
Chapter 9

Elena’s pov

The guards froze mid-action, hands retracting like they'd been burned, faces drained of color as they spun around in shock.

"Alpha..." someone stammered, barely able to speak.

I struggled to stand, my body trembling uncontrollably as I lifted my gaze to meet Hector's piercing stare.

Beside Hector, Vanessa stood, her arm linked intimately with his, a victorious smirk on her lips that stabbed at my heart, making it hard to breathe.

I fought to steady myself, feeling my blood turn to ice within me.

When no one answered him, Hector's voice boomed louder.

"Speak up! What's going on here?"

"W-we..." the guards mumbled, heads bowed in fear, unable to continue.

Suddenly, Vanessa stepped forward, her voice dripping with false sweetness but filled with venom. "Elena, as Luna, shouldn't you be hosting guests in the banquet hall? What are you doing here with the guards?"

In just a few words, Vanessa redirected the blame onto me, her eyes glinting with triumph, like a cat playing with i
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