

At Crescent Peak Villa.

It was a top wealthy residential area in the city just like the word ‘peak’ in its name suggested. It spanned a huge area, but only five households occupied the place. Each household represented the five families at the peak of the business empires.

When Amelia disembarked from the car, she was stunned. If she thought that her father's mansion was magnificent, then this villa was even better.

She got to the gate and after showing them her I.D., she was handed a key to house 5 and given directions there.

She had sent her luggage earlier, and as confirmed by the security guards, they were waiting for her in front of the house.

She walked slowly to the house as she wanted to get familiar with her surroundings. She couldn't believe that she was now married and on top of that to a stranger.

Bringing out her phone from her bag she decided to do a simple research on her husband. With the rollercoaster of emotions, she felt since yesterday, she hadn't been able to look him up and married him out of desperation.

Entering his name into the search engine, she was shocked at what she saw. Her husband Nathaniel was not just a regular billionaire. He was at the upper echelon of the wealthy society.

Heir and the Current CEO of the Brooke family business, his net worth was about five hundred billion dollars. She knew on meeting him that he had the aura of a wealthy person. She just didn't expect him to be this staggeringly rich.

Her family's business which at the middle class of the wealthy society was only worth eighty billion dollars. She didn't know whether to be grateful for marrying such a rich person or to be mortified because, from her experience, more money came with more family problems.

Opening the lock of the house with the key, she entered only to notice that its interior was a stark contrast to the opulence and grandeur of its exterior.

The house had a dark, cold, and eerie aura just like its owner's. Most of the decor materials were of black color adding to the eerie vibe the house gave. Amelia felt as if she couldn't breathe. She wondered how anyone could live in such a hostile environment.

The house was neat and well-kept, a sign that the owner was a fastidious person.

“He must not like having people around”, she thought as she didn't see any servant or butler in the house.

The house was huge, very huge. She wondered why a person who wanted to live alone would purchase a big house like this.

“Maybe it's because of the seclusion and serenity this place provides,” she thought again.

She made a mental note to decorate the house. If she was to stay here then some things had to change. Feeling tired and exhausted, she dropped her luggage which was in Front of the house in the Master's bedroom.

Why she chose to stay in the master’s bedroom with a husband she didn't know, she couldn't explain. But she felt that being a wife that was the right thing to do. Of course, she would be happy to move if her husband didn't like it.

She got in the shower and let the water trickle over her to calm her nerves. She was so exhausted that she could sleep in there. Stepping out of the shower, she wore a night dress and slept off on the bed.

Amelia woke up to the sound of someone making a phone call. Mortified, she screamed until her mouth was closed by strong muscular hands.

Adjusting her view, her eyes came in contact with Nathaniel’s and it took her a second to remember that they were married and that this was his house.

As soon as she calmed down, Nathaniel removed his hands from her mouth.

“Why are you screaming so loudly?” he asked in a cold tone.

Adjusting her night dress, she scampered to the edge of the bed.

“I'm sorry. I thought you were a burglar or something. My first instinct was to scream”

“That would have been effective if you were trying to scream the man to death”, he commented dryly.

“Did you expect me not to come back to my own house or does the thought of you staying with a man scare you?”

“I'm sorry, I was just a bit startled”

“And to think, you moved straight into my bedroom. It seems you are bent on fulfilling your marital duties this night. Although I think you've done more than enough to yesterday?”

Amelia's eyes widened. She had not expected that from him. Fulfill marital duties! If not that she was drunk yesterday, she would have never slept with this man.

“If you don't like me staying in your bedroom, I could move out to another room,” she said as she reached for her things.

He raised his hands signaling her to stop.

“Forget it. Leave your things as they are. I'm not averse to the idea of us staying in the same room together”

Adjusting his tie, he sat on one of the sofas in the room. “As you are already awake, there are a few things you must abide by in this marriage.”

“Firstly, you must have no relations with any other man. I do not like people touching my things even when I'm not using them.”

“Secondly, you must not keep late nights and I must be aware of your whereabouts. These conditions are non-negotiable”

Amelia sighed as she listened to the conditions he gave. Well, she was already married to him. The least she could do was to follow these conditions.

“I agree but, the same applies to you too. Also for the time being I do not want news of our relationship to be out. Let's pretend as if we are not familiar with each other outside this house”

“Is that all?”

“Also, I would like to decorate this house. It is too eerie for me to live here”

Nodding his head in approval, Nathaniel lit a cigarette and went out to the balcony.

Amelia sighed as she lay down on the bed. This was to be her new life. Well, she has to see where it goes.

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