Duke Raven: The Alpha's Weak Son

Duke Raven: The Alpha's Weak Son

By:  Frappyskye  Ongoing
Language: English
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Duke Raven’s father was the Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack and the strongest among other alphas of the neighboring packs. He was feared, yet respected. With such a great father, everyone became expectant of Duke’s might but he failed them. Duke was weak. Too weak, that when compared to an average human, he’s only a tad stronger. Due to this, Duke was bullied. But things changed when something happened that caused Duke’s dormant power to awaken. However, Duke hid it away. He hid his power from everyone and only acted in the shadows. As so, he earned the name “Grim Reaper”, a vicious rogue wolf that cruelly kills. Duke thought that he could keep his second identity hidden forever, but he was wrong. Someone accidentally figured him out. An omega woman from their pack named Elle. Will Duke dirty his hands with the blood of an innocent girl? Or will he stick to his promise of only killing to protect his siblings? He needs to decide. And he has to, now!

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10 Chapters
Chapter 1: A Happy Birthday
Duke's ViewpointI was awakened from my slumber after I heard voices singing merrily near my bed. I squinted my eyes to see what was happening and saw my mother and my twin younger brothers, Koby and Toby. Mother was holding a cupcake with a lighted candle on top and the three of them were singing. A smile formed on my lips realizing what was happening. “Happy Birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Duke. Happy birthday toyou…”That’s right. Today is my 9th birthday. I was so excited about it yesterday that I even slept late last night. My lips were smiling widely as I looked around my room. But seeing the absence of one person, my arched lips slowly faded.My mother must have seen me do that, so she spoke to get my attention. “The candle is almost melted, go quickly make a wish, son.” She told me. I looked at the cupcake in her hand and saw that the candle is already almost half of its original size. So, I firmly closed my eyes and uttered my wish in silence. Af
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Chapter 2: Training Camp?!
It took several minutes of driving before our truck turned left into a rocky road heading towards a forest. I eagerly wanted to ask why we are here but I cannot bring myself to. When I had a couple of glances at my father, that was when he spoke, maybe noticing it. “We’re going to the camp I built when I was younger.” He simply told me.A camp he built when he was younger? I tried to remember my mother’s bedtime stories and I don’t recall her mentioning a camp once. But what is a camp by the way? Is it a house?After asking several questions like that inside my head, I suddenly remembered one story that Lucas- our neighbour- told me last summer break. He once boasted to me that he and his father often go to the mountains to camp whenever it’s his birthday or celebrate yearly occasions.[Wait! Didn’t Lucas also mention that camping is fun? That his father and he bonded during it?]An idea lit up inside my head. And then I turned to my father in genuine surprise. Father is trying to bon
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Chapter 3: Father Was Worried
At home, my mother was at the door waiting for us. Her face softened seeing me, but she glared at my father behind. “What’s wrong with your shoulder?” She asked, seeing the bandage that Father tied.“It’s just a simple broken shoulder, Lucia, it’ll heal tomorrow,” Father answered for me and proceeded to enter our house past us.I saw mother’s lips pursed as she closed her eyes. It was a similar expression I saw back then when I accidentally broke our window while playing. Is she mad?Mother’s eyes opened and she looked at me gently. “You’ll be healed tomorrow after a night’s sleep but the way your father-” She paused and closed her eyes again before she continued, “Will you go to your room first, honey? I’ll come up later to retie your bandage.” She softly said.I nodded, “Yes, Mother.” And climbed up to my room as I was told. A few seconds later, Mother’s angry voice echoed downstairs.--Morning the next day, my broken shoulder had already healed up. My wounds and injuries before ta
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Chapter 4: Mother is Sick Yet Father is...
I hopped out of our truck when we reached home. Today’s training is hard as usual, but the last sparring I had with Father was better. I managed to scratch his cheeks after all.It may be only just a scratch but I considered it a successful blow. I am so happy about it that I wanted to tell my brothers immediately.The house was silent similar to the other day. But unlike last time, I did not panic at all. Mother must have gone somewhere with the twins again. When I entered our house using the kitchen backdoor, I went straight to our living room where the stairs upstairs are at. But my steps were halted upon seeing Mother, on the floor, and unconscious.“Mother!!” I called out in worry.Things then happened so fast after. In just a short period, our house was filled with people I once saw the faces before. And Mother… she was finally awoken earlier but went back to sleep again.I wanted to know what was happening, but our aunt Selib won’t let us. She said that Father ordered her to k
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Chapter 5: Motherless Son
