
The marriage certificate


The house was unusually quiet and so it gave the courage I needed to make quick soup for Kelly. Since I was made to do all of the work in the house, Mrs Byers had long dismissed our maids and housekeepers. The major reason was because she was running out of funds.

She couldn't keep paying for the upkeep of the house and of course, she had me- their jackal and slave.

I added the ingredients into the boiling water and increased the fire to get it done immediately. I did not want to think of what my fate would be should I be caught or even what would happen when the broken door is discovered.

My hands trembled as I picked up the pot and poured out the hot soup into a bowl. I felt the pot slipping away from my fingers however when I remembered the consequence, I gripped it tight and set it into the sink, burning my fingers in the process.

I stood for a while trying to get a grip of myself. I felt empty and faint since I have had nothing to eat for two days now.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror. My lips were dry and cracked, my hair was disheveled and my cheekbones were highly visible.

I sighed as I picked up the hot soup and walked out of the kitchen only to meet with the faces of my stepmother and stepsister.

A gasp escaped my lips and I held unto the bowl even tighter.

"I told you, mother!" Anastasia was saying, "It was a good idea to install a camera at every corner of the house! She's stealing from us!"

Stealing?? My head began to spin, the last I checked I worked for all the groceries in the house. It was my father's hard earned money!

Mrs Byers charged at me and I did not stop to know what she would do. She is capable of turning this hot soup unto my face. I took to my heels, my sick sister motivating me to jump through the stairs in twos, daring them to follow my method if they could.

With their three inches heels and short, tight gowns they would definitely tumble down the stairs.

I got to my room in seconds. I pushed a drawer against the broken door to keep them from coming in. Yes, I know I would suffer after this but as long as Kelly is okay.

I made her drink the soup amidst the shout that Mrs Byers and her daughter were making outside the door.

Once Kelly had finished the soup, I gave her some medicines and made her sleep before I moved to open the door.

"How dare you!" yelled Mrs Byers as she striked me across the face and dragged me outside the room where I was beaten mercilessly with her favourite belt.

She then ordered the gateman to lock me up in the dog's cage.

On the cold floor of the cage, I was sure I would die now as I could feel my blood seeping out of the wound on my back. The belt was used on me only when I committed a grave offence. Soon, I lost consciousness inside the cage.

: : :

I was awoken by the sound of the cage opening. It seemed that I had slept through the night as the sky was clear-signifying a new day.

The gateman pulled me out and was leading me back into the house.

"Look at you," he said "Battered and weak, yet you won't stop. Do you want to die?"

I didn't have the strength to speak back so I just gave him a little smile. If only he could read my mind - death is better than this kind of life fate has subjected me to.

I stood before my stepmother and stepsister, both dressed in exquisite gowns with their skin glowing beautifully.

"You are the reason your life is hard, Hazel." Mrs Byers began, "If only you abide by the rules and know your place in this house everything will be fine."

"We are running out of money." she scrunched up her nose and added, "I'm afraid your sister will have to stop schooling."

My eyes shot out wider, "We had an agreement, Mrs Byers. If I work for you and keep the house my sister will continue schooling."

"Don't you glare at my mother, you snout." Ana sneered but I paid no attention to her.

I have never seen them on these dress before. Considering the design and exquisiteness, it would cost a lot. How come there's no money to send my sister to school?

"Let her be, Anastasia," said Mrs Byers and then she turned back to me, "Hazel, is there really anything you can do if I decide not to send your sister to school anymore?"

When I didn't answer, she pulled out some papers and gazed at them while speaking.

"Absolutely nothing." she answered her own question, "But I am not that treacherous. After all, your father made me promise the welfare of his daughters on his death bed."

Welfare my foot, I cursed inwardly.

She tossed the papers to my feet and said, "This is the only way your sister can go to school."

I picked up the papers and for a second I thought I was dreaming. It was a marriage certificate. I ran my eyes down the paper and discovered the issuer.

Lucian! The Lycan!

I don't know what a Lycan is but I am sure it's an animal. In our world, werewolves exist with humans however these two entities were separated by a force shield that prevented anyone from going to the other world.

How is it possible that he wants a human wife? Couldn't he get one in his world?

I understood better when I reached the end of the certificate. He was buying me. For forty million dollars.

I lifted my gaze and stared at the obnoxious faces of my stepmother and stepsister. I imagined a thousand and one things they could do to me but never have I thought that they could sell me off just to satisfy they selfishness.

The suitor isn't even a worthy man. He is an animal and I was hurt that my stepmother was giving me away to some kind of animal! Blood sucking animals!

I gritted my teeth as I tossed the paper back to her feet angrily. I have had enough.

"I will not sign the certificate!"

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