

Avery’s POV

“Why are you here?” The voice repeated harshly as I struggled to see the person or creature speaking to me.

“I….I….I…” I stuttered trying to retrace my steps and possibly run away.

“Speak up girl,” the voice commanded, scaring me more.

At that moment I decided I was going to run away, it didn’t sound like it was a human speaking to me, I knew it was some kind of magical creature because all the hairs on my body stood up and there was a strange aura around.

Turning and trying to take off, my hand was suddenly grabbed by some claws and it was digging deep into my skin.

“Let me go!!!” I screamed in agony, as I fought to set myself free.

The injuries I was sustaining were not my problem, as long as they didn’t affect my face.

“You haven’t answered my question,” the voice repeated, I could now see the creature, it was a werewolf.

“Why do werewolves keep hurting me tonight,” I thought angrily as I devised a plan to run away from this freak.

“Why I am here is none of your business, you have no right to hurt me,” I said defiantly looking at him without fear.

“No right? You must be delusional, you are in my territory, so I can do with you whatever I so damn please,” he said firmly, all my attempts to fight him off were proving futile.

“Let me go,” I screamed again as I couldn't think of anything else to say.

If I put up a hard front and showed him I was not scared of him, maybe he would let me go. I encouraged myself as I hid the fear on my face.

“Oh I see, you are homeless and you wanted to sleep by this trash can right?” He asked with a smug smile knowing that was the situation but wanting to hear it come from me.

“Is this his way of trying to humble me? Taking advantage of my current situation?” I asked myself as I despised him even more.

Men, werewolves, they were all disgusting creatures if this was how they behaved, but I wasn't going to let him get what he wanted from me.

“Wrong,” I said, gathering all my strength, pushing him off, and proceeding to try to run again. My arm was bleeding heavily but I didn't have time to tie it up, I needed to get away from this predator.

For a split second, I considered going back to my parent's castle and Aunty Vivian, at least I had some kind of security, but then I remembered what that would mean, I would need to go back to working as a private tutor because she was already used to the amount of money I was giving her and the only person who could pay me that much was Mr. Amos’ daughter.

"No!!!" I said firmly, just the thought of his name left a bitter taste in my mouth, I could never work in that house again, he was the cause of my present situation, he betrayed me in the worst possible way, I had everything planned out, after three months, Angie would have passed her exams and I would have saved enough for a small flat somewhere and I would have left without all this rush and never in the night but here I was.

"Just a little more,” I whispered as I felt my legs weaken, I was running faster than I had ever done and I could hear that freak just behind me.

I had run into a vegetation of trees and I could see light at the other side of it. If only I could get there, I felt I would be free from this crazy werewolf.

“Shit, shit, shit,” I whispered as I felt myself begin to fall, I had hit my leg on a stone and not only was I seriously injured on that leg, but I was also falling to the grown and that meant he would catch up to me since he was only a few meters behind me.

“Dad, Mum, please help me,” I whispered as I lay on the floor, tears streaming down my face. I had the worst night, first I was rejected, I still feel sore from my first time, I had to run away, and I just wanted to sleep somewhere, anywhere. Now I had to run away from this predator and he was going to catch me.

I took a deep breath as I resigned myself to my fate, he sounded like he wanted to take advantage of me and kill me right after, maybe this was how I was meant to die, I would finally be able to reunite with my parents and get away from this terrible world and its heartless creatures.

“Just let me die,” I whispered as he dragged my body on the floor and thorns and stones tore into my skin, I understood he was going to be very heartless about this and I prepared myself for whatever was going to happen next, I was losing a lot of blood but of course, he didn't care.

“Foolish bitch, how dare you, try to run away from me, I will show you what pain feels like,” he said as he turned to spit on my face.

“I will have you as many times as I want and I will make sure you don't survive it,” he said in anger as he left me there on the floor and proceeded to go look for something.

It didn't matter what he was looking for at this point, it was probably to break my legs so I didn't try to run away again. Taking a deep breath I finally accepted that this was going to be my reality.

“Stupid bitch, she ruined my mood,” I heard a man mumble. With my eyes only halfway open I already knew who it was, for some reason he had transformed into his human form but I knew it didn't make him less dangerous.

My suspicions were confirmed as I saw him carry an axe, it was certain, I would be nothing but butchered meat after tonight.

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