

Amos’ POV

As I raced back to the castle, I became more anxious, what if she wasn't there when I got back?

I covered more distance, desperate to get there on time.

Getting to the castle and finding some clothes for myself I rushed out to find my mate. The party was in full swing and everyone was enjoying themselves but the one person I sought was nowhere to be found.

I started by looking in the kitchen, there were no traces of her, and it almost felt like she was never there. All the flour that was scattered all around the kitchen was cleaned, all the utensils were neatly arranged as they ought to be, and even the oven was cleaned.

“What the hell?” I whispered as I took it all in at once.

Going to Angie's dressing room hoping to find her there, maybe she wanted to change clothes but on getting there I didn't find anyone.

I was walking around in circles at this point so I decided to find her with my nose, her scent was unmistakable, surely I would find her.

“Perfect,” I whispered when my nose led me outside, of course, she was sulking in a corner, why did I never think of that?

To my great surprise and disappointment, my nose led down to the gate and out of it.

“Damn it,” She had left the anniversary party, the rejection must have been too hard for her to bear.

Frustrated and confused, I paced about, thinking of what to do next.

“I messed up big time,” I muttered as I ran my hand through my hair.

“Surely, we are mates and I can hear her thoughts,” I thought but as I listened for something, I heard nothing.

It was either she had blocked me out or she was dead.

A strong sudden fear filled me and I rushed to Angie's room. I knew I shouldn't do this but I had no other choice. Searching through her lesson notes and files I was looking for Avery's CV, I knew she had given it to Angie, I remember seeing Angie with it, I just needed to check something.

“Finally,” I said in relief as I found the CV.

Looking through it quickly I found her address.

Walking out of Angie's room and grabbing my car keys I bumped into Angie who was already tipsy from having too much wine.

“Daddy, here you are, come with me and give a speech, everyone is doing it,” she said and tugged at my arm, pulling me in the direction of the room where the anniversary party was.

“Not today Angie, I have an urgent business to attend to,” I said dismissing her and going towards my car.

“But Daddy…” she tried to protest as she came to stand in front of me, blocking my exit.

“Angie, I said not today,” I admonished trying to take her out of my way but she was being stubborn.

“Get out of my way,” I roared at Angie as I pushed her away.

“You hurt me!!!” She screamed in anger with tears in her eyes as she angrily stormed away.

I know I had spoilt her over the years but she needed to learn to take me seriously and not always push to have her way, she was even the cause of my dilemma tonight, if she had listened to me when I asked her not to let humans in the house, I won't be having this issue.

“I don't have time for tantrums,” I said walking out of the house. My mate may be dead and here she was screaming about some stupid talk.

Disobeying all the traffic lights, I sped towards Avery's house.

“I have to find my mate,” was all that kept ringing in my head.

As I neared the place my map told me was my destination, I couldn't help but be disgusted by the dirtiness of the neighborhood, it reeked of alcohol and urine. It was indeed a poor and disgusting neighborhood but beyond this, something was awfully familiar about this place. I had been here before but I couldn't place my hands on the occasion.

“When was it?” I whispered as I tried to recall but my brain seemed to have shut it out.

“What's wrong with my damn memory tonight?” I asked in annoyance but since that wasn't the basic reason for my visit, I pushed it to the side and just concentrated on finding Avery.

Seeing the house she lived in, I remember her words earlier when I called her money hungry, if she had to somehow maintain this building then she needed all the money she could get, this house looked like a very old mansion that had lost all its glory and was just hanging on the lines of destruction, it was literally falling apart.

“I am definitely moving her out of this shit hole,” I said to myself but I had to find her first.

I was torn between barging into her house and waiting for her to come out. As I struggled with my thoughts, I saw a frail drunk woman staggering into her house.

“Who is this woman?” I thought she had a resemblance to Avery so I guessed she was related to her but what confused me the most was the fact that she struck me as someone I knew. I must have seen her somewhere before, somewhere important but my brain was a mess that night and I couldn't remember anything.

“Find our mate,” was the only thing my wolf repeated over and over. My mind was so overtaken by this that I couldn't think of anything else.

“Avery, Avery!! You foolish bitch, where are you, open the damned door,” the woman screamed in front of an already-opened door.

“Avery, Avery!!” The woman continued to scream charging into the house.

“What a crazy woman,” I thought as I shook my head, I really need to get Avery out of this abominable situation.

Suddenly I heard a scream come from inside the house and the woman ran out with blood-stained hands.

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