

Avery’s POV

“WHAT!!” Both me and Ashley screamed exchanging looks.

“Are you sure doctor?” I asked in shock, it was just one night with Amos, I never imagined I would be pregnant.

“Yes Ma'am but I could run another test if you want,” he said confidently trying to clear my doubts.

“Please do,” we said in unison and he took my blood sample again.

“How is this even possible?” I asked aloud, just when I was looking to have a new life this happened.

“Have you met your mate?” Ashley asked with a concerned expression.

I didn't answer but my reaction should have given her the answer she needed.

“What happened?” She asked curiously, she wasn't there when I explained the situation with my mate to the Elders, and now I had to relive that experience because she needed answers.

“He rejected me after we mated,” I said simply hoping she would leave it at that.

“Oh poor thing!” She exclaimed as she brought me into a tight hug.

“I am so sorry,” she said as tears filled her eyes. Seeing her reaction to my situation, I burst into tears.

I told her of my entire ordeal, the private tutor job, how Amos treated me from the start, the anniversary celebration, and his rejection.

“I see why you didn't trust us the first time,” she said, still hugging me tightly.

“You have been through a lot my dear, I can't imagine half of it,” she said as she tried to comfort me.

“Let's wait for the test results first,” she said as she gave me a cup of water.

The test was taking some time and we began to talk about other things, soon the tension and uncertainty of the test result was forgotten.

“Good day again Ma’am,” the doctor said as he walked into the door, the tension in the room had returned very quickly.

“Yes doctor, what does the result say?” I asked impatiently hoping that the first report was false.

“It has been confirmed, you are indeed pregnant,” he said with a smile before excusing himself.

“That's wonderful news, one more beautiful child,” Ashley said, clapping her hands in delight.

I was frozen in shock, I couldn't speak, how did my life turn out this way?

“Now, Avery I know you feel a type of way about this whole situation but a child is a blessing,” she said squeezing my hand. I knew what she meant but I wasn't sure I wanted to keep this baby.

“I need some time to think about this first,” I told her truthfully, I really didn't want to have anything to do with Amos or his child but I didn't know if I had the heart to get rid of this child.

“Let me check when you will be discharged so we can go home,” Avery said as she left the room.

All alone and left with my thoughts, the realization of the result really dawned on me. I was carrying the child of a man who abandoned me without any remorse and I was immediately filled with rage.

“I hate this baby and the father too,” I whispered under my breath as I made up my mind on what next step to take.

“What did you just say?” Ashley asked as she stormed into the room.

I forgot she was a werewolf and more especially, I didn't know she was in close range.

“I asked you a question." She repeated looking very pissed.

“How could you hate someone you have never met?” she asked but I didn't respond, she would never understand what I felt.

“Answer me!” She demanded looking even more annoyed.

“You don't understand what I am feeling,” I replied, anger boiling in me threatening to erupt like a volcano.

“Make me understand then,” she said almost screaming at this point.

“Have you ever been abandoned by the people who were supposed to love and protect you?” I asked as I let the tears flow freely.

She was silent, she sat down, all her anger seeming to melt away.

“I didn't think so,” I said reemphasizing my point, she didn't have the right to judge me if she didn't know what it felt like to be me.

“So what do you want to do with the baby?” She asked finally breaking the silence.

“I don't know yet,” I answered honestly, I was still figuring all of this out and I needed some time to think.

“I am sorry if it felt like I was judging you, it's just that I love children so much but I understand where you are coming from, I know it must be so hard and I will respect and support whatever decision you take,” she said silently and I could sense the sincerity in her voice.

“Thank you so much, this means a lot,” I said truly grateful for her support.

“So you are not getting discharged today, the doctor said there are some test results that need to be out first,” Ashley said changing the topic, this made me remember the children and I just had to ask.

“They are at their grandma's house,” she said as if reading my mind.

“That's a relief to hear and I am sorry for always causing you trouble,” I said, from the day she met me, it had been from one emergency to another and I know it was interfering with her life.

“If you really want to apologize to me then get better,” she said as she yawned, it had been a long day and she was tired.

“I promise you I will,” I said as she closed her eyes to sleep.

I didn't get any sleep that night, what happened at the anniversary kept playing in my mind, I remember how I felt, how everything happened so fast and I started to cry, I cried for a long time but then it dawned on me, I had to start a new life and forget about the old and that decision will start with this baby.

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