

Avery's POV

I opened my eyes to the flicker of a candle and wondered where I was.

“She's awake,” I heard a child scream and run out of the room I was in.

I looked around as I couldn't sit up, there was not much to see, just the candle I saw earlier, everywhere was pitch black.

“She's awake,” I heard another child say as he sat close to me.

I still couldn't see anything, not even the face of the child but I could tell it was a girl.

“Mummy!!!” I heard the child scream, I felt a sharp pain in my head and I screamed.

“Are you okay?” I heard a woman ask as she turned on a light bulb.

I squinted my eyes because of how bright it had suddenly become.

“How do you feel?” The lady asked, sitting beside me and holding my hand.

“Pain,” was all I managed to say before I passed out.

“The pain is what made her pass out again, there is no danger,” I heard a man say and I couldn't even open my eyes because of how my head felt.

“Why aren't you doing anything to help her then?” A lady asked, I recognized her voice, she was the lady from earlier.

“Her body rejected my medication and my potions too, we have to let her heal herself,” he said and walked out.

“What does that mean Mummy?” a child's voice asked in a worried tone.

“I don't know baby, her injuries are really bad and the physician said he can't help her,” the lady replied in a defeated tone.

“So is she going to die?” Another child asked but was quickly hushed by another child.

“No sweetheart, she is going to try to heal herself,” the lady whispered in pity.

“But Mummy?” Another child asked as if trying to complete a sentence but failing.

“Yes, she is like us in a way,” the lady said, seeming to know what the child wanted to ask. The next hour was filled with questions and answers, the lady didn't seem tired at all and it really surprised me.

“How many children does this woman have and how can she keep up?” I asked myself as I struggled to reposition myself quietly.

I must have made a sound because the room suddenly went very quiet.

“Please go back darlings, let us give her some space,” the woman instructed and it was followed by sounds of shoes, the children were leaving but she hadn't gone yet.

“I don't know how you survived till we found you but I pray that you do not give up,” she said before she left, the light was off and only the candle was left on.

Even I didn't know how I survived, all I knew was that after wishing for death I passed out and now I found myself here with this interesting family.

“I don't know how you survived till we found you but I pray that you do not give up,” the words of this strange lady echoed in my mind.

I didn't know this woman and why she saved me but she was right, I wasn't going to give up.

“I can take it,” I whispered to myself every time the pain became unbearable.

I soon passed out from pain again and when I opened my eyes, I was surrounded by little adorable eyes.

“Her injuries are closing up,” one of the children said examining my hand.

“Do you think she can talk?” Another child asked a bigger child whom I presume was the eldest.

“Yes I can,” I said with less pain than before.

All three children ran behind the bigger child in fear and I chuckled.

“Go call Mummy, Daniel,” she instructed one of the smaller children still hidden behind her and he ran out immediately.

“Are you sure?” I heard their mummy ask as they got closer to the door of the room I was in.

“She talked mummy,” the boy insisted as he dragged his mother to my side.

“How are you feeling?” The lady said as she sat down beside me and took my hand.

“Better,” was all I could say again, it seemed to hurt more whenever I spoke.

“That's a relief to hear,” the lady said, breathing a sigh of relief and plastering a big smile on her face.

“I was scared there for a minute because of how serious your injuries were,” she said as she stood up to inspect my body, only then did I realize I was naked, only covered by a sheet. “Most of your wounds have healed, that is a good one, by tomorrow you should be fully recovered,” she said as she came back to sit close to me.

“Thank you,” I managed to say again, it was getting easier to speak.

“If you really want to thank me, you should recover faster,” she said with a broad smile holding my hands.

“Who is this woman and why was she so nice to me?” I asked myself in confusion. My previous experiences even down to the most recent have taught me to never trust people, especially when they were too nice to me, something was bound to go wrong eventually.

“Come kids, let us leave her alone so she can rest,” she said, gathering the kids and taking them out but before she left, she turned around to look at me one more time and gave me a nod of approval.

I thought about everything that had happened just now trying to find something suspicious, failing to find any. I soon slept off again.

“Is she dead?” One child asked, poking my left hand.

“No Lia, why would you even think that?” The lady asked, sounding annoyed.

“I'm sorry mummy, it's just that she slept for three days without waking up,” the child said apologetically.

“She slept that long to heal fully,” the lady explained as she adjusted the sheet to cover me properly.

“I am awake now,” I said, opening my eyes and sitting up.

All the pain was gone, my wounds healed, and I felt so refreshed and stronger than before.

The children all screamed and ran away, their mother ran after them trying to calm them down.

I laughed and decided to lie down till the lady came back as I didn’t want to strain myself.

“She is awake and fully healed, we need to act fast,” I heard two people whisper just as I was about to take another nap.

I knew it! These people were not to be trusted.

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