
Chapter 49


Turning around, I begrudgingly pushed Kai away. Who did he think he was? "Stop it. Stop it, right now!"

He chuckled, not at all phased by my icy attitude.

"You have no right to touch me like this!" I squealed. My body was burning. I didn't know if it was more from embarrassment or anger.

"I have no right, huh? Are you sure about that?" His forehead crinkled in amusement. He really was so infuriating.

"I should get back to my room," I said but didn't move from my spot. Instead, I stared.

The droplets of water still clung to his chiseled chest and his abs glistened in the light, highlighting every muscle and curve. His hair is damp and tousled, framing his strong jawline and piercing eyes.

My legs seemed to have minds of their own because they moved toward him, mesmerized by his rugged beauty.

"That's right, pet. Come to me. You can't resist me either, can you?" he husked.

My eyes trailed down to his towel, barely hanging on his hips, leaving just enough to the imagination. My b
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