard entrance.

A sense of dread tightened my chest—had my parents and brother really fallen in battle?

"Elena," a voice called out from behind me.

I turned to see David Smith, my father's Beta.

Surprise flickered across his face briefly before sorrow took over.

Desperately, I asked, "Are my parents and my brother...?"

David's pained expression confirmed my worst fears.

"Elena, they died defending the Pack. They were heroes."

His words hit me like a ton of bricks, shattering my world. Tears streamed down my face uncontrollably.

David came closer, enveloping me in a comforting embrace, his hand gently patting my back in silent solace.

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I managed to say, "I need to see them."

David nodded silently.


Inside the Moon Goddess Cathedral.

I stood there, staring at the lifeless bodies of my parents and brother, feeling like my whole world had been torn apart.

My heart burned with a rage that threatened to consume me, the pain so intense it was like being scalded alive.

I clenched my fists tightly, refusing to let the tears fall in front of them.

Taking slow, deep breaths, I made a silent vow that I would make those responsible pay, no matter what it took.

As we left the cathedral, David handed me a glass of water, but I couldn't bring myself to drink it.

"Why did they have to die?" I asked, my voice trembling with anger and grief.

"I know how strong my father was. Something must have happened, or he would never have died in battle," I added.

David let out a heavy sigh. "Rogues breached our borders. Your parents and Marc led our soldiers to quell the unrest. We underestimated their numbers and were ill-prepared."

"But why didn't you send reinforcements when you realized there weren't enough supplies?" I demanded, my eyes burning with unshed tears.

"We did, as soon as we could," David replied earnestly. "But our supply convoy was ambushed. All our provisions were taken. By the time we found out, it was too late. Alpha and Luna had already sacrificed everything, and your brother, Marc... Marc gave his life protecting Luna."

My body trembled uncontrollably with grief and anger.

"Do we know who attacked them?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.

David shook his head sadly. "No. The escort was wiped out, and the rain washed away any traces. We have little to go on."

"I need to see those soldiers," I said firmly.

David led me to a makeshift morgue.

Row after row of covered bodies lay before me. I took a deep breath and approached one, pulling back the sheet.

Examining the wounds, I frowned deeply.

"These wounds... they're too precise," I muttered, looking back at David. "Rogues usually attack chaotically, with all kinds of weapons. This looks like it was done by a trained military force."

David nodded thoughtfully. "You're right. We didn't consider that. Rogues don't operate with such precision. I'll send scouts to look into recent military skirmishes with supply issues."

As David turned to leave, a soldier burst in.

"Beta! The Rogues are attacking again!"

"What? Damn them! I'll crush every last one of them!" David roared, preparing for battle.

"I'm coming with you," I declared, falling into step beside him.

David stopped dead in his tracks.

"No, Elena," he said firmly. "You're the only Alpha blood left. I can't risk your safety."


"No buts!" David interrupted, turning to the guards. "Watch her closely. If anything happens to her, you answer to me!"

He wasn't just warning them. He was warning me.

I had no choice but to wait for David's return.

The battle raged on for hours.

When David finally returned, my relief was palpable.

But he was badly wounded, covered in blood. Before I could even ask, he ordered guards to escort me back to the Dark Moon Pack.

"No! I'm not leaving!" I protested. "Not now, not when everything is falling apart!"

"Elena, the Blue Mountain Pack isn't safe anymore. It's too dangerous here," David insisted. "You'll be safer at Dark Moon Pack with Alpha Hector. Trust me. Don't come back."

"Alpha Hector won't protect me!" I exclaimed bitterly.

There was a tense silence.

Moments later, David, recovering from shock, spoke up. "No wonder... no wonder he didn't return with you... But why? You're his wife, he..."

"He's cheating on me and planning to replace me with her," I spat out, a bitter smile twisting my lips.

I recounted everything I had endured in Dark Moon Pack to David, who seethed with anger, ready to confront Hector.

I stopped him.

"I'll handle Hector myself. Right now, we need to focus on stopping the Rogues."

David deflated, his shoulders slumping. "We can't stop them. Alpha is gone, and our boundary defenses are shattered. The Rogues can hit us anytime, anywhere."

Despair shadowed David's face. "We're gonna hit exhaustion someday, and that day ain't far off."

"No," I said firmly. "Not while I'm here. I have Alpha’s aura. I can fortify our defenses and keep the Rogues at bay."

For a moment, hope flickered in David's eyes before fading.

"Elena, I hate to break it to you. If you were still the old you, I'd bet on you to lead us against the rogues, no problem. You were the toughest she-wolf the Blue Mountain Pack ever saw. But now... your power can only keep our defenses up for three days, max."

"Three days is all I need," I insisted. "After that, I'll return and fight alongside you to drive out the Rogues."

David looked at me, stunned. "You mean..."

"Yes," I affirmed. "I'll go back to Dark Moon Pack, reject Hector, and reclaim my strength."

Everyone, including Hector, believed my wolf was weakening. But that wasn't true.

Hector was the reason behind my fading strength and health!

The mate bond goes both ways.

When Hector and I mate right, his strength skyrockets like crazy.

But here's the kicker—I gotta get his mark too.

 Without it, my power fades over time.

Because of the ongoing war, Hector never marked me.

And he won't ever do it in the future.

That's why I'm losing my strength bit by bit.

But it wasn't irreversible.

As long as I reject Hector on the night of the full moon, I can reclaim my lost power from him and become the strong version of myself again.

And now, there are only two days left until the full moon—coincidentally, the day Hector plans to announce Vanessa as Luna in my place!

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