

Amos’ POV

“Where am I? I asked myself as I found myself in a dark forest.

“What is this, what is going on?” I was voicing out all my questions with hopes that something, someone would hear me.

I got no response so I kept walking, this forest looked oddly familiar but my memory was still a mess.

“Help me Raph,” I begged my wolf but he seemed to be silent.

Of course, he hadn’t forgiven me for what I did to our mate, which is another reason I needed to get out of this damned forest, I needed to make things right?

Suddenly, I heard the sounds of screams, clanging swords, and roars.

I immediately transformed into my wolf form and ran in that direction, I should be running away but my wolf was pushing me towards the chaos.

I came to a halt in front of the chaos and realized why this forest was familiar, I had been here before, it was the place where the final battle took place during the insurrection, it was the place where I lost my wife and my Alpha.

“No…no…no,” I whispered, how could I forget such a place but more importantly why was I made to relieve this memory?

“Maybe I was brought here to change the past,” I thought as I tried to move my legs but I was stuck in that spot.

“Please Raph, let’s try to stop this,” I begged my wolf but he was silent again.

Why was this happening to me, why was I here, why couldn’t I do anything?

Everything was so confusing but since I couldn’t move I watched in silence. I was the only surviving wolf from this battle, I had lost everything and went back to the rest of the pack with the seal of the Alpha and that was why I was Alpha now, no one else knew what really happened and how traumatic it was and this was why I lived far from the rest of the pack because I knew I wasn’t worthy to be their Alpha.

“What?” I almost screamed as I saw myself on the battlefield, it was me those many years ago, heavily wounded but still fighting.

This was the reason my wolf couldn’t react even when I begged him just now because I was here to watch something play out and not to interfere.

I watched my wife get attacked by a witch, she used a magic spell to tie her up and when the witch had succeeded with that, she sucked the life out of her and let her fall to the ground.

“Mi Cara!!!” I screamed as I ran towards her, stuck there in a spot in the present I could still feel everything like it was happening at the moment.

“I will come back, wait for me, my love,” these were my wife’s last words before her body turned into ash, a side effect of the witches spell, this was the reason why I couldn’t perform any of the rites for her death.

Standing there I clenched my fists as I watched myself from all those years break down completely, she was the only reason I kept fighting even with all the injuries I had sustained, if she was gone then my entire life had ended, she had left me with two small kids at the time who were hidden safely with the rest of the pack as all the warriors left to defend our heritage and none of my brothers and sisters sworn by blood and united in the fight returned even after we had the victory.

“Take me away, I can’t relive this,” I whispered already feeling myself break into a million pieces.

Just on cue, I turned in the opposite direction and there was a loud roar from that side of the battlefield my eyes searched for my Alpha because I knew what followed that sound.

“Who is still alive?” he asked through our telepathic link.

“I, Alpha,” I replied but it was a mere whisper, I couldn’t speak properly, I was still in a state of shock.

“Come, Amos,” My Alpha responded but his voice was breaking.

I knew in that instant that something was wrong and immediately my wolf raced to the side of my Alpha, destroying everything that stood in the way.

“Here, Alpha,” I said catching him, he was falling down, weak and dying.

“Promise me you will protect the pack and my little princess,” he pleaded with his icy blue eyes growing dim.

“I swear by the moon,” I whispered realizing he was not going to make it out of this forest.

“Very well, you will be Alpha,” he whispered as he took out a dagger and handed it to me.

On it was the inscription of our ancestors, I knew what this was, it was the full moon crest but it had been broken and I had just one half in my hands.

But as soon as the dagger landed in my hands, I felt power surge through me like never before, I roared and my roar had changed, a wolf tattoo was imprinted on the whole of my left hand just like that of the Alpha.

“Alpha,” he whispered as he closed his eyes and breathed his last.

This was how I became Alpha, it was not a joyous event, I wasn’t chosen by the moon goddess, I wasn’t born for it even if I had the form of an Alpha, it was because I was the only option, not because I deserved it.

“No, not like this,” I screamed as the full realization of what had happened dawned on me.

I wasn’t afforded even the time to grieve as I was surrounded on every side by witches and humans, I was the only wolf left on the battlefield, all my brothers and friends had fallen.

Letting out the loudest and most powerful roar, I managed to make them all fall, they were weak but not for long so I ran, leaving the dead bodies of my family, my brothers, and my Alpha. Like a coward.

I ran because that was the only way to protect the rest of the pack.

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