

Amos’ POV

Avery, Avery, Avery,” the woman screamed in shock, she seemed to have sobered up.

“Somebody help!!!” She screamed again but nobody reacted or tried to inquire what the problem was. They all stood there staring at her as she cried hysterically and ran back and forth in confusion.

The woman finally exhausted sat on the floor, she was shaking and whispering some things to herself, she looked like someone who was running mad and looking at her hands, you wouldn't blame her.

“My mate is dead,” I whispered as I cursed my fate for always killing my mates.

But could I really blame my fate for this one? It was my carelessness, it was always my carelessness. I left her all alone when she needed me the most, I ran away like a coward, and now I had to pay the price.

“Cursed,” I whispered as I turned my car around, it was no use entering that house, I wouldn't be able to hold myself together if I did.

I drove back home in silence, not able to fully comprehend what had just happened, I had lost my mate, I had lost another mate, I was given a second chance and I blew it.

“Dad?” I didn't even look at who called me that, I was sure it was my son, their party was over and they had already cleaned up. I raised my hands dismissing him and I continued towards my room.

As I got close to my room door, Angie came to stand in front of me with her arms crossed, she looked at me angrily, she had become sober but remembered our earlier exchange, I didn't say a word to her, just looked at her with tired eyes, I needed rest, not just my body but my soul was exhausted.

“Daddy, are you okay?” She asked, her anger soon turned into worry.

I didn't answer her and she moved out of my way letting me walk into my room.

“Daddy?” She brought her hands towards me wanting to touch my shoulder, I shifted away from her quickly avoiding her touch, I didn't want to be touched right now.

Entering into my room, I locked myself in and just stared into the darkness. Angie kept knocking on the door and asking questions, which I didn't hear a word of, my mind was blank, my body was exhausted but I couldn't sleep, I was in limbo and I knew I couldn't get out.

“Daddy, are you okay, tell me what is wrong?” Angie said through our mind loop, she had resulted to that seeing that all other efforts were proving useless. She sounded genuinely worried and almost in tears.

“I am fine, I just want to be left alone tonight,” I replied not wanting them, both her and her brother who was listening intently to be worried 

“Alright Dad, take all the time you need,” He responded before I shut them both out.

It was a good thing we were away from the rest of the pack for this time, it would have been worse if we were with the pack, they didn't need a weak alpha and they definitely shouldn't see him fall apart.

I stared into space, struggling to bring myself out of this state but all my efforts were futile.

“Dead?” I repeated silently, I couldn't believe Avery was dead but I remembered the way her relative cried and how she kept screaming Avery over and over.

“I killed her,” I whispered as tears rolled down my face, I hadn't cried in a very long time and I was shocked, I could but none of this would bring her back, so what was the use?

“What's the use of anything,” I whispered as I stood up to find my boxing gloves, after the accident I had the last time while I was boxing, I didn't do it anymore, knowing that I couldn't heal myself easily anymore after that accident, I still put on those gloves and walked towards my boxing room.

I needed to let out this pain, I needed to hurt something and hopefully myself in the process.

“Damn it,” I said as landed the first punch on the punching bag, I knew this was going to hurt a lot.

I kept hitting, punching, I screamed in pain, not from the punching but from the pain in my heart, from my soul, life was not worth living this way, I was better off without this, it was fine all these years, leading the pack and training my children, cherishing the moments with my late wife, now my memories of her were disappearing only to be replaced by the painful memories of Avery's death.

“What?” I whispered as I stopped hitting the bag, it was built specially to withstand my strength but it was already shattered, hanging by a thread.

“What? It's this real?” I asked in shock, I heard, a heartbeat, faint but still there, it was my mate’s.

“Avery is alive?” I whispered as I ran to my room to put on some clothes, I had to hurry back to her house, maybe she lost a lot of blood but she was still alive, I knew it, I could feel it.

“Dad, where are you going? It's already past midnight,” a worried and confused Angie asked me on my way out of the house.

“I'll be back soon,” was all I replied to her before getting in my car and speeding away.

I wasn't seeing clearly, I wasn't thinking straight, if my mate was alive, I had to save, her, I had another chance, I could do this right, I could be a better man for her.

“Wait for me Avery,” I whispered with my heart out of my chest.

I didn't need my GPS or map anymore, I could find that neighborhood in a snap.

Looking at my speedometer, I wasn't going fast enough so I matched on the accelerator.

“I need to get there faster,” where the last word I said before my eyes were flooded with light, I saw a big trailer coming towards me and there was nowhere to turn to, this was surely my end.

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