
Chapter 23


    *Prince Zion's Pov*



    I stared at the white ceiling of my room. Days already passed since that incident, yet here I am still fighting this feeling that's starting to grow inside me. My heart tells me to visit her and see if she's already okay but my mind keeps telling me the other way around. It never stops reminding me that she is the reason why I'm here acting as the Prince of Etheor. My mission is to kill her, but instead I have fallen deeply and madly inlove with her. So deep that I think I'm already drowning with the thought of protecting her and disobey my father.


          "I know what you're thinking," Stefan suddenly spoke while resting his chin on his hands. I glared at him.



    "So you're now a wizard that knows how to read minds?" I asked sarcastically. He chuckled and then he smiled playfully.



    "Sort of," he answered.



    "Stop joking Stefan!" I told him. 



    "Well, you want me to be serious your highness?" he asked then he stood up from his bed and slowly walks towards the window. He opened the curtains and I could see the dark skies and the stars twinkling. 




    "You and the princess are like day and night. No matter how much you want to be together, fate will always be there to serve as a barrier. And just like day and night, when her sun reaches the skies your moon will be out of sight. You two came from different clans, with different beliefs and different missions. You must end her to protect our raise. Because the longer her sun shines the lesser chance for your moon to shine," he explained. 




    He's right, we are like night and day. We can never be together. The longer I let her shine brightly the lesser chance for our raise to live. 



    "Do you have a spell that removes feelings?" He faced me with curiosity written all over his face. 




"Seriously your highness? Love is too powerful to be defeated by just a simple spell. Besides, only the dark witches practice that kind of spell," he explained.




"We have to go back to the kingdom of Darkness!" I stood up from my bed and I quickly took my black cloak.




"The spell does not have a forever effect. Love is powerful and it will never be defeated by darkness. The spell might help you forget that person but when you see her again there's still a chance or possibility that your heart will be able to remember her. And then you will fall inlove with her over and over again," he told me.



So this spell does not have a forever effect? It's useless!

I put my cloak back to it's place then I walk out of our room. Stefan came running towards me.



"Where are you going your highness!" he asked in a worried tone.



I let my fire power out from my palm. He was shocked and worried at the same time.



"Your highness ,somebody might see you!" He check on our surroundings if there's someone who probably saw what I did.



"They are all asleep Stefan," I told him while laughing. 


    "What if there's someone who's roaming around? What will we do if that someone sees us? How will we explain?" he said worriedly. I closed my palm and then the fire was gone.



"It's gone! You don't have to worry anymore," I told him while laughing. Such a scared wizard!


"Look, your highnesa we need to be extra careful. This is the mortal world, everyone here is normal and we have to behave like them to be able to fit in," he reminded me.



"I know Stefan! I was just teasing you. I'm always careful with my actions. I don't want to disappoint my father." He stared at me for a second then he gave me a meaningful smile.



"The moment you had fallen inlove with the chosen one is the exact moment that you disappointed your father." 



He's right! Falling for my enemy means betraying my own father.  He sees me as a disappointment and I should change that. And the only key to do that is to do my mission and bring him the lifeless princess.



    "You're right! All my life I've been a disappointment to him. And I don't wanna be like that forever. I want to make him proud even if it means fighting my own heart!" I said with full determination. He smiled at me and give me a thumbs up.


"I support you on that your highness. What's your first move?"



"I'm going to their palace tonight. I will kill her and fulfill my mission," I explained to him. I saw how his eyes widened because of what I told him.



"Are you sure about this your highness? Are you sure that you will not have regrets in the future?" he asked.



"The future is unknown for now Stefan. And if ever I would regret my decision or not, it does not matter anymore. What I want is to restore my father's love towards me. If I kill Ana Mae he will be proud of me and he will love me even more."  All my life that is my only dream. To be loved by my own father but it seems really hard to reach. But I know that I will achieve it as soon as I'm done with my mission.




"Your father will be really happy to know that your highness. He will be very proud of you once he learned that you fulfilled your mission." He's smiling widely because of too much happiness.



"I know Stefan," I told him with a fake smile on my face.



Nobody knows if I will regret this or not, but I'm sure that my father will be very happy.



"I'm sorry Ana Mae," I whispered in the air. Loving you was the happiest feeling I had ever felt. I can't imagine life without you, but I also can't imagine living a life with my dad's anger. I don't want to be called failure anymore, I want to show him that I'm a son that he could be proud of. But  I will forever live suffering from this decision. I will forever live missing your scent, your smile and your beautiful face. I'm sorry my princess!


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