

Amelia got home tired from her exchange with Edward. She had never met anyone as brazen as him. She made a note to ask Nathaniel later.

Bringing out her phone from her bag. She decided to select a home decor style. She didn't want to wake up in such a creepy house. After browsing for a while, she finally found the one that was acceptable to her eyes and called the decor company to come set it up.

The decor company was fast and efficient in doing their job, some hours later. The house was fitted to her taste. Feeling energetic from the bright colors in the room she decided to cook a meal. It wasn't stated in her contract, but she could at least do this for her husband.

Nathaniel came home to the smell of homemade food. He was surprised as he never thought that Amelia could cook. He had this notion that businesswomen did not know how to handle housewife duties.

He quietly entered the room and showered without alerting her. He came down to the dining room when he was done showering to meet the table set with different kinds of food.

The table was full as if it was a banquet that was being hosted. He was confused about whether she was relieving her stress by cooking or whether she just loved cooking so much food.

She wordlessly served him some of the dishes she prepared and urged him to try them. He was skeptical at first but ended up tasting the food. His eyes widened in delight when his taste buds encountered the food.

“Are you the one that cooked this or you ordered takeout?” He asked as the food tasted as if it was prepared by a Michelin Star Chef.

“I picked up a little cooking skill back in school. I'm glad you like it” she said.

“Mmm…” he mumbled without giving her acknowledgment.

The two sat awkwardly as they finished their meal. Amelia had a warm fuzzy feeling in her heart as she watched him eat. It reminded her of the family she once had in the past.

They both retired to bed after eating. Amelia was satisfied. The only thing on her mind now was to wait for the perpetrator to make a move.

The next day, Amelia arrived at work early and decided to take a tour of each department in the company. She wanted to know the workers' attitude towards the company.

The first department she arrived at was the Design Department. She was surprised to see that a lot of them had not yet arrived. She did not expect this. The attitude of the workers must have been the reason why the company had not been able to leave its current financial state for the past five years.

She stormed into the department and demanded a roll call from the workers. She found out that even the head of the department was yet to arrive.

“Get the director on the line with me right now” she ordered one of the workers. Soon enough, he was on the line and he sounded as if he was drunk.

“Why are you not in the office yet? Does this company pay you to be lazy? Your department is supposed to be up and running with ideas to move this company to the next level”

“Who are you to talk to me like that?” He shouted from the end of the line. “You are only a figurehead chairman. You do not hold any power in this company. I suggest you mellow down”

Amelia was livid, “Don't bother coming to the office again. You have been laid off”

“You can't do that. The law prohibits company chairmen from relieving their staff without a month's notice”

“Well, it's good you know the law. The law also states that disobedience and defiance of the company's objectives by a worker can lead to retrenchment of the worker without any benefits”

“You better not show up in this company again or you will be sued in jail”

The other workers immediately composed themselves seeing that she had just laid off their director without remorse.

She looked across the room. She didn't know anyone she could hand over the head of this department as this was the key department in the company. She didn't want to give the director's position to someone who may be loyal to the former director.

“From now on, I will be heading this department. You are all to report to my assistant, Ann. I expect every one of you on the design process team to come up with new designs for the brand by the end of the week”

With that she left, she went back to her office. She was satisfied with her performance. The workers in the design department would be able to relay to their counterparts in other departments the need to sit up. She was not going to allow the company her mother worked for to go down.

Amelia called for Ann after settling down in her office.

“I want the bio-data on all the workers we have in the design team as well as their relationship with the former director. She obviously could not head the department. She just used that as a ruse to dominate and make the rest submissive. She was going to carefully select her own person.”

Minutes later, she was presented with the information. She looked through the information and she eventually selected two candidates for the role.

“What is your opinion on these two candidates?” She asked Ann.

“Ma, I do not think that these two are suitable for the role. They have not had any great accomplishment in the company before”

“All the more reason to use them. For them to be part of the design team, they must have some form of talent. Plus their lack of achievement is a testament to how close they would be to their former head. Keep an eye on their reports for me”


“Sir, I was fired by the new chairman. I only carried out your order on boycotting the company. Please I cannot lose this job”

“Don't worry. I will find a way to get you reinstated soon. For now, I will transfer some money to your account. Take care” the figure at the end of the line said before hanging up.

“I wonder what she is trying to do. She looks relaxed and calm. Does she have a way of dealing with the situation? Yes, that must be it. Anyone in her shoes would be flustered if they didn't have countermeasures. I need to deliver my second strike fast”.

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