
Chapter 25



    *Amira's Pov*



    "Your highness the crown princess is already awake. The whole palace is celebrating!" Ashley told me when he entered my room. I'm currently fixing all my things because my 'oh so good' uncle decided to throw me out of the palace.



    "Stop calling me your highness! I'm already demoted! And as for that Ana Mae and all those annoying people in this palace, they have time to celebrate even if my mom just died yesterday?" I shouted angrily at her.



    "Your highness, you will forever be a princess in my heart. Wherever you go, just know that I will forever be with you," she assured me.



    "Thank you for your loyalty Ashley. I'm really glad that I have you in this cruel world," I told her. 




    I don't understand why my mom had to leave me alone now! How could the Gods be so cruel to let me live a miserable life alone?


"From now on, I will be wandering along the streets asking for money. This is an insult for a royal blood like me!"  I yelled while throwing the vase on my coffee table. 


"Your highness calm down. You won't walk the streets alone. I will stay with you!"



"Amira, the king is waiting for you!" Leana suddenly spoke that made me more mad.



"Amira?" I asked her with furrow brows. She then puts her left hand on her hips and glared at me.



"Yes, what do you expect me to say? Address you as a princess? Dream on traitor! You are now demoted as a princess! My rank is even higher than you," she said proudly before she left.



"Oh that annoying bitch! Let me kill her your highness!" Ashley was about to go after her but I held her wrist. 


"There's always a perfect timing for everything Ashley. Let them enjoy for now, because they won't be able to enjoy it longer," I told her with a smirk.



She smiled at me before she asks, "What's your plan now your highness?"

"I will have my revenge! I promised my mom that my life story will not end with being a commoner. I will be the queen of Citrine and everyone will bow their heads to me!" I said confidently.






    "From now on, you are not allowed to enter the palace. Your allowance will be donated to the charity same with your clothes and jewelries." I was stunned with what my uncle told me as soon as I entered the throne room. What the heck? Even my own clothes will be donated to the charity?


"What? I will not bring my clothes with me? What did you expect me to wear then?" I blurted out. He's so cruel!


"You have those clothes and jewelries because you're a princess. And now that you're a simple commoner you no longer have the right to wear them!" he explained that made me more angry with him.




"How could you do this to your own flesh and blood? I am your niece!" I asked him with tears falling from my eyes.


He laughed before he answered, "Good question Amira. But I think that question fits you more. Have you forgotten that Ana Mae is your cousin? She's your own flesh and blood yet you still managed to endanger her life. Now you expect me to have pity on you because you are my niece, when you did not even know how to pity your own cousin?"


I swallowed the lump in my throat and started to heave three deep breaths to control my temper.



"Look, I know that I made a mistake. But don't you think that I deserve to be given another chance?" I pleaded.



"You almost killed your own cousin and now you're asking for another chance? Did you think that if ever you succeeded on killing my daughter she would still have a chance to be alive again? You risked our dynasty's future Amira!" he reminded me using his angry tone.



I stump my feet on the ground and glared at him.



"Remember this day uncle! Yes you have the power now! But the question is, how long you'll be able to hold that power?" I told him which made him more angry.



"Insolent! Palace attendants remove all her jewelries from her body!" he ordered.



Then the palace maids rushed towards my direction. They removed my bracelet, ring and even the necklace that my mom gave me. I tried to stop them but they were too strong for me to handle. They hold both my hands and stopped me from moving.


"No please, not my necklace!" I begged while crying. That necklace is too precious to me. That's the only memory I have with my mom. 

"Please spare my necklace. I already lost my mom, that necklace is the only thing I have," I pleaded but the king did not listen.





"Guards ,throw this woman out of the palace!" he ordered his guards.

"Your majesty, I would like to come with her," Ashley requested. 

"No! You will be lock in the dungeon!" he shouted angrily. Then the guards started pulling me out like I'm some kind of a useless trash.

"Let go of me! Ashley!" I called out for Ashley but all I could hear is her sobs.

"Remember this day you idiots! I will soon have my revenge on all of you!" I shouted angrily after they throw me out of the palace gates. 

I was left with nothing, not even my precious necklace. Now I'm an orphan and a beggar. 

I started to walk away from there while crying. Revenge is the only thing I want right now. I will make them pay for everything they did to me and for killing my mom!




"Poor child, you have been thrown out of the palace that's supposed to be yours!" I stopped walking when I heard someone speak behind me. I turn around and I saw a man in his mid 40's. He's handsome but there's something in him that screams danger.


"Who are you?" I asked nervously.

He smiled like a devil.

"I am King Velion, and I will be the one to help you have your revenge. Come with me and you will not regret it. I will help you avenge your mother," he told me.

"How did you know that I want to avenge my mom? And what King Velion are you talking about? Which kingdom are you from?" I asked him confusedly. It's the first time that I heard his name. Is this man a real king or he's just pranking me?

"Let's say that I have a power to read someone's sorrows. Your heart and mind is filled with anger and I could help you turn it into a fire. A fire that will burn your enemy one by one!" 

I was stunned with what he told  me. 


"Are you crazy?" I asked him while laughing.



But my laughter was turned into gasp when I saw him covered with black smoke.



"You're a de..vil!" I said nervously.



He laughed hard then he swayed his left hand. Dark smokes suddenly rushed towards my direction. I started to feel dizzy, my feet feel numb and the last thing I felt was the impact of my body on the ground before I lost consciousness.

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