

Amos’ POV

“Avery!!!” I screamed as I opened my eyes to an unfamiliar place.

“Where am I?” I asked myself as I struggled to remember how I got here.

I was connected to several devices and one had already started beeping from the moment I opened my eyes.

“What happened?” I wondered as I tried to disconnect whatever was connected to my body.

“Wait Alpha, please,” A doctor said, rushing into the room.

I recognized him as a pack doctor but not our pack doctor.

“Who are you and where am I? I asked, before doing anything rash.

Just then My daughter Angie rushed in with a relieved expression.

“What happened? Why am I here?” I asked, wondering why no one was giving me any answers.

“Speak!” I roared but Angie didn't say anything, she kept crying and holding my hands.

Soon Quinn walked in, on his face with a relieved expression, what was going on?

“Quinn, what happened?” I asked hoping he would be more level-headed and give me answers.

“After the anniversary, you were involved in a ghastly accident and our experts at the Moonlight Pack Hospital couldn't do much so Uncle Jack had you moved to the Red Moon Pack Specialist Clinic,” he said, giving a quick summary before excusing himself to inform Jack of my recovery.

“But I don't remember any anniversary,” I said, racking my brain for answers.

“You don't remember?” Angie asked and burst into tears again.

I didn't need all this crying, I needed to understand what was going on and why I couldn't leave right now.

“Greetings My Alpha,” I heard from the door and even without seeing him yet, I knew who it was.

“Jack, long time no see,” I said in response, at least one more level-headed person to sort out this situation.

“Let the doctors check you first and we can catch up,” he joked, he was more than my right-hand man, he had become my best friend and the one who understood me the most.

“Only if I can leave here fast enough,” I replied wanting to be discharged as soon as possible, I hated unfamiliar places.

“He said he doesn't remember the anniversary,” Angie said, still sobbing uncontrollably.

“It is normal considering the impact of the accident, it is a temporary amnesia, it will wear off after some time but he must not be stimulated in any way, he should be allowed to remember on his own,” the doctor said, I couldn't care less, all I wanted to hear was that I could be discharged.

“Why doctor,” Angie asked, still crying, I was in no mood for her many tears or tantrums.

“Forcing him to remember might trigger a traumatic response and shut down his brain totally.” The doctor responded before excusing himself.

“You will be fine Daddy,” Ashley said as she tried to hug me disregarding the wires that were connected to my body but was stopped by her brother.

“Aren't you supposed to be reading for your college entry exam?” I asked, wanting some peace and quiet.

“I already passed Daddy but you don't remember,” she said, her crying intensified and her brother who had just been staring at me all this time took her out of the room.

“You scared us all Alpha,” Jack, who was the only one left in the room, said quietly.

“Drop the title, Jack, how is the pack,” I said going straight to the point, Jack and I had gone through too much together, and while he respected me as his Alpha beyond that we were friends and partners.

“All good, I have sent someone to inform them of your recovery but the Elders now demand that you stay in the pack mansion to avoid a repeat of this accident,” he said with a sigh, he knew exactly why I didn't stay too close to the pack.

“ I will find a way to convince them,” I said confidently but Jack shook his head.

“Not this time Alpha, you had twenty-eight stitches, five broken bones, a serious head injury and if Angie is right, loss of memory, we can't risk it… I can't risk it…” he said quietly with worry in his eyes.

“It is time to forget the past and live with the present, we can't have a future unless you do,” he cautioned before excusing himself and going to look for Angie.

I could still hear her sobs and he needed to calm her down.

“What really happened?” I asked myself as I tried to remember what Angie claimed I forgot.

Suddenly a pang of pain erupted from my head and I became dizzy before long I passed out.

“Daddy?” Angie said as I opened my eyes, she was the only one by my side, looking more composed.

“Is he awake?” Jack asked as he walked in with Quinn. Who hadn't said a single word apart from the reply he gave to the question I asked earlier.

“I am not dying anytime soon so you can relax now,” I said to him through our mind link and watched him take a deep breath.

“Thank you,” he responded, to everyone else he was strong and composed but only I could see the fear in his eyes.

If I died he would have taken my place as Alpha and he was nowhere near ready, I hoped this would be a wake-up call for him.

“He can be discharged now,” the doctor said, walking in with a file.

“I have sent his results and records to your hospital, they can take over from here,” He finished and wanted to excuse himself but I stopped him.

“I am in your debt, I will revisit this place once I am fully recovered,” I promised, he bowed and left.

The Red Moon pack was one of our strongest alliances and they had continued to prove themselves true brothers.

“Send a message to their Alpha, I will pay him a visit before I leave,” I said to Jack who hurried to do my bidding as I got dressed to leave the hospital.

But on our way out we bumped into someone and my wolf reacted in the most unbelievable way.

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