
Running Away


An expression like shock appeared on their faces. It was the first time I refused and snapped at them. Anastasia was going red with anger and would have gotten up to hit me if her mother did not stop her.

Instead, Mrs Byers turned to me and calmly said, "Mrs Parker few houses away needs a maid," she added, "I will withdraw my sponsorship of your sister and end her schooling at once! She will be better off as a maid at Mrs Parker's while you continue to keep this house."

I pursed my lips, "Kelly is too young to do such a job, Mrs Byers."

She shrugged, "If she wants to go to school she has to earn the money! She's aware her parents are dead and she should be grateful I took it upon myself to see her through college."

"..." I stared blankly with tears streaming down my face. Ana smiled satisfactory seeing me in pain.

She said, "There's no need to cry, your husband to be is stinkingly rich! You won't believe it if I told you he wired the forty million dollars as quick as lightening!"

"He's an animal, entirely from a cursed race!" I yelled as I choked on my own tears, "They do not have any business to do with humans except to suck on their blood and you are happily selling me off to him!"

Anastasia smiled and said, "You should know you deserve nothing more than an animal, don't you? This is not some kind of fantasy books where a rich, handsome man would pick you as his wife! Have you looked into the mirror, Hazel?"

"You don't have a choice, Hazel" said Mrs Byers, "Either that or I'll be giving your sister off to Mrs Parker."

I shut my eyes tight and opened them again. I really don't have a choice. I'd promised my father to take proper care of my sister.

"He will be here this evening to pick you up." Mrs Byers was saying, "I have dropped a first aid kit in your room, get cleaned. Also, a proper meal will be delivered to you in a short while."

She held my gaze, "Only if you sign the certificate and if you don't -"

"I'll sign it." I immediately answered, "When he gets here, I'll sign the certificate."

I watched mother and daughter grin ear to ear. Money means everything to them-high end dresses, make up and hairstyles, cars and servants. I smirked as I had other plans of my own.

I will not sign any certificate. I began to consider Kelly's dream. Tonight, we will run away.

: : :

Servants were back in the house. With the forty million dollars, Mrs Byers and her daughter were living their luxurious life again. They had hired an interior decorator to design the house and place set-ups in preparation for the 'animal' that would be here by dusk.

I was packing the last of our bags and Kelly was super excited. She has always wanted to leave this place however I was unsure if I was making the right decision. How would Kelly go to school now?

As if she could read my mind, she said to me,

"I can't believe two of my wishes are happening to me today! Not going to school and leaving this hellhole!"

"You will go to school, Kelly," I replied, bursting her bubbles, "I will see to that and if I can't send you to school we'll have no choice but to return back here."

"What?! You can't be serious, Hazel!" she began to throw a fit while I ignored her.

By six in the evening, I was done packing our small belongings and we were ready to take flight. I stepped out of the room first and looked left and right.

Only two servants were walking through the passage. I didn't think they would suspect anything so I held Kelly closely and together we managed to work past the busy workers without getting noticed.

As for the cameras installed in the house, I didn't think Mrs Byers and Anastasia would have time to watch. I bet they were partying away in their room which is way bigger than mine.

We stepped out of the house successfully and the first thing Kelly did was to run several yards down the quiet street and throw her arms up and wide in the air.

It was freedom at last.

I had to admit, the sad and lonely feeling that weighed me down in the house was suddenly lifted although my heart still sank at the thought of Kelly's schooling.

Even right now, I didn't know our destination. I was only with little money that I had made from working part-time jobs and that wouldn't help a lot.

I tried to keep up with Kelly's pace as she was few meters away from me. I drew my wrecked phone from my pocket and called a friend.

She isn't picking. Perhaps she could lend us her place for the meantime. When I gather enough, we could-

A vehicle screeching and Kelly's wail sent me out of my thoughts. I looked far ahead and screamed when I saw that a Maybach had hit Kelly to the ground.

I ran faster than I ever have. Dumping our belongings on the ground, I held an unconscious Kelly in my arms, hot tears streaming down my face.

"Oh no, Kelly..Kelly please don't do this to me! Open your eyes! Please help me!" I looked around and saw the driver of the Maybach.

I rose and banged on the window, yelling that they help take my sister to the hospital. When the window was rolled down, I saw that there was another figure at the backseat of the car.

He had his head on the headrest with his eyes closed. He looked really... beautiful as his white hair gave a majestic aura. I'd never seen anyone with a white hair.

The driver looked back at the man and said, "What to do, sir?"

The white-haired man shot his eyes open in a flash. Without looking at me, he said coldly,


"What?!" I cried and banged harder on the window, "You can't leave! sister is dying! Please help us!"

But all of my pleas fell on deaf ears. The driver pressed on the accelerator and the Maybach sped out of sight.

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