

Avery's POV

“Avery!” Ashley called as I walked into the mansion.

I turned to look at her, this might be the last time I saw her, I mouthed a “thank you” to her with a smile and walked in ready to face my fate.

“What is your name?” An elder asked immediately I got in, he seemed to be in a hurry to get this over with.

“My name is Avery Winston,” I said in response but as soon as my answer left my lips he was asking another question.

“Age?” He asked again, looking more impatient than before.

“18 years,” I said more quickly, trying to match his pace.

This went on for a while, he was asking basic information questions like my height and I was more than happy to answer them.

“Have you met your mate?” he asked and I froze in that spot.

I wanted to answer him but for some reason I couldn't, I remembered what had happened, how Amos had treated me from the very beginning, and how he rejected me after we mated.

“Avery?” The man questioned bringing me back to myself.

“Please repeat your question, Elder,” I said, readjusting my feet.

I heard the question the first time but I needed to buy enough time to composure myself.

“Have you met your mate?” He asked again, with the way he was looking at me, I was sure he already knew the answer to that question.

“Yes Elder,” I said truthfully, I didn't know what the future would hold but I wanted to at least try to salvage what was left of my time here and their trust.

“Where is he?” The Elder asked, only then did I realize that I was crying.

“He rejected me,” I said, cleaning my eyes and trying to stay composed.

Gasp escaped from all over the room and the Elders whispered among themselves.

“What was his reason?” the Elder asked me, he looked sympathetic for a moment but quickly returned to his stern expression.

“He hates humans and he hates Gamma’s even more,” I replied. It was the only reason Amos had been harsh from the start, something I could not control.

Looking around, I could see more sympathetic looks, especially from the women, and more whispers arose, my life had truly been a sad tale.

“Why did you try to run away?” He asked after all the noise had calmed down.

“I didn't know if I could trust this pack, I wanted to leave before I got hurt,” I said truthfully, I regretted that decision now.

“We will not try to hold you against your own will,” The Elder said, looking somewhat disappointed.

“No…no…no…I…I want to stay now, I realized that I love it here,” I added hoping to help my case.

“What suddenly changed?” He asked, intrigued about my answer.

“Ashley, the children, how everyone welcomed me,” I said, stopping to catch my breath but hurrying to finish my statement.

“This morning Ashley stood here defending me regardless of the implications, the children love me and bring me peace, it is just a day or two but I have grown attached to them, all my life I have learned never to trust anyone but I am willing to try,” I said pouring out my heart and hoping it was enough.

“I could babysit the children when everyone else is out for work and keep them company till you are all done, I could teach them too, I was a private tutor,” I added hoping they would see my desperation to stay.

There was a long silence but I knew a discussion was taking place, they were all communicating through the mind link, the one thing I wished to experience but never had.

“Call Mrs. Ashley,” one of the Elders said to a guard.

Soon Ashley had come, she looked more nervous than I was and I knew she wished I could stay.

After some time, Ashley bowed and I knew the verdict was given.

“You can stay for now Avery, Ashley will be in charge of you,” The Elder said as they all stood and left the room after bowing to their Alpha.

It was our turn and we bowed too before leaving even if I still didn't see or hear from the Alpha himself.

“Yes!!!” Ashley screamed as she wrapped me into a tight hug.

I was so happy with the verdict but couldn't shake the feeling that she was told something more, I could tell by the look on their faces.

“It doesn't matter,” I whispered to myself as I hugged her back.

Whatever it was, whatever it meant, I would enjoy the time I had here and not worry about the future for once.

“Soooo, let's go shopping,” Ashley said in excitement as she dragged me towards a mall to get new clothes.

I got to understand a little more about this pack in that little time, they were a small pack that was in alliance with other more powerful ones, and it was an impressive strategy for survival.

“Do you like this one?” Ashley asked, bringing me from my thoughts.

“Ashley I like darker colors,” I told her for the fifth time and we both laughed.

Ashley and I were polar opposites when it came to color preferences and she had been trying to convince me to wear brighter colors since we entered the mall.

“I think I have enough clothes for now,” I said to Ashley who I could tell loved shopping a lot.

“Let's go home,” she said with a smile and took me to her house. It was different from the room I was in all this time and decorated with flowers and beautiful designs.

“Thank you so much for everything,” I said, giving her a very tight hug.

Ashley was a tall, slender, beautiful blonde woman with blue eyes and I, a sharp contrast from her, had to stand on my toes for a proper hug but I didn't mind at all.

“You will always have a home here,” she said as the children surrounded us with more hugs and laughter.

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