

Amos’ POV

“An Alpha of pain and blood,” I whispered as I watched myself run and fall over and over again, my wolf was weak and I had lost too much blood.

As I watched myself try to get to the fortress, I tried to remember what happened to the Alpha’s daughter, she was half-werewolf but she was also in the fortress, I didn’t have to wait or think for too long, I watched what had happened upon my return.

As I signaled the hidden gong, one of the warriors who was left to protect the pack came out to assess the situation and find out who it was requesting entrance into the fortress.

“Amos, is all well?” He asked from afar as he approached me.

Getting close to me and seeing my wounded wolf with the crest I held in my right hand, he immediately went on one knee.

“My Alpha,” was all he said with his head bowed, I could feel the questions in his gaze when he finally lifted his head.

“Gather everyone, only then will I speak,” I said as I felt myself almost fall to the ground, he rushed to catch me.

His name is Jack and he was the only one who saw my injuries, only he eventually understood why I decided to stay away from the pack in spite of all the pleas against it.

While everyone else was assembling, he helped me rap my injuries without even a single word, when it was time to address the pack, I walked as if unharmed and stood preparing to speak, after breaking the sad news to the whole of the pack, I left the room, as I couldn’t handle the wailings of the people who had lost loved ones and the whole pack who had lost their Alpha, I had my own wounds to attend to and I couldn’t break down in front of my pack, they needed a strong leader.

“I want to see my daddy, where is my mommy?” I heard my son, ten years at the time scream as he was obstructed from seeing me.

“Alpha,” Jack asked waiting for my response, he had been by my side all this time and only he knew how much I was grieving.

“Send him away, if he is stubborn, lock him up in his room,” I ordered knowing I couldn’t handle seeing any of my children, I knew I would break down for sure.

“Alpha…” Jack wanted to say something but one look from me was enough to make him understand what I meant.

“Take the boy away,” he ordered, I know my son never forgave me for that day.

Still wondering what happened to the Alpha’s daughter, I was soon met with my answer.

“Alpha something alarming has happened,” the woman assigned to watch the girl reported breathlessly.

“What is it?” I asked wondering what had made her so breathless, she was normally a calm person.

“The child… the child is missing, we can’t find her anywhere, and the other children claim her aunty came for her.” She said to my absolute shock. I had just one job, I made one promise, and even that I couldn’t keep.

“You may leave,” I said to her as I needed time to process the information.

“Everyone, leave now,” I said to the others who stood at my beck and call, I needed to think of a way to save that girl, I promised...

“I already sent a search party, Alpha,” Jack said just before he left the room.

“I am a failure,” I muttered as I left alone in the room, I sank deeper into depression, a depression, I never recovered from.

Suddenly I was relocated to a lonely mountain, as I stared up at the moon, my questions were raging, my pain was renewed, and my wounds were reopened.

“Why, why, what did you want me to relive this?” I screamed in frustration as I struggled to make sense of it all.

“Protect my princess,” I heard his dying words repeat.

“I couldn’t protect her, I am a failure,” I screamed in response to the voice.

“Protect my princess,” I heard again, this gave me some hope, maybe there was something I could still do.

“I lost her, tell me how to find her, who is she, is she still alive?” I asked hoping for an answer of any kind.

“Protect my princess,” The voice repeated, giving me no answers.

“How? I am willing to do anything,” I whispered hoping for some kind of clue.

“The moon crest,” I heard, a whisper in the wind.

It only made sense, I had half of it, and surely the other half would be with no other person than his daughter.

“Who can help me?” I asked emboldened by the response I just received, maybe I could get another clue.

“Please,” I whispered as I heard no reply.

Suddenly I was transported to another forest, I didn’t know this one for sure but I knew I was there for a reason, seeing blood trails on the floor, I followed them to find out what was going on, maybe I was going to watch another war unfold, as much as I didn’t have the strength to face another war, I wanted to see if I could help. I asked for a clue and I was brought down here so I hoped to find something that would help me find the girl I had looked for all this time, it had been twelve long years of searching.

“What!!! Avery… Avery, are you okay?” I asked in shock as I found her lying almost lifeless on the floor.

“Just let me die,” I heard her say, looking in the direction her eyes were fixed on I saw a rogue wolf with an axe, stack naked.

I immediately understood what was happening, I heard reports like this, he would have his way with her and then kill her.

“Mine,” I roared as I charged at him in anger, my wolf had lost all restraint and torn him into pieces before he used the axe to break her legs.

“Avery,” I screamed as I woke up from what felt like a long nightmare, I couldn’t believe it was a dream, it felt too real and I knew for sure she was in danger.

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