

Amelia's eyes narrowed on seeing the news. She had already done a background check on the company and she was sure that the designs for the jewelry did not infringe any copyright laws.

The other executives quickly spoke up. “Hurry up and step down from the chairman position. Don't you see that the company is going to tear apart?

Amelia gripped her hand on the mug until it had a dent in it. She would never allow the company her mother suffered to build to go down. Never!

She shot a cold look across the executives and they all kept quiet as they were terrified. They wondered how a young lady could look so terrifying, but that would not stop them from achieving their aim.

Amelia chuckled and said “So tell me now, how would stepping down from the chairman position help solve the current crisis that we are facing? Except one of you is responsible and is seeking to use this opportunity to take over the company?”

“What are you saying?” They all chorused. “We are only trying to help you. Be quick and step down”

Mr. Alex, one of the shareholders, stepped forward and said “I would be happy to take over the position of chairman from you and I assure you that I can resolve this issue”.

Amelia narrowed her eyes at him. “I am not stepping down from any position. Give me five days. If I do not resolve this issue then I will step down gladly”.

The executives looked at each other before they nodded and agreed. “A week is all we give you. If you can resolve this issue then we would trust in your ability to lead this company.

Amelia smiled and said “Agreed and don't go back on your words later”

With that, the executives left one by one. When they were gone, Amelia called for Ann. She needed to strategize on how to deal with this matter carefully.

If she fails to resolve this matter, it would bring the stock prices of the company even lower. But she was confident in her capabilities. There was no way she would not win this.

Ann came in through the door along with Vincent. She was surprised as she had not called for him. She raised her brows in confusion and Vincent spoke.

“I saw the news Madam Chairman. As the head of the design departments, this would bring a lack of credibility to my department and I cannot stand that”.

“Fortunately ma, I was the one who came up with the idea of the “Lost to the Sun” pendant so I can tell you for a fact that it was not a product of copyright”

“Do you have evidence to support your claims?”

“Unfortunately No ma, the design was taken by the former head and he was given the credit for it. The design was deleted from my work tablet so I do not have any evidence to prove it”

Amelia sighed. “I admire your willingness to prove the truth but unless we have evidence, your claims are just claims that is all. Except you have like a drawing book when you may have drawn them or a record of you doing so. We do not have much of a defense with your claim”

Vincent's eyes widened as if remembering something. “I think I do, ma. I have a video recording I did when I was on a video call with my mother while working on the project. The date and time should be there”.

“Do you have the video now?” Amelia asked, looking unbothered but inside she was praying that he did. It would make her work easier.

He brought out his phone and after checking through it, he finally found the video. “I've found it” he announced as he brought up the video.

Amelia watched the video and it showed him on the tablet working on the Lost to Sun pendant. Amelia smiled. With this, she could prove the innocence of this.

“Thank you, Vincent. You have helped me immensely. With this, we can be sure to win the case.”

“No thank you ma,” he said. “I had lost all hope of ever making headway in my career. I was only on this job because I needed the pay. Thank you for giving me the passion to work again”.

He was very happy to have been able to help her in any way. He would make sure to give his best to take the company to greater heights.

“It's alright,” Amelia said. “Just send the video to Ann and make sure you are present during the hearing next tomorrow”

Vincent was surprised. “I never knew we had already been summoned to court?”

“I'd be the one doing the summoning for slander and defamation. Meanwhile, keep whatever had happened in this room under wraps. I trust you can do that, '' she asked.

He placed his finger on his mouth and did the zip sign. “My lips are sealed. If there is anything I wouldn't hesitate to do, just tell me,” he said as he left her office.

Amelia relaxed on her chair and sighed. Thankfully she didn't have to do much. “Have you been able to gather the information on the shareholders Ann?” she asked

Ann brought out a file from the ones she had been holding and presented them to Amelia. “Yes ma” she affirmed. “I have the details of every shareholder in that file”.

Amelia collected the files and read through them as she nodded her head smiling. She already had some of the details, she was happy to see that her assistant was very detailed in gathering information such as these.

“You did well Ann,” she said as she dropped the file on her desk. “I want you to inform all the department heads of a meeting with them by 3:00 pm today. Tell them I want to see their reports and plans for the next quarter. Tell Vincent that he doesn't have to do it but if he can come up with anything, turn that's fine also”.


At the Brooke's Enterprise

Nathaniel was sipping his coffee as he went through the latest reports of the stock market. Over the past few days, he had remained in the office because of the special project he was preparing for.

He was surprised to see that the stock prices of Stone Jade Palace had dropped steeply. It seems that he may have to intervene after all. He couldn't allow the company to go down as that would disrupt his plans.

Just then he noticed that the stock prices started dropping very low and fast. What could have happened to it? He picked up his phone and dialed someone.

“Do you have the information I asked you for? Send it to me. I am in need of it now. With that, he hung up the call.

“So she can't even handle a small company after all. Why didn't she meet me for help when she knows that I'm a successful businessman” he said aloud.

“It's because she is a proud and confident lady” Nathaniel heard and turned backwards to see Edward.

“Hurry up and help sister-in-law or I would do it. How could you allow her to suffer in this way when she is your wife?”

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