By:  Juliana Oluwasegun  Ongoing
Language: English
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The story sets the stage for an unexpected and potentially tumultuous relationship between Davina and Xavier, as they are thrust into an arranged marriage against their will. Davina faces the challenge of paying off her debt, while Xavier must come to terms with the sudden change in his life. Their futures are now intertwined in ways they could never have imagined.

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17 Chapters
CHAPTER 1- Unexpected Arrangements
"Goodbye, Mom. I need to go now, and I'm running late; our customers will be waiting," Davina said, planting a kiss on her mother's cheek. She had been working as a food delivery rider for the past year, and today was no different. The sun was setting, and the streetlights began to flicker to life."Don't come back late, Davina," Mrs Wilson replied, her voice filled with concern as she watched her daughter mount her bicycle.Davina pedaled away, the warm breeze ruffling her hair as she navigated the busy city streets. She loved these moments of solitude, just her and the rhythmic hum of the tires on the road. The world felt simpler on two wheels.As she approached her next delivery destination, her phone buzzed with an incoming order. It was a large order from one of their regular customers. Davina's heart raced with excitement; these big orders meant better tips.She parked her bike in front of the customer's lavish mansion and rang the doorbell. Moments later, a well-dressed man ans
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Chapter 2-Unexpected Alliances
"Mom, how do you expect me to marry someone that I don't even know?" Davina asked, her frustration clear in her voice. Her mother, however, smiled."Yes, how can I marry someone like him? He doesn't even look like my dream man," she chimed in, glaring at Xavier. He shot a retort back at her."I can't marry you either. You don't meet my standards, and your dream man is a farmer," he said, and his mom smacked his head."Stop saying nonsense, Xavier. You are both getting married next week, and that's final," His mom asserted."Yeah, that's true. Davina, you need to prepare for your marriage. I'm so excited that my only child is getting married soon," Davina's mother added."I can't be forced to marry this grumpy fellow," Davina muttered under her breath, but her mother heard."I'm very sorry for my daughter's bad attitude," Davina's mother apologized to Xavier's mother, who nodded understandingly. Xavier's mom smiled at her."I'm sorry, Kayla, but we need to go now," Xavier's mom said."
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Chapter 3- Twists and Turns
******TERMAINE CLOTHING STORE******"Grumpy man," Davina muttered, stepping out of the car. Xavier spotted paparazzi approaching them, and he immediately pulled her into a hug."Behave like a sensible lady; the paparazzi is here, and we need to pretend to be a cute couple. If you fail, I'll deal with you later," Xavier whispered to her, and she smirked."I won't do it, and you can't do anything to me because your mother will defend me. But I'll do it on one condition," she whispered back."What's the condition?" Xavier inquired."Beg me," Davina said with a mischievous smile."I'm not supposed to beg you, but because I value my reputation, I'll do it. Davina, please, do this for me," Xavier requested, and she chuckled."That's just what I needed," she replied, taking his hand. The paparazzi started bombarding them with questions, but with the assistance of Xavier's security team, they managed to escape their relentless pursuit.Inside the clothing shop, the manager approached them."W
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Chapter 4-Marriage Challenges Ahead
Caught off guard, Xavier appeared nervous, scratching his head as Davina mockingly teased him."Wow, look who's here, stealing in the middle of the night," she quipped, her laughter filling the room.Xavier began to explain himself, but Davina interrupted, proposing a playful condition. "You can have the spaghetti," she said, "but you'll sleep on the mat for a week, and I'll take the bed. Agreed?"Xavier, begrudgingly accepting the terms, replied with a grumpy agreement. Satisfied with her impromptu negotiation, Davina enjoyed her glass of water and returned to the room, leaving Xavier to his "stolen" spaghetti.******NEXT MORNING******Xavier found himself summoned to the sitting room along with Davina by his mother. He couldn't believe his ears when she announced that their wedding date had been moved up to the following day. His reservations about marrying Davina, whom he considered bossy, were eclipsed by the shock of such a sudden change."But that's not possible," Davina stammer
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Chapter 5- Clashing Emotions
The wedding had come to a close, and Davina changed into more comfortable attire, ready to unwind after the long day. A maid arrived and delivered the news that she and Xavier were needed in the living room. Davina followed the maid, finding Xavier, her newlywed husband, and their mothers waiting for them.Xavier's mother spoke with a serious tone, "We called you both here to inform you that we are traveling to England, and we want you two to live together in peace and harmony." Davina's mother nodded in agreement.Curious, Davina asked, "When are you leaving, and when will you be back?""We are leaving tomorrow, and we don't know when we'll be back, but it won't be long," her mother replied."While we're gone, we don't want any disagreements. We intentionally decided to leave to give you space to get used to each other," Xavier's mother added.Davina's mother chimed in, "Goodnight," and they both left the room, leaving Davina and Xavier alone.With the mothers gone, Xavier addressed
