


“Let hurry up, it will soon be nightfall, and our pack is a long drive from here,” I said to Angie who was fussing about what we might forget in the hospital room.

“Time is against us, will we me with The Alpha Davis?” Jack asked considering the rush we were in.

“I gave my word, he is already sitting and waiting for us I am sure,” I said as we left the room and hurried through the lobby.

Angie said we forgot something and asked to wait for her, turning in the direction she went I bumped into two women, one was holding the other’s hand and she was holding her stomach.

“Wait!” I commanded as they tried to hurry past me.

My nose caught a scent, one I was familiar with and my wolf was yearning for. Both women turned to look at me and the eyes of one of them widened, she looked like she had seen a ghost.

“What is your name?” I asked her, sure I knew her very well but she didn't speak, she just continued to stare at me.

“Speak!” I commanded as the other one burst out in laughter.

“I don't know who you think you are but we don't talk to people like that around here,” she said with a smile, she didn't look scared of me like any average werewolf.

“My name is Ashley and her name is Avery, with that being said we will take our leave,” she said confidently and tried to drag the other lady but she didn't move or even look at her, she just stared at me with a look of betrayal and my wolf was in pain.

“Am I missing something? Do I know her from anywhere?” I asked myself as I tried to remind myself what I felt was a very important detail that had skipped my memory.

Just then Angie walked out looking frantic but putting whatever she found in the bag.

“Avery, how are you?” She asked as she went to hug this strange lady.

“You know her?” I asked Angie as I rushed over to them. Something told me there was more to this lady than met the eyes.

“Yes she is my friend and tutor, she helped me pass my entry exams,” she said excitedly as she hugged the lady again.

“Do I know her, have I ever seen her before?” I asked urgently, this might be the key to knowing why my wolf yearned for her.

“No Daddy, you haven't, she came when you were away,” Angie said nervously as she exchanged a look with her brother who immediately backed her up.

“Yes Dad, you don't know her,” he said quickly and tried to pull me in the opposite direction.

The strange lady who I now knew was named Avery looked stunned, she looked at both Angie and Quinn in surprise as tears rolled down her eyes.

“You don't know me, Sir,” she said as she turned and ran in the opposite direction.

“This is strange,” I wondered to myself as I fought the urge to run after her and mark her.

They all claimed I didn't know her but the expression on their faces just now betrayed them.

“I'm sure it's nothing too serious,” Jack said as we hurried to meet up with Alpha Davis.

If it wasn't that serious, the expressions they had would have been totally different.

“Why do I feel like I am forgetting something very important ?” I whispered to myself as we left the clinic.

“Alpha Davis, long time no see,” I said shaking the hand of The Red Moon Pack Alpha.

“Truly it is, you gave us quite the scare I must say,” he replied as he offered me a seat.

For the next few minutes we discussed the welfare of our packs and I shared my intention to partner with him on a certain casino that needed refurbishing.

“We have always worked together on projects like this, there will be no exception this time,” He said before proceeding to share the plan he already drafted with me.

“Brilliant as always,” I said with a smile, all this time, a burning desire and a feeling of loss plagued my mind.

“Send the files over to me,” I said wrapping up our meeting, since the war, peaceful times had come for the werewolves and now we concentrate solely on building and increasing the wealth of our respective packs.

“I will be back in a few weeks,” I said to Alpha Davis as we entered the car and prepared to leave.

As we drove out, I wrestled with the thought of going back to the clinic to find that strange lady.

“Mine!!!” My wolf roared inside me as he yearned for Avery.

“Relax Ralph, you haven't had any action in a long time, I will certainly calm your desire,” I said to my wolf but he yearned for her even more and it took everything in me not to halt the car.

“Turn the car around, take me to the clinic,” I said to Jack who was driving the car, I couldn't take it anymore.

I heard a soft gasp for Angie and Quinn turned around giving me a weird look.

“No Daddy, we have to get back to the pack before it gets too dark,” she said with a hint of worry in her voice.

“Do as I say,” I ordered Jack who had brought the car to a halt.

“She is right Alpha, we still do not know the cause of your previous accident, we can't take any chances now,” he said not willing to heed my command but not wanting to disobey either.

“They are right Dad, who knows if someone is after your life, whatever it is you left in the Clinic, I will come pick it myself tomorrow morning,” he added supporting what they had said.

“Please Alpha you have hardly recovered, do not put yourself in a dangerous position,” Jack admonished as he started the car but didn't move yet, waiting for my order.

“Fine let us go,” I said and we sped off toward our pack mansion.

But why did I feel like I left something of utmost importance behind?

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