
In an hour


I stepped back in a bid to avoid his hug, however he stretched his arm and pulled me forcefully into his embrace.

His nose nuzzled my neck as he growled again, "Mate."

I struggled to get out of his grip but he is way too strong, my frail arm would crack if I continue to push against his hard chest. So I looked around for Lucian.

What was happening? Did they already find out that I and Lucian were putting up a show? Why is this man calling me his mate? That can't be! I screamed in my head.

Alpha Lucas came out of the crowd just then, his gaze menacing.

"Michael!" he called angrily and the man holding me turned back, his hand wrapped tightly around my wrist.

"What are you doing?"

Michael chuckled, "She's my mate, dad."

Alpha Lucas and the rest of the guest opened their lips in awe. Everyone knows the reason for this party, it is therefore surprising that another man has come to claim me as his mate.

"Are you sure of what you're saying?" Alpha Lucas gritted his teeth, "That's your brother's mate!"

I saw Michael frown, "He's lied to your father, the moment I stepped into this room I picked up her scent. I sensed that she's my mate."

Alpha Lucas turned to look behind him then, where Lucian stood. Due to the look in Lucian's eyes, everyone knew who was telling the truth.

"Everyone leave! The party's over!" Alpha Lucas ordered, his voice a deafening growl.

The hall was empty in a minute and the first thing Alpha Lucas did was hit Lucian across the face. His claw marks tore against Lucian's left cheek.

I gasped unexpectedly and would have moved to Lucian if Michael wasn't holding me.

"You deceived me, Lucian! You deceived your Alpha!" I saw Alpha Lucas' eyes turn a bright shade of red as his claws elongated.

I feared for Lucian. Why isn't he doing anything?

I felt a sharp pain around my arm. I lifted my head and met with Michael's gaze, the hair on my body stood in fear.

"How dare you!" Alpha Lucas was enraged yet Lucian maintained his calm. He turned to his father just then.

He said, "You chased me out of the pack since mother died. I've been away from the only family I know for ten years. You wouldn't take me back until I find my mate."

"I was so desperate to be with you again that I resorted to this. Can't you see how much I just want with you?"

"Sounds like you're here to take the throne away from me." Michael responded with a smirk, "Why did you come back now? It's been ten years, why don't you continue in your exile and forget about this family? Why did you have to come back just when I'll be crowned Alpha?!"

"I do not want the throne-"

"You don't have to want it!" Michael growled, "Every member of this pack is aware that you're the most powerful, that is a big threat to my reign!"

Michael turned to Alpha Lucas, "Father, send him away! And this time, make it forever!"

"Dad-" Lucian began but was stopped with Lucas' raise of his hand.

"Right from your birth, I always knew you were a cursed child. Your existence signifies trouble and chaos! I never want to see you again!"

Lucian kept mute but I could almost read the darkness in his eyes.

"Since you so badly want to take the throne from your brother, I will make it even harder." Alpha Lucas was saying, "You will remain here until your brother is coronated Alpha, after that you will never step foot into this place again."

"Guards!" Alpha Lucas called, "Take him to the servants' quarters!"

I expected Lucian to throw a fit. He's the strongest isn't he? I wanted him to do something and take me away from this place but he quietly let the guards handle him roughly.

I was done keeping quiet.

I bursted unexpectedly from Michael's grip and ran towards Lucian, yelling at the top of my voice,


He stopped and turned back slowly. Our gazes locked and my heart beat tripled. I could only see a love-deprived and hated for no reason boy. My heart melted.

"Lucian," I took a step closer, my body trembling, "Don't.. don't leave me here."

I had barely finished when Michael grabbed my arm and pressed me to his chest, keeping me away from Lucian.

Both brothers stared daggers at one another. Lucian's parted and he said,

"Don't hurt her,"

Michael grabbed my neck that instant, making Lucian's mark visible.

He smirked and said, "I'm gonna clear this shit away," his eyes turned red and his fangs elongated, "I will rip it off and place mine there and I promise you, you will hear her screams in your room."

Lucian's eyes flashed red. It seemed that his wolf wanted a fight but he was suppressing it simply because he still sees them as family.

Meanwhile, I hoped he would listen to his wolf because I didn't want to spend another second with this demon.

Michael motioned for the guards to take him away and they forced Lucian out. My legs moved of their own accord in a bid to stop him again but Michael held me back.

"Let me go!" I screamed but he only tightened his grip on me, "Get your hands off me!"

"Don't you dare raise your voice at your Alpha!" he growled.

"I'm proud of you son," Alpha Lucas patted his shoulder, "I will begin preparations for your ceremony."

He walked away then, leaving me alone with this monster. He began to pull me roughly up the stairs. I began to dread the goddess. I now understand why Lucian hates the mating bond.

How could such an insensitive and arrogant man be my mate! I am just an ordinary human with no supernatural abilities!

We arrived at a room where three women were seated doing something I couldn't tell. He tossed me to their feet and said,

"Get her ready, I want her in my room in an hour!"

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