“We’re sending our condolences.”“Condolences, Raul.”“Oh, poor kids. Why did Lucia have to leave so early?”Those are not the only words I heard since people began coming for Mother’s funeral. I hated those looks of pity but Father’s blank expression is what irks me more.“Are adults really like Father, big brother Duke?” Toby’s question made me look at him. My eyes also shifted to Koby who is sitting with us. I do have the same question as them but I decided to give my opinion as an answer. “No. Father is different.” I simply said.I do not hate Father. But sometimes, especially right now, I hate that I don’t understand why can’t he show emotion similar to us. Did he not love Mother as much as we love her? Did he not?Those questions remained in my mind, and I ended up dreaming about them. And the moment I woke up from my nap, it was time to bid my final goodbye to my mother.But when I was about to approach my mother’s body, I was grabbed by one elder wolf and was guided back insid
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Chapter 6: Grey and His Cousins
“What is happening here?!”Lucky for me, a teacher’s voice suddenly echoed so Grey was able to regain his composure and his claws retracted.When the teacher came over, she turned her eyes on me and Grey’s group. “Are you two fighting?” She asked us. Grey quickly denied it. “No, Mrs. Campbell. We are just welcoming Duke back, that is all.” He lied.Mrs. Campbell turned to me to confirm it and I just nodded. “All right.” She said. But seemed to be not that convinced so he let Grey and his cousins go ahead and made me stay with her after.“Are you getting picked on by Greyson and his cousins, Duke?” Mrs. Campbell then asked me closely. I wanted to tell her that I am but I know that it will only bring me more trouble so I chose to zip my mouth.“No, Ma’am.” I answered her. After eyeing me closely for a while, she then sighed and told me to come together with her. She was my homeroom teacher for this school year, it turns out.--After eating lunch with my siblings, who are also now stud
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Chapter 7: The Sketchbook and the Memory It Holds
My father and I were not talking to each other after that day. And I was avoiding him, too. Not because I was afraid of him, but because I was still mad about what happened. I just don’t understand him. “Duke?” One of the housemaids named Susan called me. I turned to her. “Uh?” “Your milk’s about to spill, honey.” She warned, pertaining to the milk I am pouring on my cereal. I looked at my bowl; the milk is almost near its mouth. I quickly stopped pouring the carton of milk before it spills all over the table. If Father was present, I would have been scolded already. “Thank you, Nana Susan.” She gave me a small smile and took an extra bowl from the cupboard above me. She then took my bowl of cereal and transferred the excess milk to the other bowl she got. “You seem to have a lot in mind. What does someone your age think so deeply this early in the morning?” She carefully asked me. I fell silent. Then I looked at her. “Nana Sus
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Chapter 8: Crimson Hunt
Third Person’s Viewpoint   Crimson Hunt. An annual hunting event to celebrate the foundation of the Blood Moon Pack. It is also a celebration of the Blood Moon Goddess’s bestowed blessings, whom the pack took the name from. But aside from those aforementioned reasons, Crimson Hunt is also an event for maintaining the nature of werewolves: Hunting. Hundreds of years ago, werewolves feasted on humans and animals to survive. But due to the changes in the world, werewolves, who have now integrated into modern life, had already stopped this way of survival. They’ve learned to work to earn money, use the earned money to buy meat, and then cook the meat for food. Eventually, the integration into human society was a huge success. However, as a result, their ancestor’s way of living had slowly been forgotten. As such, in order to not forget their nature and their culture, this annual hunting event is comme
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Chapter 9: Red Eyes
Duke's Viewpoint {Flashback}   “Uhmm… Duke?” I heard someone call me from behind. I looked around to see who it was. “You’re…” I tried to remember his name but sadly, I cannot. It is the first time he came and approached me after all. “Uhm, yes?” I asked. “Earlier…” He said, looking so hesitant to speak. Earlier? Now that I remembered. He’s the one who spoke something about my eyes after Grey left and before Mrs. Campbell arrived. I stood and fully faced him. I noticed how he took one step back so; I did not come closer anymore. I know why he’s scared anyways. Getting caught while talking to me will earn him Grey’s wrath and be his next target. And it’s not only him who doesn’t want that. Everyone as well. This explains why I’m unaware of his name or any of my classmates’ names to be precise “Yeah, about earlier. What were you trying to say about my
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Chapter 10: Fight against a Rogue
A Rogue. A Rogue is a werewolf without a pack. They often kill any werewolf they encounter; may it be a member of a pack or a similar rogue, like them. They are vicious plunderers. And that same vicious plunderer is right in front of me, deviously smiling. “Others cannot dodge my attack so easily like that. You’re quite good, pup.” He praised me, but I don’t feel good that he did so at all. I’m scared. “W-who are you, Mister?” I tried to sound brave, but aside from stuttering, my voice also cracked. ““W-who are you, Mister?” Nye-nye. Are you kidding me pup? You already know who I am.” He told me, even copying my cracked voice just to spite me. “Isn’t that why you’re already in a fighting stance?” He’s right. Being unguarded around a rogue would cost me my life. I need to be ready to fight back if I want to live. “I… I belong to the Blood Moon Pack, Mister. You will only regret this.”
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