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Chapter 6- Uninvited Confrontations
Xavier's patience was wearing thin as he tried to mediate the situation. He could sense the tension in the room and realized that this encounter was spiraling out of control. But instead of diffusing it, he decided to take a different approach.With a mischievous glint in his eye, Xavier turned to Mel and said, "You know, Mel, I always thought your taste in paint colors was a bit... unconventional." He gestured to the vividly painted walls in the living room. "But I have to say, compared to this argument about colors, your surprise visit wins the award for the most unexpected shade."Mel flushed with embarrassment, her face turning as red as one of the walls she was arguing about. It was clear that Xavier was taking a jab at her, and she felt humiliated.Davina, always one to enjoy a good laugh, couldn't contain her amusement and burst into laughter. This only fueled Mel's anger further. She clenched her fists, vowing to get back at both Xavier and Davina for this embarrassment.As Xa
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Chapter 7- Rivalry To Romance
Davina had been nursing a simmering resentment toward Xavier for weeks, ever since their forced marriage had been orchestrated. What had started as a ruse had turned into a bitter rivalry, with each of them determined to outwit and outmaneuver the other.One evening, as Davina was scrolling through her social media feed, a video caught her eye. It was a clip of Xavier at a trendy nightclub, surrounded by a group of attractive women. His carefree demeanor and the way he laughed with them sent a surge of anger through Davina. She couldn't believe that he would flaunt his supposed bachelor status so brazenly, even if their marriage was a sham.Without a second thought, Davina dialed Xavier's number, her voice laced with barely contained fury. "Xavier, we need to talk right now!" she demanded, her anger making her voice tremble.Xavier, who had been lounging on his couch, glanced at his phone with a lackadaisical expression. "What's the rush, Davina? Can't it wait?""No, it can't!" Davina
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Chapter 8- Expecting A Baby
Meanwhile, in another part of town, Mel was scrolling through her social media feed when a picture of Xavier and Davina on a romantic date caught her eye. They were sharing a candlelit dinner at a charming restaurant, smiles lighting up their faces. The caption read, "Date night with my love ❤️."Mel's anger flared instantly, but beneath that anger was a deep sense of determination. She had once been Xavier's girlfriend, and their breakup had left wounds that had never fully healed. Seeing Xavier with Davina, seemingly in love, ignited a fiery ambition in Mel.Unable to contain her ambition, Mel immediately dialed her friend Sarah's number. When Sarah answered, Mel's voice oozed with a calculated intensity. "Sarah, you won't believe what I just saw on social media. Xavier and Davina are dating for real!"Sarah, who had been a co-conspirator in their previous schemes, grinned wickedly. "Mel, this is our opportunity. We can't let Xavier slip through our fingers. We'll get him back and t
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Chapter 9- The Lost Twin
Davina sat alone in the cozy corner of the coffee shop, her mind wandering as she absentmindedly stirred her latte. The ambient chatter and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, providing a comforting backdrop to her thoughts. Lost in her own world, she hardly noticed the vibrations in her pocket until it persisted, demanding her attention.Curiosity piqued, Davina retrieved her phone and glanced at the screen. An unfamiliar number had sent her a text message. She furrowed her brows, wondering who it could be. With a hint of trepidation, she tapped to open the message.The words that appeared on the screen made Davina's heart race. It was a message that was both unexpected and bewildering. It read: "Hey, this is kinda weird, but I think I might be your long-lost sibling."Davina's eyes widened as she read the message again, trying to make sense of its implications. A whirlwind of thoughts and emotions swirled within her. Who could this person be, and what did they mean by
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Chapter 10- Reunion
The night before the meeting with her long-lost twin brother felt like an eternity for Davina. She couldn't sleep, her mind racing with questions, anticipation, and a touch of anxiety. What would he be like? How had they been separated all these years? Why had it taken so long to find each other?Morning came, and Davina got ready with a mix of excitement and nervousness. She chose a simple yet elegant outfit, wanting to make a good impression. As the clock neared 2 PM, she headed to the coffee shop on Main Street.Entering the cozy café, Davina glanced around, searching for any sign of her brother. She felt a tap on her shoulder, and she turned around to see a man with the same dark hair and bright eyes as the photos he had sent.They locked eyes, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. Then, a smile spread across both their faces, and they rushed into a heartfelt embrace. Tears welled up in Davina's eyes as she held her long-lost brother in her arms, finally reunited after yea
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