

Avery’s POV

“A private tutor, could I really be a private tutor?” I wondered as I continued my walk.

I thought of what it would entail, looking at the piece of paper again, these were simple subjects, and I could teach them easily. I looked at the paper again to confirm how many hours it needed, five hours was such a long time, and it would mean I would have to quit my other jobs.

“I can't do that, Aunty Vivian needs all that money,” I said aloud, thinking of possibly taking this as a second job.

Aunty Vivian had me on lock and key, she won't tolerate any form of lateness from me.

“How much are they willing to pay,” I thought looking at the piece of paper again, how could I possibly forget that in my present condition?

“What!” I screamed on the road drawing the attention of passersby.

They wanted to pay me two thousand dollars for each day!  Two of my jobs put together could not give me that in one week and they were willing to pay me that for a day? I quickly checked the location as I hadn't bothered to before.

“Why do I keep forgetting important details?” I asked myself, it was probably the hunger I concluded.

It wasn't that far, I could get there in twenty minutes. Maybe I would wait till tomorrow and then go and apply.

“But what if someone got there before me?” I thought, this opportunity was golden, who wouldn't jump at it?

Going for this interview meant that I would have to go back home and change up, I only wore a black T-shirt and jeans, which wasn't suitable for such an interview.

Sneaking back home and getting changed, was very risky knowing that Aunty Vivian might be awake by this time.

“Damnit, what do I have to lose?” I said as I proceeded to run home.

Aunty Vivian would kill me anyway if I came back with no money this evening, if she caught me now it would make no difference.

Taking a deep breath and tiptoeing into the house, I ran to my room.

“Thank goodness she is still passed out,” I whispered as I looked for suitable clothing. I didn't have much but I could put something together.

I ended up wearing a black skirt and a dark blue peplum top with some black swades, it was the only somewhat decent set of clothing I owned.

I heard my Aunt's footsteps coming towards my room.

“Shit, she shouldn't be awake by this time,” I thought, putting together an escape plan.

It was useless, I just had to wait for her to come and think of a good lie.

“Avery?” She called, she was still hungover, and I could hear it in her voice.

“Yes Aunty,” I replied, fear gripping me, my voice was already shaking.

“Why are you here?” She asked, trying to shout but still very dizzy she couldn’t.

“I came to change clothes, I had a little dress accident,” I said trying to create a believable lie.

“Good, now, get out of here,” she said harshly. I was grateful for this hangover for the first time in many years.

I ran out of the house and towards the railroad, got on the train, and tried to compose myself for my interview.

I got to the location I saw on the piece of paper, it was a big mansion, I walked in but there was no security, feeling that this was strange but thinking nothing of it I continued to walk on as soon as I entered the passage leading to the waiting area all the hairs on my body stood, I knew this aura, it was a familiar one, this place was a werewolf castle.

Squaring my shoulders and walking in I bumped into a tall brunette, she was very beautiful and I knew she was a werewolf but I wanted to pretend like I didn't know.

“Hi, I'm Angie,” she said with a radiant smile.

“I am Avery Ma’am,” I replied, trying to sound as professional as possible.

“I saw this advertisement and I came to apply for the job,” I said, showing her the piece of paper and hoping she would help me.

“Oh,” she said and cleared her throat.

“Well, in that case, take a seat,” she said, looking somewhat serious.

I sat and waited expecting her to go get my employer but she sat down opposite me.

“I am your employer,” she said, trying to hide her jolly tone.

“Oookay Ma’am,” I replied hoping I didn't leave a bad first impression.

“No need to fret, just solve the questions on this paper,” she responded, handing me what looked like an exam sheet.

I took several deep breaths and looked at the question paper. The questions were not that hard. I could finish them in no time.

“Is that lily I smell?” She asked me, I knew she was hinting at my perfume.

“Yes ma'am,” I replied hoping it wouldn't get me into trouble.

“Oh I love lilies,” she exclaimed, dropping her serious expression.

“What perfume is that, I have never seen any that smelt so pure,” she commented in fascination.

“I made it myself,” I said shyly, the situation with Aunty Vivian made it impossible for me to buy anything for myself, and desperate times called for desperate measures so I somehow found a way to make perfumes myself.

“Oh that's amazing, could you teach me?” She asked expectantly.

“Yes I can, it's pretty simple,” I said excited to share my knowledge but I remembered what I came here for I couldn't get distracted now, not with how badly I needed this job.

“What's stopping you?” She asked with a pen and notebook out ready to take notes.

“Well I want to finish these interview questions first,” I replied, turning my attention to the paper before me.

“Just answer the first and last two questions, if you get them right you are employed,” she said with a smile.

The questions were simple and I answered them quickly and returned the paper to her. Looking at them and comparing them with some answers she already had she looked at me with a smile.

“Congratulations, you are hired, now tell me about the perfume,” she said in a hurry.

But just as I was about to explain the procedure to her I heard a voice thunder from behind.

“Haven’t I warned you not to let humans in here Angie?”

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