

At the Stone's Residence.

Amelia sighed as she disembarked from the car. As much as she wanted to take over the family's business, there was nothing she dreaded more than coming back to this mansion.

The mansion held many more memories than she would have liked to have. The good ones and the bad ones too.

The mansion had no elevator, so she was forced to use the stairs. She wanted to be as quick as possible, avoiding contact and unnecessary discussions as much as possible.

She entered the mansion hurriedly, increasing her pace with every step that she took.

At this moment, Mr. Thomas, the chubby butler, ran over. “Amelia, you’re back! It's finally good to have you here after so long”

“Please Mr. Thomas, I'm not here to exchange any pleasantries. Where's my father?”

The butler’s gaze softened “This household has missed you so much, Amelia. Nothing was the same after you left.

“You're wrong Mr. Thomas, everything changed after that night. There's nothing here for me”

The butler quickly adjusted his gaze l, “Mr. Stone has been expecting your arrival. He's in his study”

Amelia climbed the stairs all the way to the study. She paused as she stood in front of the study. The man in the person of her father was one whom she needed to meet and at the same time wanted to avoid any conversation with.

“Come in. I can smell your perfume all the way from here”, a voice that she recognized to be her father's, spoke from inside.

As she entered the room, Amelia's gaze met her father's, his expression unreadable. The room was bathed in a soft radiant glow, the air was thick with the scent of books and cigar smoke.

She noticed a few changes; a new desk, a new shelf, and a painting on the wall that she recognized to be hers.

“Mr. Stone”, she said her voice cold, steady, and devoid of emotion.

His expression turned cold as he heard her style of address.

“Mr. Stone…. that's new. It seems that that aunt of yours has put ideas into your head”

“I've done as you asked, here is the marriage certificate. I want us to finalize the transfer as soon as possible. I would like to start working tomorrow”

“Always in a hurry, just like your late mother. I never did tell you what killed her, did I?”

“I don't need your explanation. I know enough. Let's not waste any more time” I said trying to keep my composure.

My mother's death was a very sensitive topic for me and I didn't like anyone talking about it at all.

Amelia's Father gestured her to the seat in the study.

“Sit”, he said with a stern expression that gave no room for objection.

Amelia's heart sank. She had wanted this meeting to be brief and business-like. Instead, she found herself being pulled to the past.

“I see you've done as I asked. Well done! Thomas will finalize the transfer of power. You can start working tomorrow”

“If I may ask, why is Edward not with you?”

“You know about Edward?”

“Haa”, he sneered. “You don't expect me not to keep tabs on my daughter. Why is he not here with you? Isn't that the customary thing to do as newlyweds?”

“You have no right to keep tabs on me. Save your energy for your other family.”

“I got married to Nathaniel Brooke, not Edward, and if that's all, I would like to leave”.

Amelia's Father paused deep in thought as he tried to remember where he had heard of that name. Realization dawning on him, his eyes widened as someone flashed in his mind.

“Nathaniel Brooke of Brooke Industry? You've really outdone yourself Amelia. That'll be all. You can go”.

She exhaled as she exited the study. Speaking with her father had been mentally draining. She hated the fact that she had to come here. But this was what she needed to do to take over the company.

Walking across the hall, she couldn't help but notice that all the pictures of her mother were gone. She was ok with it this way, as she wouldn't have to suffer while looking at it.

Getting to her room she went straight for the drawer where all her belongings were neatly kept. As she looked around the room, she found out that the room was just as how she left it.

All she needed to do now was to carry everything that was hers here. A feeling of nostalgia swept over her as the image of her mother putting her to bed cropped up in her mind.

A tear slid down her cheek as she reminisced all the good times she had in this room before that fateful night.

“This is your room, Amelia, you are always welcome here. You don't need to take all your belongings out”

Amelia turned back to see Mr. Thomas leaning against the door and dabbing his eyes with a handkerchief.

Mr. Thomas may probably be the only person she would miss in this house. He had been there when she was growing up and had grown to be a part of her life that was still memorable.

“I would very much like to do the opposite, there's nothing for me in this house. I hope I don't come back here ever again”

Mr. Thomas sniffled “You've grown to be a fine young woman. I hope you end up being happy in your marital home”.

Not replying, Amelia turned to leave, her belongings in her hand. She only had a few things here. She had packed most of them when she left the house five years ago.



“Your father loves you, I hope you can see that before it's too late”

“Tell him to keep that love for his other family. I don't need it!”

With that, she turned around and left. Stepping out of the mansion, she turned around to take one last view. Suddenly her phone beeped and a message came in.

“Crescent Peak Villa, House 5. Make sure you get here before dawn.”

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