
A minute to confess


He banged the door shut immediately and I turned to look at the three women behind me. I managed to stand on my wobbly legs.

"Get the concoction, Alyson." the oldest of the women spoke and two of them left the room, leaving I and the woman who spoke.

"Are you the Alpha's fated mate?" she asked me and I did not reply.

She smiled gently, "It's a surprise. The goddess has not blessed a werewolf with a human mate in many years."

"Can I meet this goddess?" I snapped, anger welling up inside of me, or maybe it was fear.

She smiled again as she walked to me and took my hand, "You cannot meet her, dear. No one can."

I stiffened, "But there has to be a way," my voice cracked, "A way to destroy this bond."

"There is a way," she nodded as she unzipped my gown and watched it crumble to the ground, "However it is very difficult."

I watched her grab a short dress. She handed it to me.

"Please tell me! I'm sure it is not too difficult." I replied stubbornly as I got into the short dress.

"Do you really hate the Alpha so much?" she asked as she sat me down and began to fix my hair.

"I don't want to be with him," I answered, "I do not love him."

"Do you love his younger brother then?" she asked, "Everyone saw how attached you were to him on your first arrival."

"I.." I started then paused, "Yes, I do love his younger brother."

Then I changed the subject quickly, "How can I leave this mate bond?"

"You reject your mate, he accepts the rejection and the bond is severed." she explained.

I frowned, "He has to accept before the bond can be severed?"

She nodded.

I sighed helplessly and turned to her, "Can you help me? Please?"

She stared down at me and shook her head, "I cannot go against the Alpha and my husband."

Confusion set in. I asked, "He.. he's your husband?"

She nodded, "I and the other women you saw."

I stood up, "He's married?? To three of you and he's about to marry me???"

"It is normal around here," she answered non chalantly, "A man can have as many wives as he wants including his fated mate."

My lips fell open. I couldn't believe it. It was never my dream to have my husband married to other women. The women arrived with the concoction and sat me down on a chair. They forced me to drink it and I noticed that this kind of concoction tasted different.

It was not bitter.

Few minutes later I began to feel lightheaded. I could no longer make sense of anything or anyone. What did they put into the concoction? Did Michael order this?

As I tried to keep my head straight, I prayed for help. With no abilities of my own, I would be an easy victim. I felt like throwing up just thinking of that man's hands all over my body.

And then I felt hands underneath my body, carrying me to God-knows-where.

As I closed my eyes to pitch darkness, I cursed Lucian in my head for bringing me here in the first place.

: : :

Henry managed to find the quarters where Lucian was kept. He felt disgusted scanning the little room with his eyes. He still wondered why Lucian accepted this kind of treatment from people he could literally force to their knees.

"Lycan," Henry bowed and then rose to his feet, trying to mask his anger, "What do we do? We cannot let them treat us this way."

Lucian was as still as a tree, the chill coming from him was dangerous.

"And your wife?" Henry pressed further, "How can she be Michael's mate at the same time?"

"Don't ask me questions, Henry." Lucian said, "Just go to the mansion and make sure the Luna is alright."

"They're not letting any of us into the mansion, Lycan." Henry explained, "We were taken to the quarters as well. The Luna is the only one of us in the mansion."

Lucian fetched out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it. His casual attitude was making Henry angrier.

And then he dropped the bombshell, "We won't be fighting back."

"What?" Henry's exclamation was only a whisper. Although he was mad he could not forget who was standing before him.

"We're going to watch them treat us like prisoners?"

"No," answered Lucian, "We're going to wait for the right time to strike."

"When-" Henry started however there was a loud commotion just outside the quarters. Henry did not wait to be ordered, he immediately went out to know the cause of the noise.

Few minutes later there was footsteps running down the hallway and then Henry appeared before Lucian with a horrific look on his face.

"What's wrong?" Lucian asked.

"It's the Luna," he replied, "She's missing."

Lucian rose to his feet just then. He followed Henry outside the quarters and began to head for the palace.

His steps were nothing but calm and collected until the guards in front of the palace tried to stop him. He took one of them by the neck and snapped it in a second.

It happened so quickly and effortlessly that the other guards chose life instead of death and gently stepped aside for Lucian.

This is what Henry has always wanted. He followed Lucian behind until they came to where Michael was throwing a fit at the three wives.

"How could she have run away, you fools?!" he thundered, "I gave you a simple task! How could a weak human outwit y'all?!"

The guards came running and stopped before Michael.

"Alpha," they quivered, "She's.. she's not in the mansion."

"What the fuck?!" he thrashed, "Searched the whole area, she can't have gone far! If you do not find her I will rip your heads off!"

As the guards scurried away, Michael's eyes fell on Lucian. He squeezed his fist as he lurched forward and grabbed Lucian's neck.

"Is this some kind of joke?" he gritted his teeth as his eyes turned red, "You took her away, didn't you?"

"Get your hands off me." Lucian warned calmly

However Michael was enraged. By this time most of the pack members had already gathered and we're witnessing this scene.

"Or what?" Michael hissed, "You might have more abilities than I do but I am still your elder brother. How dare you come back for the throne, trying to use an ordinary human to buy your place back!"

"An ordinary human?" Lucian chuckled, "Isn't that the goddess's gift to you?"

Michael tightened his grip on Lucian, piercing his claws into his skin.

"Never," he gritted his teeth, "The goddess would never give me a pathetic human as a mate. I deserve better."

Lucian's brows shot up, "She's your mate, you are not getting another -"

"Shut your fucking mouth!" Michael growled, "She is not my mate and I will never let you take my place!"

Alpha Lucas was coming down the stairs in haste, shouting at the top of his voice,

"Let him go, Michael!"

Meanwhile, Lucian already got what he wanted. His once calm demeanor changed drastically and his brighter shade of red eyes weakened Michael to his knees however with half the pack members there, he did not show his fear.

"You heard him," Lucian's deep voice growled, "Get your hands off me."

Michael still held on to him. Alpha Lucas was hurrying towards them,

"Didn't you hear me Michael? Let him go!" he ordered which only infuriated Michael.

He moved his hand backward in an attempt to snap Lucian's neck however Lucian grabbed it faster than he imagined and snapped his wrist causing a gasp from the crowd.

Lucian was not done. He picked up Michael with relative ease and threw him against the wall. Alpha Lucas watched his supreme son thrown like a ragdoll before his very eyes.

While the guards helped a thrashing Michael, Alpha Lucas stared at Lucian with pure hatred.

Although his father's piercing stare hurt a part of him, he looked away and said to Michael's wives.

"You have a minute to confess,"

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