

Avery POV

“Rise and shine honey!” Ashley said, opening the curtain in my room and letting the sunlight flood in.

“Good Morninggggg!” I screamed as I opened my eyes to a naked Ashley standing in front of me.

Ashley burst out in laughter as she came to sit on my bed, totally unashamed of her current state.

“We had a pack run this morning,” she said trying to explain but that still didn't explain why she was naked.

“So you didn't get dressed immediately?” I asked, confused at her nonchalance.

“Come on girl, I am comfortable with this,” she said motioning to her body.

“I am so jealous,” I whispered hoping she didn't hear me but her sudden laughter assured me that she did, she was a werewolf after all her ears were very sharp.

“It took some time to get here, I could help you if you want,” she offered, taking my hands in hers.

“If it means walking around naked, I'll pass,” I joked and we both laughed.

“Can I ask you something?” I said, curiosity taking the best of me.

“Sure but I want to get dressed first,” she said as she stood up from my bed.

“Aren't you basking in your confidence?” I teased and we both laughed as she exited the room and left me alone with my thoughts.

Ashley's life was beautiful and yet unexpected, I wanted to know more about it but I needed to gain her trust first.

“Where are my slippers,” I said looking under the bed. Last night after dinner I just threw myself on the bed without thinking of anything else. Now I didn't know where I kept what.

“Avery!” Ashley called, from the kitchen after some time.

“I'm coming!” I screamed in response as I hurried to get dressed.

“What's cooking?” I asked as I was met with a very pleasant aroma.

“I made pancakes,” Ashley replied as she served my plate and motioned for me to sit.

“Where are the children?” I asked, stuffing my face with food.

“They went to their grandma's house,” she said as she poured the milk.

“Sorry to intrude but where is their father?” I asked, she had four children, three girls and a boy but I had never seen their father.

“He died a few years ago,” she said with a sad smile as she sat to eat.

“I'm so sorry,” I said, immediately filled with regret for bringing it up.

“It's fine,” she said and we continued to eat in silence.

“I wonder how you do it,” I said breaking what felt like hours of silence.

“Do what?” She asked perplexed, looking up at me.

“Manage everything, the children, your job and all,” I said curiously, it must be so hard but she does it so easily and with a smile too.

“I don't know, I take it a day at a time,” she truthfully said with tears in her eyes.

“Every day I wake up and decide to be strong, decide to smile, decide to be happy and it is the most difficult thing but I do it regardless,” she said as she let the tears fall down her cheeks.

“And I am asking you to make that choice too,” she said stretching her hand across the table and squeezing my hand.

“I don't know if I can,” I told her in all honesty, it felt so hard to look beyond my past.

“I know you can, I believe in you,” she said with a smile and I responded with a nod, I was willing to at least try.

“Thank you,” I whispered just loud enough for her to hear and we finished eating in silence.

I stood up and proceeded to wash the dishes while she mopped the floor, it felt so good to work like this, in silence.

“Aunty Avery!!!” The children screamed as they all rushed to hug me.

“Welcome back darlings,” Shirley said from the backyard where she was putting some clothes out to dry.

“I brought sweets for you,” Vivi whispered as she slipped something into my pocket.

“Thank you,” I responded with a whisper as I patted her head.

“Who wants to play a game?" I asked trying to distract them long enough for Ashley to finish up her work.

“Me!” Daniel screamed as we went to my room for games and some stories.

Soon night came, I put them to sleep and sat outside for some fresh air, after a while I saw Ashley from a distance, she was just returning from work.

“Welcome back, I made dinner,” I quickly said to her seeing how tired she was.

“Thanks, I could get used to this,” she as she dug into the food and finished it in no time.

“She must be so tired,” I whispered looking at her in pity, doing all she did was simply amazing.

After the meal Ashley and I said goodnight and went to bed.

“Ugh,” I groaned in pain as I sat on the toilet floor.

I was woken by the urge to throw up and I had been throwing up for hours.

“Avery!” Ashley called from outside my room, I wanted to answer her but was too weak to speak.

“Avery? Where are you? “ She asked in panic as she burst into my room.

“Ashley,” I whispered trying to respond and hoping she would find me.

Like a flash of light, my bathroom door was opened and Ashley was by my side.

“What is going on?” She asked with a worried expression but before I could answer I passed out.

I opened my eyes and was immediately flooded by the light from the bulb over my head and I squeezed my eyes shut.

“Where am I?” I whispered as finally struggled to open my eyes.

“In the hospital dear,” Ashley who was sitting by my side looking worn out replied.

“What happened?” I asked not remembering anything at the moment.

“You fainted suddenly,” Ashley said as the doctor walked in.

“What is wrong with her?” She asked almost immediately.

“Congratulations Ma’am, you are pregnant,” The doctor said to me with a smile.

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