

Avery's POV

“What is going on Avery?” Ashley asked as she ran after me.

“Talk to me,” she said still trying to match up to my pace.

I ran to the private room Ashley had paid for me to stay here in the clinic and rushed to the bed.

“What just happened?” Do you know that man? She asked in confusion as she sat beside me.

I couldn't help it anymore I burst into tears.

“I want an abortion,” I whispered to Ashley as I continued to cry.

“Why? What is going on?” Ashley asked but I couldn't give her an answer.

She held me as I continued to cry, this was truly my breaking point.

“That man was my mate and the father of my baby,” I said finally getting myself together.

“What!” She screamed in shock a million questions running through her mind.

“Then why did he…?” She didn't complete her sentence but I knew what she was asking.

“He acted like he didn't know me like I was some stranger,” I whispered as I struggled to maintain my composure.

“He took my virginity and marked me,” I cried as my efforts to keep calm were failing.

“I don't understand why he will act this way, I understand if he doesn't want me anymore but he didn't have to act like I don't exist,” I explained to Ashley hoping she would get what I was saying.

“Calm down Avery, please you haven't fully recovered,” Ashley cautioned as she tried to comfort me.

“I want to…” I didn't finish my sentence before I felt myself fall into the darkness.

“Avery…Avery…Avery!!!” I heard Ashley call but she seemed so far away, then finally, the darkness enveloped me.

“Doctor, what is going on?” Ashley asked with a worried tone.

“She just needs rest, a lot of rest,” the doctor said as I slowly opened my eyes.

“I want an abortion,” I whispered as tears rolled down my face.

“You will have to recover first,” Ashley said as she rushed to hold my hand.

My eyes were opened but I could feel the darkness call me yet again, I was slipping away and I wished I would sleep and never wake up.

“Did anything sudden or dramatic happen yesterday?” The doctor asked as I tried to stabilize myself.

“Yes doctor,” Ashley said but didn't give any other details and for that I was grateful.

“She is suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, there is not much we can do,” he said putting a stethoscope on my chest.

“Are there any medications that can help with this?” Ashley asked, she sounded so worried and this made me feel very guilty. I had brought my trend of bad luck and disaster to her life.

“There are but they can not be administered in her present condition.” He replied as he opened my eyelids to check them, I was awake but too tired to open my eyes.

“What condition Sir,” she asked sounding perplexed.

“Her pregnancy,” he replied before excusing himself to leave.

“Seems like this abortion could be a good solution,” she said out loud still assuming I was still asleep and I couldn't agree more.

I had already made up my mind about the abortion, there was no use in bearing a child whose father despises me.

“I'm sorry Ashley,” I said after some time, she had left everything including her children to spend days with me at this clinic and I knew it wasn't an easy thing to do.

“You are awake,” Ashley gasped as she rushed to check my temperature.

“I'm fine Ashley, I'm ready to go home even, I just want to know when I can be discharged,” I said and just on cue, the doctor walked in.

“Good Evening doctor, when can I leave?” I asked without hesitation.

“Right now,” he said with a smile and proceeded to check my vitals.

On his way out I stopped him to inquire about the procedures for an abortion and he directly me the lady in charge of it, saying I needed to run some tests first.

“Thank you, doctor,” I said with a smile, I was calmer than before.

“What changed?” Ashley asked after the doctor had left.

“Nothing, I understand the situation and know what to do, that's all,” I replied with a smile, it was a lie, I was still shaking on the inside but my mind was already made up.

“I am here supporting you, no matter what,” she said as we both went to inquire about the abortion.

We were able to set a day and time, it was just a few days away so I could wait and with that out of the way I was discharged and we went home.

“Aunty Avery!!!” Vivi screamed and ran to hug me.

“I missed you, darling,” I said swatting down to peck her on the cheek.

“How are you feeling now Aunty Avery?” Daniel asked as soon as he got close enough.

“I am fine now Daniel, thank you,” I replied with a smile.

The next few days passed in a blur, I spent most of my time with the children, we told stories and played games, I made food and cleaned with Ashley, my mind never went to my pregnancy, I didn't think about it for once, not even what had happened in the clinic.

“Are you ready?” Ashley asked as we entered the clinic. It was the day of the abortion and I couldn't wait to get this over and done with.

“Good Morning Ma’am,” a nurse said as she directed me towards the operation room.

I didn't say any words I just took deep breaths comforted by the presence of Ashley who she was allowed into the operating room thankfully.

“Are you ready? You can still change your mind now,” the doctor said before the procedure began.

"I am ready doctor," I said already feeling a pang of guilt and a sense of loss but I didn't let that stop me.

“We will do a final scan first,” the doctor informed me, I nodded in approval and they began the scan.

Soon their faces had changed and they began to whisper among themselves.

“What is going on?” I asked when the whispers intensified, I was become terrified by their reaction to the scan.

“I am sorry Ma’am but for your safety, we cannot continue with this procedure,” the doctor said as he took off his gloves and nose mask before exiting the operating room.

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