

Avery's POV

“Answer me, Angie,” he roared as he walked in front of me.

“How many times have I warned you to keep humans out of this house?” He repeated his question wanting an actual answer from her.

This man was eight feet tall with dark blue eyes, he was definitely intimidating but I wasn't even scared of him at all.

“Angie!” he roared getting more annoyed at the fact that she was ignoring him.

“I know, I know Dad,” she pouted as she went to hold him on the waist.

I looked at them and realized she was only as tall as his waist, but wait, she said Dad? This man? Her Father? He looked too young.

“Maybe she has a daddy kink,” I thought, that was definitely the case, he looked like that kind of man anyway.

“But I need a tutor and she is the only one that meets the requirements and she loves lilies too,” Angie said in my defense, trying to convince this man.

He growled but didn't say a word, she had won this round.

“Dad meet Avery, Avery meet my father, Mr. Amos Stewart,” she said with a delightful smile.

“Good Afternoon Sir, it's a pleasure to…” he didn't let me finish speaking.

“Whatever you do keep this human away from me,” he said speaking to his daughter not acknowledging my presence.

I knew two things so far that this man didn't like me because I was human and that this man was really her father.

He turned to walk away but I had to clear the air, if he hated me because I was human, there was no need for that.

“Excuse me, Sir,” I said halting his exit, Angie turned to look at me in horror, wondering what it was I was going to say.

“I am not human, at least not fully, I'm half werewolf,” I said with pride, I didn't want to let the cat out of the bag so early but if that would help me keep my job I would do it.

“Same difference,” he huffed, turning to face me, my revelation hadn't changed how he stared at me.

“Half human, full human, you are still human and I despise humans,” he said looking straight into my eyes before walking away.

I sighed deeply, I wondered what humans had done to him to make him hate them so much.

“Don't worry about my father, he is always grumpy, good thing he isn't always around,” she said playful, the encounter hadn't fazed her one bit, but it was expected, he was her father after all.

“That's really good,” I said as I took a deep breath, I wouldn't have to deal with him too much.

But what I couldn't shake was a feeling, almost familiar, there was something different about him.

“Now about that perfume recipe,” she asked calling my attention back to what we were doing before he barged in.

“Oh right, you pluck fresh lilies, and then you…” I proceeded to tell her the entire process except for my secret ingredient, which was something I added to the perfume to make it last longer, it was a secret for a reason and I wasn't ready to lay all my cards on the table.

“Now to our actual lesson…” For the next two hours, I taught Angie a new topic, she was a fast learner and it was no stress, I actually enjoyed teaching her.

“I am thirsty, could I get some water?” I asked her having exhausted myself talking for the last two hours, I needed at least a water break.

“Oh sure, move straight ahead and take a left turn over there, you can take some water from the fridge,” Angie replied relaxing in her chair and giving me a little break.

“Thank you so much,” I said, she was the nicest employer I ever had but then, this was just the first day, so I couldn't judge yet.

Getting up from my chair, I tried to follow Angie's instructions but I got lost, this mansion was too big, how could I possibly find the kitchen when five different doors were staring at me?

“What a pain in the ass,” I whispered as I chose one door and hoped it was the kitchen.

Sadly it wasn't the kitchen, in fact, I didn't know what place this was, it was a room with a table, a chair, and a reading lamp, the table had a lot of books on them neatly arranged, the place looked empty but orderly.

“What is this place,” I asked perplexed but it was none of my business.

Realizing I was at the wrong place, I decided to leave and go through another door, hoping to find the kitchen. On my way out I hit something, it felt like a rock and was very high, suddenly I was pressed against the wall, only then did I realize that it was a person, not just any person but Angie's Father.

“What are you doing here?” He asked pinning me to the looking deep into my eyes.

“I…I… was looking for the kitchen,” I managed to say, there was something about this man, a connection…

“The second door to your left,” he said hesitating but finally releasing me.

“Did he feel it too?” I asked myself as I walked into the kitchen and got the water I needed.

The remaining three hours of work went by in a breeze, I decided to put what had happened behind me and focus on getting my pay. When the day was finally over, Angie gave me the two thousand dollars plus a tip of five hundred dollars, this was very huge and I was very surprised, I thanked her and went straight home. I decided to hide one thousand five hundred dollars and give my Aunty only one thousand dollars.

“I need to keep my escape fund,” I said as I hid it in my bra, I was old enough now, and I didn't need a guardian anymore.

Getting back home I handed over the one thousand dollars to her, I made sure I changed it into fifty dollar notes so that I would look big to her.

“Where did you get this money,” she asked looking at me with a shocked expression.

“I got a new job,” I said truthfully, not wanting to hide that from her.

“You slut, you have started sleeping with men,” she accused me and began to beat me again.

“No matter what I do I will never be good enough for you,” I whispered in tears as she went to the bar again to drink away my money.

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