
Chapter 24


 *Third Person's Pov*


    Prince Zion and Stefan used teleportation spell to reach the palace. They went straight to the princess's room.


    "Stefan, use invisibility spell and stay outside. Notify me if somebody is coming," Prince Zion told Stefan.



    "Yes your highness." He bowed down his head and chanted the invisibility spell. Then he left the room, leaving prince Zion alone with the princess.




    He walks towards the direction of the princess who's peacefully sleeping on her bed. He stared at her for a second and his tears started swelling in his eyes. 


    He caress his beloved's face.


    "My beautiful sunshine, my pearl, the owner of my heart please forgive me for being selfish. I hope someday we will meet again and you will be able to forgive me." He planted small kisses on her forehead. 


    "The very first moment that I laid my eyes on you, I automatically fell for you. But fate was cruel to me, at that very moment my heart was torn apart with the reality that we will never be together. For you are destined to end our raise and my mission is to kill you. How ironic isn't it? I fell for you before I could even kill you," he said with sadness in his voice. He smiled bitterly and tears fall from his eyes.




    He used his power to create glass fire. The most deadly and venomous fire. Only a few were born with this kind of power. Glass fire is the only fire that could kill immortals especially the half bloods. Half bloods are immortals with the blood of the Gods and Goddesses. Spells and other powers could hurt them but it can never kill them. That's exactly the reason why Princess Ana Mae did not die immediately even after being bitten by the most venomous snake. Only the glass fire has the ability to kill them in just a few seconds. The Gods and Goddesses killed the immortals who posses glass fire that's why it's rare to find someone who have this kind of power.



    And just as when he was about to use it to kill the princess, a golden light appeared. He was shock and he automatically stood up. Whoever that person who created that golden light he's sure that it's one of the Gods and Goddesses.




    The golden light started to form a humanlike figure. Then, a man with a golden armour and masculine body appeared. Prince Zion was shocked because the man looks exactly like Princess Ana Mae. He's like her male version! They have the same eyes, lips and even their jawline is the same.



    "Who are you?" he asked trying to hide his shock expression. He knows that whoever this man is, he possesses a very powerful aura. But a Prince like him won't get defeated without a fight. He covered his body with blue fire and he could see the shock expression of the stranger.




"We're even!" Prince Zion whispered in his mind. 


"Oh great! So you have the glass fire within you prince of darkness?" the stranger said in a mocking voice.


"WHO ARE YOU!" he shouted. How could this stranger ignore his question? The stranger smirked and chanted a spell.



"You're a wi...zard?" the prince asked while stuttering.


The stranger ignored him and continued to chant. In a few seconds, heart shaped rubies started to appear above his head.



"What are these rubies for? Are you gay?" The stranger chuckled and started to move forward.



"I thought you'd automatically know who I am by showing you my symbol. Those rubies are the ember of love. Whoever got those rubies will feel an everlasting and pure love. But my sister's ember possesses a much stronger love," the stranger explained.



The prince stared at him with wide eyes because of too much shock.



"Then you must be-" He wasn't able to continue his sentence because the stranger continued it for him.


"Eros, the God of Love. Son of Aphrodite and the warrior Adonis. Ana Mae's older brother!"


    Prince Zion was stunned with his answer. Now he's facing the God of Love himself!



"So you're here to protect your sister from me?" he asked as if challenging the God of Love.



"I don't have to protect him because your love will protect her," Eros explained.



"What are you talking about?" Prince Zion asked trying to look confused.



"I know that you're in love with my sister but you're trying your best not to betray your father." He claps his hands and the rubies vanished.

"Listen Prince of Darkness, your father's greed for power lead him to darkness. Everyone who possesses greed and hatred in their hearts has no room for love. But you are different, you have fallen for my sister! That only means your heart is not as dark as your father's. Listen to your heart because it will lead you to the right path," Eros continued.



"Love will just make you weak. Father told me that a prince must not show weakness!" Prince Zion exclaimed. 



"Maybe, but love could also be someone's source of strength. My father fall for my mother even when they both know it's forbidden because a Goddess is never allowed to have relationship with a mortal. But their love made them stronger. They fought for their love even if they were not sure of the outcome. My mom lost my father because of it but I'm sure wherever he is right now, he's happy. Because even if it costs him death he still fought bravely for the woman she loves. They might not be able to have a happy ending but atleast they were once happy with each other and that's something that they will never regret. Love is worth fighting for, if you love someone learn how to fight for it without thinking about the possible outcome" Eros advised him.



Prince Zion was drowned into deep thoughts because of his words. 



    "So what are you trying to say then?" he asked confusedly.




"Go back to your kingdom and don't try to harm my sister again. Be happy that I'm doing you a favor, because you might regret your wrong decisions in the end. Whatever that's written in the prophecy will happen, whether you like it or not. So stop trying to change your father's fate, because you will end up burning yourself!" Eros warned him.



Prince Zion stared at Princess Ana Mae for a minute before he vanished. Now it's clear to him, love is something that he will not be able to defeat. Even the mighty warriors of the past drowned in it but they did not try to fight it, instead they fought for it.


Eros was left alone with her sister. He sat on her bed and gently kissed her forehead.

"Never think that you are alone my dear sister, because from now on I will stay beside you and protect you." He swayed his left hand then a vial appeared from it. He opens it and drops it directly on Princess Ana Mae's wound. 

Then a magic happened. The bruises in her body disappeared and her cheeks were back to it's normal pinkish glow.

"See you soon," Eros whispered before he disappeared.


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