
Married On A Whim
Married On A Whim
Author: Quintel


After passing out from drinking too much at her bachelorette party, Amelia’s fiancé picked her up and brought her home to their apartment. After a long while, she forced open her eyes, holding back an excruciating headache. As her vision cleared she could make out the figure of a man and a woman kissing passionately in the dimly lit room.

Amelia stifled a scream as she saw the scene before her. Her fiancé whom she was supposed to get married to tomorrow was in bed with her best friend Jenna.

Like being struck by lightning, Amelia looked at the two in shock as they continued to kiss brazenly by her bedside. The anger inside her began to boil.

“Jenny, let's take this somewhere else, Amelia only just fell asleep!" the man said as he pinned the woman down by her waist.

“We've been together for the past three years, don't tell me you're afraid of your fiancé finding out about us now?" Jenna responded in an annoyed tone, "You are getting married tomorrow. Why don't you forget about everything and be with me tonight?!”

“Jenny babe, don't put me in a tight spot, you know I need to marry her to take over her company right, let's just go somewhere else" the man smiled smacking his lips.

Amelia tried to hold back her tears as she pretended to be asleep, but could feel them slowly trickling down her face. Who would have thought, that the man she was in love with and was about to marry the next day would be cheating right in front of her, with her best friend of all people?

Fine then, we can do it in the car" Jenna nudged the man's chest towards the door. As soon as the man left the room to open the car, she sauntered over to Amelia. Leaning over with a cold smile, she whispered, "Amelia, I'm not going to let you and Edward live in peace. As soon as he gets your properties. I'll destroy you, he's mine!”

Amelia tightened her hands into a fist as she held back her emotions - careful not to let out a sound. It was not until she heard the door being shut that she felt her world crumble.

No! This must be a dream, just a horrible nightmare, everything will be back to normal tomorrow!

Amelia continued to lie to herself. Halfway through the night, she heard the sound of a car driving off. It became clear to her that her relationship was over.

Grabbing her keys, she drove down to Spirity Bar, a famous bar she had visited a couple of times in the past. She wanted to drown all her sorrows in alcohol as the pain was too intense for her to bear.

The bar was nearly empty when she arrived. From her memory, the bar had never been this empty, but that was her concern. Tonight she was going to drink her pain away and forget that Edward or Jenna ever existed.

Amelia collapsed onto a chair as soon as she stepped into the bar. Her only thought was to drown her sorrows in alcohol. Nothing else mattered at this point.

There was no way she could get married to Edward, her fiancé tomorrow. She was dumb! Yes! Dumb enough to fall in love with a guy who was cheating on her but not dumb enough to get married to him after discovering his cheating ass.

She wondered how she got to this point; drinking away her sorrows. She had a PhD and two master’s degrees, she shouldn't be wasting herself like this.

She had her life all figured out; Finish her second PhD in Business Management, get married to Edward, secure the position at the family's business, and live happily ever after. That was the plan. But right now she didn't know which was better, to find out Edward was a cheat or to continue with her plan and never know what happened tonight.

As the night wore on, the anger and sadness eventually turned to numbness, courtesy of the alcohol. She had lost count of how many bottles she had downed, all she knew was that she enjoyed the numbness that came with the alcohol.

She looked across the bar, and her gaze settled upon a gentleman who was apparently wasting himself like she was doing tonight.

“Hmmm! Must have been cheated on like me”,

She mumbled under the influence of alcohol.

Not thinking straight, she staggered towards the stranger. What was going on in her mind at that moment, she didn't know. She wanted to find comfort, someone she could talk to.

Getting to the man's table, she found out that he was not as drunk as he appeared to be. He had a regal pose as if drinking alcohol was a sport for him. No, he didn't seem drunk at all, he looked as if he was in his right senses.

“Need something?” The man spoke, flashing a smile.

As she observed his features, she was marveled. The man had a broad chest, with a strong jawline that was sharp as if it was cut by diamonds. He was good-looking like Edward. No! His looks made Edward’s seem plain.

Amelia had seen her fair share of good-looking men, but this man seemed to be at the top of the list. He was cold and aloof but that only seemed to add more to his charm.

“One night with this stranger wouldn't seem bad,” she thought as she ogled on shamelessly.

“Done staring? A pretty lady such as yourself shouldn't be alone in a bar”.

As Amelia attempted to speak, everything started turning dizzy, until she passed out…..

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