
Two Hundred and five


Nicholas was sitting in the back seat and it was making Noel unable to stop complaining. The man kept looking at the rearview mirror while protesting to the colleague who was now his own boss. "Can you stop acting like a boss?"

The man with the last name Gray looked up, he took his eyes off the phone screen and looked at Noel who was sitting in the driver's seat with the most annoying smile Noel had ever seen. "Do you have a problem with this? I'm now a Chief, you should respect me."

Noel rolled his eyes lazily and deliberately stepped on the gas pedal to make Nicholas surprised. Nicholas followed the sudden movement of the car and was forced to hold on to the side of the door, he looked angrily at Noel and shouted, "Are you crazy, hm? I almost hit my head you know."

Noel's laughter sounded mocking. But he didn't look away at all and remained focused on the street in front of him. The streets of New York City were still as crowded as ever, mainly because people were starting to leave the Christmas festivities behind and prepare for the exciting New Year celebrations. Everyone was enthusiastic about the new year. They hoped to achieve new and meaningful goals, or at the very least, to make up for past mistakes and failures this New Year's Eve.

"By the way, is our journey still very far?" Nicholas tried to change the subject, he looked at the phone screen once again. "It's quite a distance from the police station."

Noel agreed with that statement. He nodded his head and agreed with Nicholas' opinion. Nicholas looked around. While Noel looked at the maps on his phone screen, "This is the Alpha Company office. They've announced the results of the audit, and tomorrow or the day after at the latest, Alicia should have received news about the company's management and whether she will become the CEO of the media company."

Nicholas nodded in agreement. "If we can prove that Alpha Company was the donor or investor of the children's company, we will be able to connect the deaths of Jill, Jason, and Alicia's parents. But will Alicia receive all the assets of the company?"

A mumble was heard from Noel's mouth. He then glanced at Nicholas who was sitting quietly without paying attention to his cell phone anymore. While thinking about the possibilities, Noel finally said, "But what if not, Nick? We have to rack our brains to find the thing that connects them all, don't we?"

"You're right. It's going to be difficult for us, if Alpha Company isn't involved in any way."

The car finally stopped at Alpha Company. It was a building with many floors and towered high. A media company in the national field. However according to the records registered on the internet, Alpha Company oversaw several smaller companies in different fields and this increased the amount of tax to be paid to the country.

The country benefited from the company.

"Here we are," Noel said, and put the car into the underground parking lot. The lights shone on the incoming car, and Noel could see many other cars already parked down there. "They have a lot of workers. It looks like they're really rich and making huge profits from this company."

Nicholas grinned. Pointing at the tall building in front of him, he said, "My girlfriend won't have to take another part-time job if she receives assets from this company."

Noel unbuckled his seatbelt and climbed down first. Nicholas followed behind him while observing the surroundings.

"That's Felix, Alpha Company's lawyer."

After Noel told them, they both approached Felix.

"Mr. Antoni?"

Felix turned his head and looked enthusiastically at Nicholas and Noel. "Oh, Detective. You're already here. The meeting just ended. Please come in."

Following Felix, Noel and Nicholas walked behind the lawyer. They entered a room to discuss the results of the company's financial audit. The allegations of corruption were debunked, but the connection between Alicia's parents and the children's hospital in New York had been established.

"These are the company's bank statements for the past two years," Felix says.

As Noel and Nicholas sat in the meeting room at Alpha Company, Felix spread the financial statements before them. The room was tense, the weight of potential disclosure hanging in the air like a storm ready to crash.

Felix, with a confident demeanor, began to explain the intricacies of Alpha Company's finances. "These reports detail the company's transactions over the past two years. We have conducted a thorough audit, and there is no evidence of corruption within Alpha Company. The allegations have been successfully debunked."

Nicholas leaned back, exchanging glances with Noel. The tension eased for a moment, but they knew they were far from unraveling this mystery. Alicia's parents' relationship with the children's hospital was still unsolved, like pieces of an unsolved puzzle.

Noel, who was always on the lookout for relationships, asked, "What about the children's hospital? Is there a financial connection with Alpha Company?"

Felix paused for a moment, his eyes flicking between the two detectives. "Alpha Company has no direct financial involvement with the children's hospital. However, there are occasional philanthropic donations, but that's standard for a company of this class."

Noel and Nicholas exchanged glances, Nicholas then piped up again, "Has Alpha Company ever made a donation event for a children's hospital?"

"Yes, like I said, it's just a regular, routine event we do."

Noel added, "How much money will be donated?"

"The company gives 20% of the monthly profits, while personal parties usually add 30-40%," Felix said, nodding his head. "All the assets of the company will go to Alicia, according to the will prepared by Mrs. Michelle and Mr. Edward."

Nicholas couldn't help but round his eyes in surprise. "All assets?"

"Including shares, small company profits, and others. But on the condition that she marries at the age of twenty-seven. So, Alicia must prove that she is in a serious relationship with someone for the will to be valid."

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