
Our first meeting


Luckily, a kind passerby helped us to the hospital. Kelly was immediately placed in the ICU while I paced outside the room door, tears streaming down my eyes.

I should have signed the certificate. I shouldn't have tried running away. What if..what if something happens to Kelly? Is this the protection of my sister I promised my father? I feel so ashamed of myself.

And what if I'm to marry an animal? If it's for my sister then I shouldn't have a problem with it. I love Kelly so much that I would lay down my life for her anytime, anywhere.

I cursed myself. I should have thought about all of this before I took flight. Why did I act so rash and without thoughts?

I was given a chair to sit but I rather stand. I just wanted to hear that my sister is doing fine.

Suddenly, the doors behind me swung open and Mrs Byers and Anastasia stormed inside.

Mrs Byers pulled at my hair and pushed me unto the ground, shouting at the top of her voice.

"You've resorted to killing your own sister, haven't you?!"

I shook my head, hot tears streaming down my cheeks, "No, was an accident. I would never kill my sister."

"You ran away because you didn't want to get married and your sister ended up suffering for your sins," said Anastasia, "If you don't sign the certificate now she will continue to suffer because I will make sure of that!"

I got up to my feet, my legs trembling.

"I'll sign it.. please don't hurt my sister!"

A smile crept up their lips as Mrs Byers gave me the paper and the pen. I could hear Kelly's voice at the back of my head.

'No, sis. Don't sign it. You don't have to do this for me!' she would say.

However a glance at the ICU got rid of every doubt in my head and I signed all of the papers and handed it to Mrs Byers who exchanged look with her daughter and smiled victoriously.

Just then the doctor stepped out.

"Miss Byers?" he called and I turned to him.

" my sister okay?"

He nodded, "It was nothing serious. She's stable now and would be moved out of the ICU."

I shut my eyes and said a little prayer before opening it again. With the doctor gone, Mrs Byers said,

"Don't you want to know who foot the bills?" she asked and added, "Your husband did."

The word, 'your husband' irked me but I knew better than to show it. I had hopes that once Lucian sees me, he would quickly demand for a divorce.

This is because no man would look at me right now and want me for a wife. I looked disheveled, unattractive and malnourished.

"You should go out and thank him." Mrs Byers was saying, "He arrived at the house an hour ago and that was when we got the news of Kelly's accident. The kind man brought us down here and offered to pay the bills."

"He seems desperate for a wife." Anastasia said.

"But certainly mad when we discovered that Hazel that run away." Mrs Byers responded and then turned back to me.

"What are standing there for?!" she barked, "Get out and meet with him!"

I nodded and pulled myself together wondering the kind of grotesque sight I would find outside. A hairy wolf with horns and red eyes, drinking blood and licking his red lips.

However as I left I could still hear mother and daughter speaking behind me.

Anastasia said, "Isn't he supposed to be an animal?? Why's he so handsome and hot?! Hazel does not deserve that kind of man!"

"Don't be jealous of her. Although he is not what we expected, I bet he's only marrying her to keep her as a slave." Mrs Byers chided her daughter

I opened the door and the cold air swept my hair all over my head as I stepped out of the building. I looked around expecting to see something on four legs but found nothing but the Maybach.

I moved closer and was certain that this Maybach was from an hour ago, the one that hit my sister. I increased my pace, anger welling up inside me and was only few meters away when the driver got down and opened the back seat for his boss.

The white haired man stepped out, cladded totally in black. His grey eyes shone brightly in the dark and was a deep contrast to his black outfit. I felt a cold chill run through my skin when he set his eyes on me.

Anastasia was right. He's hot and..captivating.

However, despite the dangerous aura he was emitting and the sharp features of his jaw and face, I closed the distance between us, tiptoed a bit and hit him across the face.

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