

Over the next few days. The company’s stocks continued to drop drastically. Even the press was not helping matters as the news article was voraciously published widely all over the country. It seemed that the person behind this was fanning the flames to force her to step down.

The executives of the company had all requested to have a meeting with her over this situation but Amelia had rejected all of them. She remained unbothered as she knew that the person would soon be forced to make a move.

Today, she was going to choose a new head for the design department. Out of the two candidates she had considered earlier, one of them showed more aptitude for leadership. And she had even found out that most of the designs in the company were actually his work that the credit had been taken over by the former head.

Amelia arrived at the office at eight o'clock that morning and as usual her routine, she went to check on a department in the company. Unlike the other day when she had gone round the department and found people late and not working, the staff were punctual and had already begun working.

The news of her firing the head of the design department must have sapped fear into them and made everyone sit up. She was going to ensure that the employees developed the right attitude to work.

As she inspected the other departments, she was approached by her assistant Antoinette, who went on to fill her in on the latest developments in their stock prices.

Amelia had decided to finish her inspection at the design department and use the opportunity to announce who their new head would be. The person she had appointed was Vincent who was currently not in charge of any role in the department.

He had submitted his designs for a new set of jewelry early and she found his to be more captivating than the other submissions she had received. He definitely possessed talent. His design plans had rhymed along with the new phase of the project she wanted to embark on after the stock prices became stable.

She had gone through his CV and found out that he was a first-class graduate from Berkeley University in Fashion and Design concept. Unfortunately, he was too outstanding when he joined the department so he had been sidelined by the former head of department.

With the proper training, he could take the design department to greater heights and so she decided to pick him to lead the department. And he was not loyal to the former head so he could do the job without any reservations.

Amelia headed over to the design department to announce this news. “I hope you’ve completed all the necessary documents, Ann?”

“Yes, ma. I have” Ann said as she pulled out a file from the ones she was holding on her hands.

“I have with me all the documents and protocols for the design department and I have also drafted the new employment letter for him” she added as they both walked to the department office.

“Good!” Amelia said as she smiled. She was happy that Ann had already prepared all the documents beforehand. She didn't want to have a secretary who would take the initiative to do things.

Ann was quick to open the door as they reached the front of the department. The departmental workers were already working when she arrived. They were really uptight after the drastic changes she had made the last time.

She swept a look across the office workers until her eyes came across the person she was looking for. She looked at Ann who nodded, taking a cue, and spoke “Mr. Vincent please step forward”.

“Your dedication to the Stone Jade Palace has not gone unnoticed by the company. From today you have been stepped up to the position of the head of the design department in the company.”

Ann stepped forward handing the file of documents to Vincent. Whilst separating it from the employment letter.

“A new employment letter has been drafted for you. You are to start your duties from today. I expect the design department to be top-notch and be at their game. Any questions you have can be directed to my secretary Ann”

And to the rest of you,” she said addressing the other employees. “I want to believe that you will work with Mr. Vincent here to bring the design to its best state. No form of defiance would be tolerated. You all should work together to make this a success”

With that, she was about to leave until she heard someone speak. “Excuse me ma, but I have a question”

She turned towards the person who spoke. The person shivered at her gaze and spoke. “I'm sorry ma, but with the recent development of the company's stock prices, some of us are worried about our jobs”.

Amelia smiled, their concerns were completely valid. “I give you all my word that none of you would be paid off. The situation is under control. Now if there's nothing else, you can all get back to your jobs. And for those who have not yet submitted their designs, you have till the end of next week”.

Amelia left the department and went to settle down in her office. For now, she was going to come up with strategies to leverage the situation of the company to increase its stock value.

No sooner had she settled in her office, than her office line rang. “Who is that?” she asked as she picked it up.

“It is Ann, Ma. The executives are in front of the reception demanding that they see you. They have threatened to shut down the activities of the department and boycott the activities of the company.

Amelia frowned as she heard that. The person behind this wanted to force her to make a move. Well, she wouldn't give them that pleasure. “Send them in,” she said to her assistant as she cut the call.

In no time, the executives matched into her room with angry-looking faces. They were all fuming as she had avoided them since.

“We want an explanation for this,” Mr. Alex said.

“The stock prices have already dropped so much. We demand that you step down from your position so that a more experienced candidate can handle the affairs of the company. If not”

“If not what,” Amelia said calmly as she reached for the mug of coffee on her table.

“We would have to shut down the operations of the departments in the company. Plus we would pull out our shares and sell them for a low price, thereby devaluing the market price of the stock prices even further”

Taking a sip of her coffee, she took a deep breath and proceeded to speak. “You can go ahead,” she said coldly.

“What?” The shareholders shouted in unison.

Just then, a clinking sound of notification rang out and the shareholders pulled out their phones. Their eyes widened on checking their screens.

Amelia could tell from their expression that the hidden person must have made his move.

She brought out her phone and read the headlines. “VANITY FAIR HOUSE SUES STONE JADE PALACE OVER COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT”

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