
Author: Daniella Nobei

It was an Accident



The plate I was holding slipped from my fingers and shattered on the tiles. A piece had pierced into my thigh as it broke into a thousand pieces but I didn't feel any pain.

What was coming was worse.

"Hazel!" came the dreaded voice of my stepmother, "What have you done this time?!"

I stood frozen to the spot as my body trembled.

My lips parted and the words came out, " was an accident, mother."

"Accident?!" Anastasia appeared with her jet black hair dolled up all over her head. She rolled her blue orbs at me and said, "Sounds like you're taking out your frustration on the poor plates."

I shook my head, "N-"

Before the words could come out, a tight slap tore across my cheek. I held my face in pain and stared at my stepmother with tears in my eyes.

It isn't the first time I'd be receiving a hit across my face, however each time I did the pain was intense and filled with hatred.

"You have no idea how much these wares cost, you ungrateful brat!" Mrs Byers, my stepmother barked, "Your stupid father left us with absolutely nothing yet you think you can destroy all of my properties?! What were you thinking that it dropped to the floor?!"

"I..I.." I wanted to answer but thought better. I haven't had food in two days. The food that was served to I and my sister were leftovers and it was barely enough. Since Kelly, my little sister was younger I let her have the food instead while I go hungry. My vision was blurry and my throat was dry from lack of food and water. I was exhausted from too much work and so the plate dropped accidentally.

"Oh, you don't want to know mother!" Ana chipped in, "She loathes us terribly, I bet she was thinking of ways to end our lives!"

Mrs Byers grabbed my hair forcefully and pulled me out of the kitchen. I had no slippers on my legs and so the broken plates bore into the sole of my feet.

"Mother, please! It hurts!" I cried but she only tightened her grip the more.

She sneered, "Your mother is in the grave and I will send you to her one day, Hazel!"

I was dragged like a sack of beans up to my room and thrown on the ground, my body scratching against the rough floor.

Kelly who was finishing her drawings stood up abruptly. Kelly clocked seventeen a month ago. She has the courage of my mother and would usually revolt against my stepmother and sister however I have warned her to restrain her sharp tongue.

We had no where to go. Her studies was also important. I gave up mine so she could complete hers as my stepmother would not send us both at the same time.

Kelly ran over to me and wrapped her hands around me.

Mrs Byers smirked, "There's no way you will be able to pay for the dish you broke, Hazel. After all you are just as wretched as your father was before his miserable death! You will stay here locked up with that sister of yours with no food and water!"

I got up on my feet but my body gave way and I fell at my stepmother's feet, weak and tired.

"Pl-please, can starve me b-but have mercy on..on my little sister." I begged but she kicked my hands away.

"That little rebel!" Anastasia cursed as she glared at Kelly who glared back.

Ana took her mother's wrist. "Mom, let's get out of here I don't want to be late for my party. Don't let them out until after two days! Let's see who's gonna glare then!"

Mrs Byers agreed. I crawled my way to the door, crying and pleading but the door got shut on my face. I turned to Kelly, fury burning in my heart.

"How could you?!" I yelled at her, "You promised me to behave, Kelly! You said you won't retaliate!"

She hung her hands across her chest and hissed, "How do you expect me to not just do anything when these people hurt you, Hazel? You're asking for too much!"

"I'm doing this for you, Kelly. Don't you see??"

I saw the tears building up in her eyes. She replied, "I can't bear to see you hurting, Hazel. I want to do something for you too! Please don't stop me!"

I shook my head, "No! You're still young and you need to complete your studies. I can't let you ruin your life."

"But you're ruining yours," she said quietly and then came to hold me, "Let's run away."

I wiped my tears and shook my head again, "No."

I was glad she didn't push it further. I didn't want to argue, I don't even have the strength. Now I have to think of a way to get food for Kelly, and if there was enough for myself too.

However, a day passed and we're still locked up in the room. Mrs Byers wasn't bluffing.

I turned to Kelly who was still asleep. It was unusual. Kelly would always wake up before I did.

"Kelly," I shook her gently but she did not move. I etched in closer.

"Hey, Kelly." but she still didn't budge and then I took her hand in mine, thinking she was playing a joke.

I realized that she was burning with fever.

"Kelly! Kelly, wake up please!" I shook her vigorously however she could only open her eyes a little with no words out of her lips.

I returned to the door and called for help however there was no answer. Kelly was burning up even more now and I panicked.

I did the only thing I could think of. I grabbed a hammer and destroyed the door.

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