

Amelia studied the files that she had asked for from Ann. She didn't look even one bit worried about the current situation of the company. She knew that whoever did this would be forced to reveal their trump card soon. For now, she could only wait.

After going through the files she decided to do something else. When she researched about her husband, she only looked at the information concerning his name and business. If they were to live together, she should at least have ample information about him.

Surfing the web, she discovered that there was no personal information about him except that he was Nathaniel Brooke and a rich businessman. No family photos, friends, or friendly gatherings of any sort.

Well, she was not surprised. A man of his nature would want to keep his personal information away from the public.

Since she was done for the day, she decided to go shopping. She also remembered that she needed to redecorate her home now. Well, she could call the decor company after shopping. She did not want to always come home to a house that had the vibe of depression. She quickly arranged her desk and headed out to the parking lot.

On her way to the parking lot, she was accosted by Mr. Alex who happened to be heading in the direction of her office.

“Are you going out madam Chairman?” He asked.

“What does it look like, Mr. Alex?” She fired back. She had noticed from the board meeting that whatever this man's intentions were, they weren't good.

“I believe you have heard of the decline in the stocks of the company” I just wanted to offer my advice on the situation as you are inexperienced in handling matters like this”

Amelia narrowed her eyes. She had this feeling that the man was not behind it but definitely knew something about it. “And how do you suggest I handle the matter?”

“Step down from your position. You can choose to head a department in the company like the advertising team. I believe that this drip in shares is the work of someone who does not want you to take over the chairman's position”

Amelia burst into laughter after hearing what he said, but her voice was not sonorous at all. It was the kind of evil, maniacal laughter that caused people to shiver.

She moved over to Mr. Alex in a domineering position. “I hope your experience in handling such matters does not include the experience of starting them. Suppose I find out that you are involved in this. That will be the end of you, she threatened.

Mr. Alex looked shivered as he felt as if the room temperature had suddenly dropped. He stammered as he replied “Iiiiiii doooo nooot have any haaand innn thiiiis”

“Better,” Amelia said as she smiled sweetly. “If that is all, I'll be heading out”

Leaving the company she headed out to a popular shopping complex “Vaughn Stores”. The shopping complex was owned by one of the largest businesses in the country; The Reynolds Group.

They had been one of the most successful businesses over the years and were said to be in the top echelon of society.

On getting to the store, she found out that there was a lot more security than usual. This was a high-end store. Why would there be a need for such security? It's not like a poor person could afford to shop here.

One of the security protocols opened the car for someone and a man whom she recognized came out. He was a classmate of hers at Mayfair University. She didn't expect to see any of her classmates so soon. She hid her face so that she would not be discovered.

She was popular in her class for being the best graduating student. Though they had not spoken before, she was sure that he wouldn't be able to recognize her if he saw her upfront because of her makeup. Still, she didn't want to run into him.

She hid behind the door and waited for him to enter before stepping into the store. She wasn't going to just leave the store because of him. Besides they didn't even know each other well, so why would she do that?

Entering the store she went to the ladies section to try out some clothes. She decided to go for some nice suits and shoes to match. As a chairman, she could not dress casually. She ended up picking about fifteen suits to use. Though she lived shopping, she didn't fancy the idea of buying someone in excess. Fifteen suits were just the right amount for her.

“Excuse me. I think I know you from somewhere”

Amelia turned back to see Edward approaching her. She had wanted to avoid him but here he was.

He came over and looked at her for a few seconds before he said “Sorry! You look familiar to someone I know. I'm sorry for the disturbance. Don't worry any item that you've picked up, is on the house”

“Phew! Amelia let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. It was just a small thing, there was no need to pay for her items. She kindly refused him and turned to go to the checkout.

She felt an arm on hers and looked to see that he had restrained her from moving. “Don't worry about it. I'm Edward Reynolds. I own this place”

“And I'm Amelia St….. I'm Amelia Brooke and I was just leaving”

His eyes widened as he heard her name. “Are you in any way married to Nathaniel Brooke?” He asked.

“Yes and do you mind. I'd like to leave now”

Edward's stone immediately turned friendlier. “Good day, Sister-in-law. I'm Edward, a friend of your husband. To think that your husband did not introduce you to me. It's good I ran into you here. Could we have lunch together?”

Amelia was surprised. She was happy that he didn't recognize her but was surprised at his boldness in asking her to lunch. She might have agreed if her marriage contract did not put any limitations on eating with unmarried men.

“I'm sorry, but if you know my husband like you said you do. You'd know that he wouldn't want me to have a meal with another man.” With that, she went to the checkout, paid for her clothes, and left.

Edward stood there shocked as he never expected her to leave in that manner. It seemed that Nathaniel had found someone loyal to him.

“Hmmm…. She didn't even agree to have lunch with me. Sister-in-law is really dedicated to Nathaniel. What an unusual couple!”

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