

Avery’s POV

“What are we going to do?” Angie cried ruining her makeup, she seemed to have exhausted her options.

“What about the backups,” her father asked, surely a family like this will have several vendors for things like this.

“Everyone is in a fix, nobody can help me right now,” she continued to cry, throwing her hands in the air.

Her father didn't say anything, probably thinking of what to do.

“What do we do? Everybody is here, it will be so embarrassing, I don't even have a damned cake,” She cried, throwing a fit and stomping her feet like a child.

“Stop that, I can't think with all this noise,” her father said, shutting her down.

I stood there watching the entire exchange, with their solution in my hand but I didn't want to rush into it, if there was any other solution, I would have preferred they take that, but the more I waited, nothing came, they called everyone they could but no one was responsive. Angie was losing her mind and her father was just watching her in silence.

“Well,” I finally said, wanting to offer my help.

“What?” They both asked in unison, startling me.

“I can bake,” I said quietly, seeing no other way.

“What can you bake?” Angie asked with a ray of hope rising in her mind.

“Everything, anything you want,” I said with a smile and confidence.

If my confidence was a balloon, it got deflated by the most loathing laughter and it came from Mr. Amos.

“You? Oh come on human,” he said in between laughs and continued to laugh at me.

As he laughed even Angie started to doubt me, she believed me before but her father's distrust of me was rubbing off on her.

“Aaaarrrreee you sure?” She asked, looking at me apprehensively.

I didn't say any more words, I brought out my almost destroyed, dying phone and looked for a picture I took when I worked at a very popular bakery and showed it to them.

“This doesn't prove anything because you don't work there anymore, why did you get fired,” her father questioned, wanting to frustrate my attempts at convincing his daughter.

“I left because their pay wasn't enough,” I clapped back, understanding what he was trying to do.

“Money hungry I see,” he said, attacking my character.

“Must be easy to say when you aren't broke and have never needed money in your life,” I responded, he was my boss's father and all but I wouldn't let him talk down on me without knowing anything about my situation.

“How dare you…” he was about to go off on me I was sure when his daughter stopped him.

“Daddy, you are not helping matters, if she can bake, let her bake something first for us to taste then we decided,” she said, cutting him off but he was shooting me daggers with his eyes.

So there it was, I decided to bake cookies because they were easy and would be done in no time, it wasn't hard since their kitchen had more provision than a mall, everything I needed was just there and I got to work, I loved baking and cooking, it made me relaxed but as far as I had to satisfy Aunty Vivian, I couldn’t do that.

“Almost done,” I said looking at my clock, it had been forty-five minutes but I hadn't noticed because I was enjoying what I was doing.

 When the cookies were ready, I put them on a plate to serve, turning around I bumped into Mr. Amos.

“What is he everywhere,” I thought as I took some steps back trying to find a way to move past him.

“Trying to make sure you don't poison my daughter,” he said as if hearing my thoughts.

“Well, did you make sure?” I asked sarcastically, pulling his legs.

“I did,” he answered honestly, not getting my joke.

“Can I go now?” I asked trying to leave the kitchen as he covered the entire door.

He didn't reply, he just stepped out of the way.

“This is soooo good!” Angie squealed in delight as she ate up seven of the ten cookies I baked.

“Stop exaggerating Angie,” Mr. Amos said as he casually picked up one of the cookies.

Putting it in his mouth, his eyes widened, and he couldn't help but agree with his daughter, they both finished all ten cookies in three minutes.

“So do I get the job?” I asked with a broad smile, already knowing the answer.

“Of course,” Angie said as she hugged me, I had saved the day.

“So I will pay you twenty thousand dollars and you will make a big anniversary cake and …” she began to describe and list out the things I was to bake.

To be honest, all the things she asked me to bake were really simple, I could get them all done in two hours tops and I wouldn't even bat an eye. Twenty thousand dollars was a lot of money, I could finally move out (run away) from that house and start a new life.

“Is that all,” I asked thinking she would give me a real challenge but that was all she wanted.

I went into the kitchen and began to prepare the ingredients, I danced as I began to bake, I baked the cakes first and as I was preparing to decorate them, I put the cookies, cupcakes, and other pastries in the oven. Of course, it was a big oven so everything could fit easily. All this while I couldn't shake the feeling of those two eyes watching me, her father had insisted that he must watch me, to make sure I didn't poison all his guests.

“What was this man's issue with humans,” I thought, fascinated at the hate he had for them.

All this time, he stood at the door watching me, it was kind of weird to be watched like that but beyond there was something else, and It drove shivers down my spine.

I had finished decorating the cake and was waiting for the other pastries, they needed another hour before they were ready.

“Damn it!” I heard Mr. Amos curse as he walked towards me with a strange look.

I began to move backward until my back was against the wall, he pinned my hands above my head and put his nose to my neck.

“That damned scent,” he whispered roughly as he sniffed me.

Suddenly his eyes changed color, they were darker than I could remember and then he said the words.

“Mine,” he roared as he sunk his teeth into my neck marking me.

My eyes widened and I gasped realizing what he had just done and feeling the strongest connection between us.

The rest was history, I couldn't remember much of what happened in the next thirty minutes but when I came to myself, we were both butt naked on the floor of the kitchen, he had claimed me, marked me, and taken my virginity.

I didn't feel ashamed of what had just happened, he was my mate after all but nothing prepared me for what happened next.

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